TLC PowerPoint Presentation

Teen Leadership Camp
Teen Leadership Camp
(TLC) Introduction
 District 5300 Goals for Teen Leadership Camp (TLC)
 TLC Participation Process
 Publicizing TLC Application
 Location – Thousand Pines Camp
District 5300 Goals for
Teen Leadership Camp
 Developing an understanding of Rotary among
youth participants
 Utilizing Rotarians as role models
 Recognition of participant’s efforts,
accomplishments, skills, and potential as a leader
 Develop leadership skills of youth participants
Teen Leadership Camp
(TLC) Participation Process
April 20, 2014- Obtain information at the District Assembly.
May 1, 2014- Get Board approval for participation.
May 29, 2014– Submit TLC 2013 Club Application Form to TLC Participant Coordinator.
July 1, 2014– Send a check to District for the $300 x the number of students you want to send to TLC.
September 1, 2014– Distribute the Parental Consent for Participation & Medical Treatment to the Schools for the students to complete.
September 19, 2014- Get the applications in from the school. Start the interview process with each student, alternates too. Alternates must
be submitted at the same time to be accepted.
September 29, 2014– Send Parental Consent for Participation & Medical Treatment to the Registrar. Please send the alternates application in
at the same time.
October 10, 2014– Hold orientation meeting with Students and their Parents.
October 20-24, 2014– Students attend a weekly Rotary Club meeting.
October 31 – November 2, 2014 Rotary Teen Leadership Camp.
Publicizing Teen Leadership
Camp (TLC) Applications
 Rotary Clubs are required to submit equal number
of male and female students
 Each participant MUST be in the eighth grade, no
older than 14 years old and no younger than 12
years old
 The TLC committee encourages the selection of any
Youth Exchange Students your clubs may be
 Participants should be well prepared for the TLC
experience and have knowledge of Rotary
Thousand Pines Camp
 Thousand Pines Christian Camp and Conference
 Built in 1939 by the Gregory Family
 Arthur Gregory inspired by his faith donated 10
acres of land to start a Baptist Camp the same year
the lake was done
 Today Thousand Pines can hold up to 500 campers
 They have utilized the materials on their land to
build additional cabins
 TLC is a camp designed for eighth graders
 We help develop participant leadership skills
 They make friends throughout our district
 Helps build self confidence and self esteem
 Helps builds our Interact Clubs
Where to Get More
 Under Youth, Community, and Service Projects
 Teen Leadership Camp (TLC)
 Mark your Calendars for October 31 – November 2, 2014
 Hope to See You There!!