Marketing pecans through Nut Tree Pecan Company

Nut Tree Pecan Company
Who We Are
 Frank Wetherbee
 Founder, pioneer & pecan grower since 1960
 Tom Stevenson
 Western grower and Albany grower since 1990’s
 Father of Southeast hedging
 J.W. Christiansen
 Joined Nut Tree Co-Op in 1982 and grower since 1974
 Georgia Pecan Commodity Commission board member
 Lamar Jenkins
 Joined 2011, Nurseryman extraordinaire
 V.P. Southeastern Growers Association
Frank Wetherbee
Frank & Patty
Tom Stevenson & Pepper
J. W. Christensen
Laverne Glass 43 Years
Hank Price 25 years
What We Do
 Custom Cleaning
Modern, high capacity plant & warehouses
 Auction Marketing
 Custom bagging
50,000 + pounds per hour 50 pound bags
 Direct Exporting
Multiple market monitoring
 Nursery
 Hedging
 Orchard management
What Nut Tree Can Do For You
 Clean & Market
Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas
 Export
Multiple service options
 Bag
USDA inspection/ Full Service
 Buy
 Exchange information
 Provide Nursery Trees
 Hedge
 Every situation is different. Call Us (229) 432-2636 x104
Very Diverse Market Perspective
 Growers
 Over 2,500 acres of improved, irrigated varieties
 High input producers circa $ 1,500 per acre
 Industry service providers
 Cleaners, marketers
 Best prices for us & growers
 Nursery
 Exporters
 Schermer Pecan brand
 Fund Raising line since 1946 / 1977
Well Block Orchard
Cleaning & Drying
Schermer Pecans
Market Outlook 2012
 Large off year crop
 Large “Carry In” 180M pounds ????
 Later Chinese New Year
 Very high prices last two years
 Volatile markets / Low opening
 Gift Packers and Fundraisers challenge
 Breakeven last two years
 Need for smoother sustainable market conditions
 Domestic and world challenges / Opportunities
 Bad economy, unrest, growing world middle class
What’s Happening Now
 Lot’s of Chinese interest in good deals
 Downward Market pressure holding
 Expect good demand for large Pecans
 Blend competition from Mexico and South Africa
 Freezer inventory moving to China
 Almond supply is very high but prices good
 Points to world promotion and increasing middle class
 I expect prices to elevate slightly and stabilize at
sustainable level for all
East west divide continues to develop
Getting The Most Crop Value
 Stay informed
 Give good information
 Be realistic
 Provide good samples
 Larger Lots
 Dry Nuts
 Uniformity extremely important to in-shell exports
Questions/ Comments