Dipartimento di Scienze umanistiche, a.a. 2014—15 LM37 (Lingue e

Dipartimento di Scienze umanistiche, a.a. 2014—15
LM37 (Lingue e culture europee ed extraeuropee)
Lingua inglese contemporanea (3 cfu)
prof. Iain Halliday, class 3 of 9, 2/12/14, 14:00—16:00, teaching room A6
Yesterday in tackling the translation of an extract from the beginning of Bellos’s prologue from Is That a Fish in Your Ear? we began to see something of the complexities of translation. Today I’d like to engage in some egocentric consideration of my own writing by reading the opening to my own book, Huck Finn in Italian, Pinocchio in English: Theory and Praxis of Literary Translation. I think we’ll find that there is at least one important parallel with Bellos’s opening. 