Discount and mark

A store pays $1.50 for a bag of candy. If
the store wants to mark-up the price 60%,
how much will the store sell the bag of
candy for?
100% = $1.50
Price after mark-up: $2.40
20% =
20% =
20% =
Ruby’s Slippers buys a pair of shoes for $38.
If Ruby marks up the shoes 40%, what will
she sell them for?
100% = $38
Price after mark-up: $53.20
20% =
20% =
A baking dish is regularly priced at $10.99.
If Kelly has a 5% coupon, how much will she
pay for the dish?
Price after coupon:
5% =
100% = $10.99
Cyrus is buying a pair of dress pants for $55.
They are on sale for 30% off. How much
money does he need to pay for his pants?
Price after discount: $38.50
10% =
10% =
10% =
100% = $55