Ted`s presentation. - Social Media Biz Summit

Return on Relationship™
Message to Businesses: Change Your
Framework Change Your Future
Social is a
facilitator of
relationships, it
is not the
Trust is Built
• Based on interaction
• Consistency
• True to your word,
authentic, and genuine
Make it be about THEM
Ask “How can I serve you?”
Aim for Ongoing Engagement
Know the People in Your Audience
Think REPUTATION, not ranking…
CONNECTION, not network…
LOYALTY, not celebrity.
A “Brand” is what a business
does, and a “Reputation” is
what people remember.
Return on Relationship™
JetBlue Gets It!
Return on Relationship
Duane Reade Gets It!
Social Media drives engagement,
engagement drives loyalty,
loyalty correlates directly to
increased sales.
ROR (#RonR) = ROI
Listen for “Moments” — and Make it Personal
Collective Bias is a social shopper media company that weaves
organic social content into engaging real-life stories.
If you are only focused on the Money
You risk completely overlooking the
Just Be
Think like a child... and change your
creative mindset to one that works!
When someone
asks me what is
the ROI of
Social…I ask,
what is the ROI
of Trust, what is
the ROI of
Awareness = Revenues
Differentiators = Margins
Authenticity = Loyalty
All Measurable AND = Increased
You know what doesn’t work
for a social media strategy?
Want More from Social?
Empower Your Employees as Brand Advocates/Evangelists
Relationships ARE the new
currency –
honor them, invest in them, and
start measuring your ROR!
Return on Relationship…
“In the connection economy, trust and relationships are
the new currency. It's not a soft thing you do in your spare
time, it's the heart and soul of your business.”
~Seth Godin, Author of Tribes
Chief Social Marketing
Collective Bias
The next slides are only for
reference purposes post
Case Study: Duane Reade
The Challenge
Duane Reade, a pharmacy and convenience store located in the New York
metro area, was looking for fun ways to promote their existing private label
hosiery line. They created a Facebook photo contest, “Show Us Some Leg,”
asking people to upload photos of their Duane Reade hosiery. Duane Reade
was looking for online influencers to help promote the contest and the
product line at their stores.
Our Solution
We activated our online community and the Duane Reade VIP Bloggers from
Social Fabric to seed the contest with content, and promote the “Show Us
Some Leg” campaign. Bloggers shopped for hosiery at Duane Reade stores
and shared the experience and their thoughts with their audiences,
documenting everything with photos that supporting the photo contest on
Key Metrics
+28% Sales Lift
+89% Share of
1,948 Pieces of
Duane Reade saw a 5X Return on Investment for the campaign, and a 28%
sales lift for the entire product line during the campaign. The content
generated 19.7 mm impressions, and grew their Share of Voice against
competing brands by 76%.
Photo: Victoria of VeepVeep.com.
Case Study: MMA Elite
The Challenge
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Elite brand merchandise is sold in all Walmart Stores in the US.
This brand
is the only officially licensed Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) merchandise sold in
MMA fans were not aware that this high-quality MMA Elite merchandise was sold in every
We worked with MMA Elite to create a program to drive awareness, trial, and sales of
MMA Elite
merchandise at Walmart stores.
Our Solution
While 75% of MMA fans are men, women make or influence 85% of purchases. We took
the strategic approach of using female bloggers whose husbands and/or children were
fans of MMA to help promote the brand. Our online influencers went to Walmart and
shopped for MMA Elite apparel, documenting their path to purchase and sharing their
story on their blog and through social media. Many had MMA fans in their household
guest-post on their blog to share their passions around the growing sport. We also hosted
a Twitter Party featuring MMA Athletes raising awareness about the brand at Walmart.
Key Metrics
83 MM Impressions
+20% Sales Lift
+87% Share of Voice
14k Pieces of Content
1st Page Google
We far exceeded our goals of 10,000 pieces of social content and 40 million impressions,
by creating
13,635 pieces of content, with a total of 82.9 million impressions across Twitter, Blogs,
and other social
networks. Our program drove a 20% lift in merchandise sales at Walmart during the 4
week program.
Photo: Laura of About A Mom
Case Study: Smart & Final RSI
The Challenge
Develop an interactive and dynamic version of the traditional FSI that paired
highlighted items with online social content about how to use those items.
With Print circulation dwindling, investing in inserts is becoming increasingly
inefficient. Smart and Final sought to move that experience, and that
audience, to their website and increase circulation.
Our Solution
We created our online version of an FSI – an RSI, a Retail Social Insert. This
unique web experience recreated the familiar look and feel of a newspaper
insert, but highlighted prepared content from our community highlighting the
top items from the insert. Customers could instantly find high quality
engaging content on items on special. Content was syndicated and shared
across social channels, making the RSI site a hub of conversation across the
Key Metrics
12MM Impressions
14% SOV Increase
3X Increase in
7,180 Pieces of
The RSI drove online impressions to grow 300% immediately, generating 12
million impressions.
Photo: www.504main.com
Case Study: Cookie’s Kids
The Challenge
Cookie’s Kids is a children’s department store located in the New York Metro area. With 5
locations, they were looking to online sales to grow their business. They had seen some
success in being a low-cost leader in School Uniforms, but were looking for an effective
and cost-efficient way to drive sales and use social media to gain market share from their
online competitors. Cookie’s Kids looked to us to use social media content as a way to
drive sales, not just awareness, during the Back-to-School season.
Our Solution
Through our Social Fabric® community of online influencers and content producers, we
activated 35 Cookie’s Kids advocates to create content showcasing Cookie’s Kids great
value and wide selection of fashionable children’s clothing. With content geared toward
general awareness, school clothing, and school uniforms, our community members
shared their favorite outfit ideas, and huge savings over other retailers via blogs, Twitter,
and Pinterest.
In addition to the 35 advocates, Cookie’s Kids was included in a digital Back-to-School
eGuide for Moms. The Mom’s Guide was produced by celebrity bloggers and featured
four brands, including seven Cookie’s Kids products. Each product was endorsed by a
celebrity blogger. The eGuide was promoted through the celebrity blogger networks as
well as 20 Social Fabric influencer’s networks creating additional exposure for Cookie’s
Kids. Twitter Parties were also held to promote these themes, which resulted in an
increase in sales after each one.
Key Metrics
27MM Impressions
1st Page Google
2.5 X ROI
+12% Share of
10,626 Pieces of
Through ongoing media produced for Cookie’s Kids, using a combination of longer-tail
social tactics like Pinterest and blog posts, along with even-based Twitter “pulsing.”
Collective Bias enabled Cookie’s Kids to reverse a sales decline during a peak month, and
drive incremental sales.
Photo: http://www.roastedbeanz.com.
Case Study: Tyson
The Challenge
Develop a social media campaign for Tyson to drive awareness and trial of
new Mini Chicken Sandwiches in a limited number of Walmart stores. Tyson
also wanted to educate customers on how to properly prepare the product.
Our Solution
A total of 176 foodie and lifestyle bloggers were activated over 12 weeks to
create content about the fun new product. They shared recipes and personal
stories about how they used the Mini Chicken Sandwiches, focusing on the
product as a quick after school snack, quick dinner or lunch and an on-the-go
breakfast item. In addition to the blogger activation, we had two Twitter parties
and engaged two external communities - Mom Spark and Macaroni Kid.
Key Metrics
+30% Sales Lift
1st Page Google
31MM Impressions
+76% Share of
+54% UPSPW Post Demo
Tyson experienced a 30% increase in units per store per week (UPSPW) in
just 4 weeks. Towards the end of the campaign we promoted an in-store co-op
demo, which resulted in a 54% increase in UPSPW. See content on Pinterest
Photo: thanksmailcarrier.com
Case Study: Nestle Ice Cream
The Challenge
Increase awareness and drive traffic to “The Walmart Ice Cream Social”, an
in-store demonstration event focusing on Nestle’s Dreyer’s, Edy’s and
Drumstick ice cream at Walmart during Memorial Day and Independence
Day weekend.
Key Metrics
+37% Sales Lift
32MM Impressions
Our Solution
A total of 110 lifestyle bloggers were activated to create content around
Nestle ice cream and the in-store demos. Participants were challenged to
have their own ice cream social to coincide with the Walmart demos across
the country from Memorial Day to Independence Day. Bloggers increased
awareness and traffic to the holiday demos with content shared on their blog
and social networks. Social Fabric® ice cream lovers created content,
weaving the products into their own ice cream socials providing a constant
buzz of conversation between the two demos.
+13% Share of
The plan was to increase the sell-through rate on Walmart in-store demos,
promote the products, and amplify advertising messages on existing media.
In addition to the social influencer activation, we hosted an hour-long Twitter
Party that served as a quick pulse of content to generate additional
impression for the brands and demos.
Photo: Thegunnysack.com
Case Study: Orville Redenbacher
The Challenge
Create a social media program to help promote the trail and sales of Orville
Redenbacher’s new Pop Up Bowls product in Walmart and enhance existing
media spends through social conversation and content creation.
Our Solution
We activated 70 party loving Social Fabric® to help promote the new Pop Up
Bowls product as a “March Madness” snack. Bloggers received the product
before it launched in store to create buzz and excitement. After launch, Party
BluPrints (PBP) created a Superbowl, Oscar and March Madness party
blueprint featuring the Pop Up Bowls. Bloggers then documented their path
to purchase and emulated a party based on PBP’s bluprints. In addition to
the campaign content, PBP was featured on The Today Show, which ignited
a conversation online. In addition to content, we held a Twitter Party and ran
a Facebook sweepstakes to generate awareness for the new product.
Key Metrics
+37% Sales Lift
3-week extension of
Walmart exclusivity
+5% Share
of Voice
+26 Share of Voice in
Relation to Walmart
Share of Voice: While the campaign increased Orville Redenbacher’s online
share of voice by 5%, we saw a 26% increase in its share of voice in relation
to Walmart during the same time period.
Shelf Impact: The social buzz created an increased demand for the product
and the Pop Up Bowls received a 3-week extension of Walmart exclusivity.
Case Study: Duane Reade VIP Bloggers
The Challenge
Duane Reade is a regional drugstore in the New York region with more than
230 stores. They were seeking a way to create a scalable content production
solution to build local awareness, publicize their store events, special deals,
and vendor partner activations. Since Duane Reade is a regional retailer,
they needed a social activation and content producers to be as local as
Our Solution
Collective Bias created a media program using select local influencers over a
seven month period to create ongoing content around Duane Reade
products and promotions. Coordinated with Duane Reade’s marketing
calendar, we produced content focusing on key Duane Reade products and
themes and created the new “Look Boutique,” a microsite aggregating all the
social content into one place.
Key Metrics
+46.5K Facebook
+2% Share of Voice
47,515 Pieces of
The Collective Bias media program drove over 47,500 brand mentions,
resulting in 195MM impressions of Duane Reade content online at a CPM of
$1.28 to generate the same number of impressions, and achieve similar
reach in traditional media, the retailer would have had to purchase over $4.9
MM in ads at a $25.13 CPM from USA Today, for example. While Duane
Reade carved out a respectable 2% Share of Voice, compared to retailing
giants Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid, it actually owned 26% of total
impressions generated among these industry competitors thanks to the
media reach generated by its Collective Bias influencers.
Photo: http://www.mandiialamode.com
Case Study: Glidden
The Challenge
Drive awareness and trail of Glidden’s paint “Testers” at a limited number of
Walmart stores.
Our Solution
We developed a content marketing plan to increase awareness of the
product and drive traffic to a digital coupon for two weeks. We activated 30
lifestyle and do-it-yourself influencers to makeover their room of choice by
completing various design “challenges” to promote the digital coupon and the
Glidden Testers at Walmart. Challenges ranged from “Break the Color
Rules,” “The Big Reveal,” and “The Color Challenge”. In each challenge,
bloggers wrote a “before” post asking readers to help choose the paint color
among three Glidden Testers. Participants documented and shared their
progress with their audience along the way. The final post was an “after” post
revealing the finished makeover.
Key Metrics
+67% Sales Lift
15MM Impressions
+12% Share of
Sales Lift: The program drove a sales increase of 67%, and the attractive
user-generated content from this campaign drove the Glidden Brilliance Paint
to its first $1 million weekend ever at Walmart.
Photo: www.tonyastaab.com.
Case Study: Kmart Outdoor
The Challenge
Raise awareness for Kmart’s budget-friendly, high-quality outdoor living
products with the goal of helping Kmart reposition its brand to be top-of-mind
for outdoor living shoppers.
Our Solution
We tapped 40 highly visible online lifestyle and design influencers to make
over their backyards with Kmart Outdoor Living products. They teased out
their projects with before photos and a guess-the-retailer post for their
readers. A final post with after photos and the big retailer reveal detailed for
readers how they could recreate the makeover.
The content sparked online conversations about quality and variety of
selection at Kmart. As a result, Kmart’s brand perception increased in the
outdoor living category. The campaign broke down quality and style barriers
and put Kmart in the consideration set for patio furniture with the audience
and promoted Kmart’s central message, “This is Kmart.”
Key Metrics
16MM Impressions
3.5MM Blogger
12.3MM Twitter
2.4K Pieces of Content
859 Flickr Views
Photo: bubblynaturecreations.com