Rabén & Sjögren
Rights catalog
Autumn 2013
O_Frankfurt katalog.indd 1
2013-08-30 19:01
Picture books
New picture book by Jujja Wieslander!
Jujja Wieslander & Lotta Geffenblad
Vina Vinas vargpinne
Vina Vina’s Wolf Stick
Jujja Wieslander is one of our most beloved
children’s books creators. She is a master at
transforming the simplest everyday event into
a grand adventure in the young child’s world.
Everybody knows Jujja Wieslander’s world-famous
picture book characters, Mamma Moo and Crow.
Vina Vina is a new exciting acquaintance for the
slightly younger children.
170x170mm, 32 pp.
0–3 years
Vina Vina fiskar med pinnen.
Det är en metspöpinne.
Dropp dropp dripp,
det blir ringar i vattnet.
Vina Vina fäller ner pinnen.
Stopp i pang!
Här kan ingen komma fram.
Rabén & Sjögren Agency
P.O Box 2052
SE-103 12 Stockholm, Sweden
Visitors: Tryckerigatan 4
Phone: +46 10 744 2300
Lillevi Cederin lillevi.cederin@rabensjogren.se
Kerstin Öberg kerstin.oberg@rabensjogren.se
Rabén & Sjögren Agency is the rights division of
Rabén & Sjögren, Norstedts Publishing Group.
Cover illustration from Ska vi va? by Pija Lindenbaum.
O_Frankfurt katalog.indd 2
2013-08-30 19:01
Picture books
Board books with
exciting vehicles
and a lot of animals!
Ingela P Arrhenius
Titta bussen!
Look, Bus!
Titta apan!
Look, Monkey!
Ingela P Arrhenius’ irresistible
illustrations in strong, bright
colors are a must for those
who love design and color.
160x160mm, 16pp.
0–3 years
Emelie Andrén & Anna Härmälä
Jobbargubbar – Vera och Vilgot
fixar bygget
Handy Handymen – Vera and
Vilgot Work Construction
Siv Widerberg & Matti Lepp
Moa och Samir – De nya stövlarna
Moa and Samir – New Boots
Vera and Vilgot both love to do woodwork,
to hammer, build and paint, they are
handymen – handy handymen!
Moa is not happy when Dad tries to dress
her to go out. She protests and fights with
Dad. She wants to do it herself.
Emelie Andrén’s wonderfully genuine
language has that little extra, and Anna
Härmälä has illustrated the story with her
lovely, detailed and humorous pictures.
Siv Widerberg and Matti Lepp are two
veterans in the world of children’s books
who have listened to children’s dialogues
for ages!
195x247mm, 32 pp.
3–6 years
180x180mm, 32 pp.
0–3 years
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 3
Captures defiance perfectly!
2013-08-30 19:06
Picture books
A great Christmas thriller!
Lotta Olsson & Benjamin Chaud
Tro på tomten
Believe in Santa Clause
An exciting and wonderful Christmas thriller in
24 chapters. Lotta Olsson knows how to keep tension
up and surprise her readers, and Benjamin Chaud
has captured the Christmas spirit, daily life and all the
fantastical creatures with the same colorful generosity.
There is something spooky about Christmas!
245x265mm 104pp
3–6 years
Det är kväll, den tredje dagen, och pappa
ändå vill att man ska låtsas att de menar det
står än en gång och balanserar på kökspallen
de säger.
”Är den till tomten?”
borta vid fönstret.
”Jag begriper inte”, säger han. ”Det här är
Och nu håller någon andan och väntar, och
den fjärde eller femte glödlampan jag provar
när väntan är slut och han kan andas igen, har
med. Det måste vara något fel på själva stjär-
han hållit andan så länge att det blir som ett
litet skrik när luften släpps ut.
Det skulle nog ha kunnat bli ett långt skrik,
”Vi får väl köpa en ny i morgon då”, säger
ett skrik som det skulle finnas en risk att nå-
Köpa en ny.
gon kunde höra. Det skulle nog ha kunnat
Nu skulle de kanske ha kunnat höra det
bli det, men det blir det inte. För nu läggs en
där skrattet igen, det där liksom vemodiga,
hand för hans mun: den lilla håriga handen
nästan lite hesa skrattet. Det skulle de kanske
med de långa fingrarna och de ännu längre
ha kunnat göra, om de lyssnat riktigt noga.
klorna (fast klorna är för säkerhets skull noga
indragna nu).
Men det gör de inte.
”Sch! De kan höra dig.”
Inte ens Tilda lyssnar, för hon sitter vid
Den spretiga svanstofsen vispar oroligt
köksbordet och arbetar koncentrerat med sin
fram och tillbaka.
”Nej, du har väl aldrig trott på tomten,
”Är den till tomten?” säger mamma, med
Tilda?” säger pappa och kliver ner från
en sådan där röst som vuxna har när de skäm-
pallen med den sorgliga stjärnan i handen,
tar och vet att alla vet att de skämtar, men de
INL_Tro pa tomten.indd 14-15
2013-03-21 14:03
The genuine spirit of a fairytale
Lena Arro & Catarina Kruusval
Tomten och den röda halsduken
Tomten and the Red Scarf
With the genuine spirit of a fairytale,
this is a warm and beautiful story about
friendship and respect. Lena Arro’s
story has just the right tone for a fairytale
and Catarina Kruusval is a master at
depicting nature.
An entirely irresistible tale about a red
scarf and a tomte. Not a big loud
Santa Clause dressed in red, but a
small, stubborn and serious tomte.
Lagom till jul var han framme,
just här i trakterna där du och jag bor.
Med halsduk och grötslev,
röd vinterrock och utvuxet skägg.
Precis som en riktig tomte.
Och det var inte så konstigt,
för han var ju en riktig tomte.
så jag är inte ledsen för att min halsduk försvann. Den blev
ju upphittad och kom till bättre nytta för tomten än för mig.
Kanske var det just därför jag tappade den!
195x254mm, 32pp
3–6 years
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 4
2013-08-30 19:06
Picture books
Pija Lindenbaum
Pija Lindenbaum is a unique picture book artist.
Her combination of text and illustration with
much humor and originality is characteristic for
her many successful books. Her books have
been translated into more than 10 languages.
Pija Lindenbaum
Ska vi va?
Want to Hang Out?
The new picture book by Pija Lindenbaum poses important
questions about honesty and human compassion. It is a fun
relationship drama loaded with exciting and important questions.
220x290mm, 32pp.
3–6 years
Flisan har en ny sax. Hon klipper
lite olika grejer.
Nu pickar det på altandörren.
Det är bara Flisan som hör det.
Va?! Kanske är det pizzakillen?
Varför kommer han på baksidan?
Till slut välter stenen.
– Nu får ni lite sol på er! ropar Berit.
Under kryllar det av små gråa djur. Dom springer åt alla
möjliga håll och krockar med varandra. Det finns några
maskar också. Dom bor där tillsammans.
– Hur kan dom andas där under? säjer Flisan.
– Det behövs inte, svarar Berit bara.
– Nu vill dom väl ha mat? säjer Flisan.
– Ja, helst räkor, säjer Berit. Men om vi inte har det så kan vi ta gräs.
Då tar dom gräs. Och sen petar dom på äckliga saker bakom garaget.
När djuren ska sova stänger Berit och Flisan stenen igen.
– Gånatt gånatt! ropar dom och bonkar tills dom nästan
ramlar omkull.
Det är så kul att dom inte märker
vem som kommit.
I_Ska vi va?.indd 8-9
2013-05-23 10:00
I_Ska vi va?.indd 32-33
2013-05-23 09:59
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 5
2013-08-30 19:06
Picture books
Lena Anderson’s Mollan is totally irresistible!
Mollan is Grandma’s very best friend.
Together they discover the world! And
the world, even the tiny world around
Grandma’s house, is a great adventure.
Mollan och bullarna
Mollan and the Cinnamon Rolls
Mollan och mormor
Mollan and Grandma
First published in 2002.
170x190mm, 28pp.
0–3 years
Barbro Lindgren & Eva Eriksson
Lilla lokomotivet Rosa
Rosa, the Little Train Engine
Stora syster Lille bror
Big Sister Little Brother
The world’s most mischievous
Bull Terrier.
A great mix of humor and
thoughtfulness in a fun story
about being young while still
having great responsibility.
First published in 1995.
Barbro Lindgren’s text closely
captures a dog’s adventures.
Eva Eriksson illustrates Rosa
lovingly and with great insight into
a dog’s life. An insightful dog
portrait first published in 1995.
170x210mm, 32pp
3–6 years
195x247mm, 32pp
3–6 years
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 6
2013-08-30 19:06
Picture books
Gunilla Bergström
Gunilla Bergströms books about Alfie Atkins are classic among
children’s literature today. Since the first book was published
in 1972 more than twenty-five stories about Alfie and his world
have been published. They are often psychological everyday life
mini-dramas where children are taken seriously. Humor and
magic in the midst of reality are common story features.
Alfie Atkins has been translated into approximately thirty
different languages and is continuously published in new editions.
Close to five million Alfie books have been printed for the Swedish
market alone.
Alfons hittar andra ord
Alfie Finds Other Words
Practice synonyms with Alfie
The fourth book in the educational and fun
series Clever and Fun with Alfie, based on
Gunilla Bergström’s picture book character
Alfie Atkins. Children are encouraged to
discover language and to play with words.
200x230mm, 32pp.
3–6 years
Gunilla Bergström
Alfons Åberg – De tre första berättelserna
Alfie Atkins – The First Three Stories
Gunilla Bergström’s first three much loved books about
Alfie Atkins in a unique collection: Good Night, Alfie
Atkins, Very Tricky, Alfie Atkins and Hurry up, Alfie Atkins!
Clever picture books that you can read over and over.
170x230mm, 88pp.
3–6 years
Astrid Lindgren & Ilon Wikland
Visst kan Lotta nästan allting
Lotta’s Christmas Surprise
Lotta på Bråkmakargatan
Lotta on Troublemaker Street
Visst kan Lotta cykla
Lotta’s bike
The books about Lotta on Troublemaker
Street with new fresh covers.
210x280mm, 40pp
3–6 years
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 7
2013-08-30 19:07
Picture books
Pernilla Stalfelt
Pernilla Stalfelt is one of Sweden’s most daring and
interesting authors of children’s books. Since her
debut in 1996 she has, with her ability to handle
difficult subjects in an intelligible and joyful manner,
created picture books for all ages. Pernilla Stalfet’s
work has received much attention and has delighted
the public as well as the media. Her books have
been translated into to more than 14 languages.
Pernilla Stalfelt
The Food Book
A food
beyond the
What is food, really? Where does it go when
we have finished chewing and it disappears
down our throats?
A fun, liberating and entertaining book about
food and about what happens when we eat.
170x230mm, 32pp.
3–6 years
Det finns fjärilar som
inte äter någonting
under hela sitt liv.
Larver är okej.
De äter bara blad.
Men det tycker
nog inte bladet.
De kanske inte ens har
någon mun – för vad skall
de med den till?
De vill bara para sig med
andra fjärilar och lägga ägg –
sen dör de.
Det finns också …
= man äter på kvällen.
Tänk om vi skulle vara så …
Och kunna lägga ägg.
Två myggor dinerar tillsammans = de äter på kvällen.
Hoppas de har trevligt!
INL_Matboken.indd 8-9
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 8
2013-03-11 15:37
2013-08-30 19:07
Picture books
Seven knights –
seven magical tales!
Christina Björk & Eva Eriksson
Riddare och drakar
Knights and Dragons
To the great joy of many children who like to play knights and
want to read about them, here is a collection of newly written
knight stories by Christina Björk. The stories are illustrated by
Eva Eriksson who has created exciting and detailed pictures
of knights and dragons.
This sterling storybook of just the right length, contains seven
irresistible knight tales, seven knights, seven dragons and an
occasional monster.
Heimdalls list
Their previous book Princesses and Dragons has sold in
20,000 copies.
Det var en gång en riddare som hette Heimdall, men ännu
var han bara en pojke. Det var bestämt att han skulle bli något
viktigt när han blev stor. Därför var han tvungen att lära sig
en massa viktiga saker: tända eld, plöja och så, smida verktyg
och skriva runor, de bokstäver man använde på den tiden.
– Puh, vad jobbigt, sa Heimdall, skriva runor är värst.
Det var inte så konstigt, för på den tiden hade man inte
uppfunnit papper. Viktiga saker var man tvungen att rista in
i sten. Eller möjligen på en träbit.
Heimdall brukade gå till trädet Yggdrasil, som var så
stort så man knappt såg toppen. Där drack han vatten ur tre
magiska källor vid Yggdrasils rötter. Det vattnet gav kraft och
mod och vishet, som alltid är bra att ha. När morgondaggen
föll från Yggdrasils löv förvandlades den till honung.
Heimdall visste att den fruktansvärda ormdraken
Nidhögg bodde under Yggdrasil. Han gnagde på trädets
rötter. Uppe i trädet fanns en del djur. Överst bodde en örn.
Inne i den enorma trädkronan klättrade fyra kronhjortar,
konstigt nog. Och så sprang en ekorre upp och ner i trädet.
Det var ju mindre konstigt. Under trädet satt en del björnar
och väntade på bladens honungsdagg.
När Heimdall kom gående mot Yggdrasil upptäckte
alltid örnen det och sa det till ekorren, som sprang ner och
230x240mm, 40pp.
3–6 years
I_Riddare och drakar.indd 10-11
2013-04-18 13:56
Grethe Rottböll & Lisen Adbåge
Hästfesten – Tio vilda hästar hittar hem
A Horse Party – Ten Wild Horses Find
Their Way Home
A Horse Party is an entertaining and exciting,
fast-paced adventure and a story about
friendship and belonging.
The ten colorful horses delighted their readers
in the first picture book, Ten Wild Horses,
a Counting Tale. Critics praised the rhymed
counting verses and the wonderful pictures.
215x280mm, 32pp
3–6 years
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 9
2013-08-30 19:07
Picture books
Learn maths outdoor
Emma Adbåge
Räkna med naturen
Outdoor Math
Twenty-two fun math problems with games and competitions
to do outdoors. When all senses get to be involved, children
learn more and better remember what they have learned.
All exercises can
be done with things
you find outside.
200x240mm, 32pp
3–6 years
FEM = I en vanlig bil får det plats fem människopersoner. Om en sitter i mitten där bak.
Och alla måste ha bälte!
ÅTTA = Om man upptäcker åtta små skor i hallen,
så vet man att det är spindelskor. En spindel har
nämligen åtta fötter! Tänk att den orkar knyta!
SEX = Sex ben har en skalbagge. Ibland har de ju
vingar också, men de används bara när skalisen
blir trött i benen.
NIO = När du har slagit dig och snubblat
på alla dina stackars tår, utom EN.
Då har du nio plåster på dina nio onda tår.
SJU = En vecka är sju dagar lång.
Måndag, tisdag, onsdag,
torsdag, fredag, lördag
och söndag!
TIO = Så många fingrar har du
på dina fingervantar
Och på dina händer
photo picture book
Farzad Farzaneh & Viktor Gårdsäter
När pappas farmor dog
When Dad’s Grandmother Died
Sensitive picture book about a difficult subject.
Farzad Farzaneh works as a screenwriter and movie director.
Viktor Gårdsäter is a photographer and a visual artist.
220x180mm, 32pp
3–6 years
Till slut kommer Frank fram.
Vilka stora träd, säger Frank.
Nu kan vi gå till skogen, säger han.
Ja, det är för att de är så gamla, säger pappa.
Är de lika gamla som din farmor?
Nej, de här är mycket äldre.
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 10
2013-08-30 19:07
Easy reader
Astrid Lindgren’s beloved stories
Astrid Lindgren’s beloved stories about Emil
and Madicken, are perfect for those who have
just started reading. Fantastic four-colour
illustrations by Björn Berg and Ilon Wikland.
Astrid Lindgren & Björn Berg
Inget knussel, sa Emil i
No Stinginess, Said Emil
145x210mm, 64pp.
6–9 years
Astrid Lindgren & Ilon Wikland
Jullov är ett bra påhitt,
sa Madicken
Mardie’s Christmas Holiday
145x210mm, 64pp
6–9 years
More books for beginner readers
Annelie Drewsen &
Sofia Falkenhem
Stella skaffar ett syskon
Stella Gets Herself a Brother
Sofia Johansson &
Per Gustavsson
Nils hjälper laget
Nils Helps the Team
Stella’s greatest dream is to have a
sibling. She is sick of waiting, so when
her friend Sam asks if she wants his
little brother, she says yes. Though
was that really such a good idea?
Nils has a secret: he crochets.
But he doesn’t talk about it –
it’s too embarrassing.
145x210mm, 64pp
6–9 years
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 11
145x210mm, 64 pp.
3–6 years
2013-08-30 19:07
6–9 years
Touching about divorce
Bo R Holmberg
Sju tusen steg
Seven Thousand Steps
Siri’s parents have separated. Just to try it out.
Their houses are only two kilometers apart, but
sometimes it feels like ten.
“Love between adults is tricky,” Dad says. “It doesn’t
always last. But there is a love that always does.
The one for a child. That’s how it is.”
A gentle story that hits you right in the heart.
6–9 years
9–12 years
A new star in the world
of children’s books!
Cilla Jackert
Dagens katastrofer
Today’s Catastrophes
It is summer and Majken thinks about catastrophes. In her notebook
she uses a red pen for murder, yellow for disease, green for accidents
and purple for natural disasters. And things don’t improve when Mom
bring home a drooling dog.
9–12 years
Cilla Jackert is a movie- and television
screenwriter and has written a number
of popular TV-series, as well as the feature
movie Känn ingen sorg, based on Håkan
Hellström’s lyrics and music.
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 12
2013-08-30 19:07
9–12 years
Katarina von Bredow
Katarina von Bredow
Du och jag
You and I
A novel about relationships
for middle graders.
Nothing is missing in
Katarina von Bredow’s
new trilogy about life in middle-school. She portrays, with
a sensitive hand and a strong drive, budding love, developing
friendship and parents who snap.
At the age of 17 Katarina von Bredow made her sensational
literary debut with the highly appreciated Syskonkärlek.
She writes books for teenagers and for children, about love
and strong desire, often forbidden and painful, as well as
magnificent. Her books has been translated into German,
Dutch, Italian, Norwegian, Danish and Finish.
9–12 years
On the border between
childhood and teenhood
Ida Pyk
Bättre snart
Better Soon
Sofia is almost twelve years old. She is the tallest one in
her class, shy and not very popular. Spring semester of
fifth grade, the teen years lurk right around the corner.
A tempting but also frighteningly uncertain time of make-up,
acne, menstruation, and parties instead of disco.
Ida Pyk writes with super sensitive feelers, taste, smell
and emotions.
9–12 years
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 13
2013-08-30 19:07
9–12 years
The most embarrassing parents in the world?
Kerstin Lundberg Hahn
The Fortune Cookie
A warm and funny page-turner,
filled with embarrassing
situations to giggle at.
Oscar is a completely ordinary guy with a completely
ordinary life. Everything would be perfect if it weren’t
for his embarrassing parents.
One day he gets a fortune cookie from a girl at a Chinese
restaurant. Oscar makes his wish known, but something
goes wrong and his life turns completely upside down.
9–12 years
Press voice: “A thriller for everyone from the
age of nine and up. Well written, very exciting
and with a serious tone and depth.”
Anna Hällgren, Norran about Skuggan i väggen.
Young Adult
Can you fall in love with a geek?
Ingrid Olsson
Fulast I världen
The Ugliest Guy in the World
In this relationship thriller we take turns following
Simon and Siw. Ingrid Olsson is phenomenal
at going right into her main characters and
depicting the human psyche with incisive
credibility. Life is dictated by the harsh rules of
middle school, a system that is second nature
to those who live it.
A relationship thriller with an astute sensitivity
to human psychology by August nominated
author with a loyal following.
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 14
2013-08-30 19:07
Young Adult
Thrilling and easy to read trilogy!
Ewa Christina Johansson & Kristina Sjögren
Mörkt svek
Dark Betrayal
Jenny is missing. It is believed that she has gone to Stockholm to
meet someone at a modeling agency. But she hasn’t. A few days
later she is found outside the city, dead, raped. Siri, who is always
at least one step ahead of the police, decides to help them along.
A quick read, high tension from beginning to end, and a perfect
book for reluctant readers.
Dark Betrayal is a free-standing continuation of The Last Journey
and Thin Ice.
Coming of age novel
in exciting setting
Christina Wahldén
En varm vinter
A Warm Winter
A young woman with a will so
strong it could move mountains,
a main character that you as
a reader can easily recognize in yourself – the longing for
freedom, to be yourself, and to challenge your fears.
Instead of starting her last year of high school she takes the
money she has saved for her driver’s license and buys a
six-month ticket to the other side of the earth – Australia.
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 15
2013-08-30 19:07
Raben & Sjögren Licensing
Autumn 2013
O_Frankfurt katalog.indd 4
2013-08-30 19:02
O_Frankfurt katalog.indd 3
2013-08-30 19:01
We are happy to introduce the new business within the Norstedts group! As we have
long lasting relationships with our authors, and hence big brand awareness, we are now
extending our representation to also include licensing. We are working with a selection
of authors to increase the marketing support of their brands in new distribution channels.
The aim is to always support our core business; publishing childrens’ books!
On the following pages you will find some of the properties we represent and also the
books available internationally. The non-books developed and sold by Rabén & Sjögren
is also available and now there is an opportunity to also license additional products
and develop your own strong concepts for the future.
Our licensing team consists of experienced licensing- and publishing experts as well
as royalty controllers, legal advisors and designers. The division is headed by Kristin
Tjulander with 16 years of experience in the publishing and media business.
Daily operations will be managed by Mona Holmgren with 13 years of experience
in the licensing industry.
As the creator of the non-books division within Rabén & Sjögren, Kristin has collected
great understanding in the complexity in product development. This together with Monas
experience and her extensive licensing network makes this an exceptional combination
for building customized licensing programmes!
We look forward of doing business with you!
Mona & Kristin
Raben & Sjögren Licensing
P.O Box 2052
SE-103 12 Stockholm, Sweden
Visitors: Tryckerigatan 4
Phone: +46 10 744 2211
Mona Holmgren mona.holmgren@rabensjogren.se
Kristin Tjulander kristin.tjulander@rabensjogren.se
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 18
2013-08-30 19:08
Gunilla Bergström
New titles: Alfons hittar andra ord /
Alfie Finds Other Words
Alfons Åberg – De tre första berättelserna /
Alfie Atkins – The First Three Stories
The book program about this ordinary boy
is extensive (over 30 titles) and gives an
insight into the everyday life of a six year old.
Jujja Wieslander & Sven Nordqvist
Mamma Moo and the Crow
The books about the childish cow and
the mischievous crow, published by
Natur & Kultur, have entertained
children for almost 30 years.
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 17
2013-08-30 19:08
Lennart Hellsing &
Poul Ströyer
Lennart Hellsing has written several
humoristic and cheerful books and
the feeling in the books is captured
by illustrator Poul Ströyer.
Catarina Kruusvaal
New title: Första sagoskatten /
The first story treasure
The generous selection of Catarina Kuusval’s books
has something for everyone, whether you would like
to read yourself, sing out loud or only browse the
pages and build your own story.
I_Frankfurt katalog.indd 16
2013-08-30 19:07
Andrea de La Barre de Nanteuil &
Lovisa Burfitt
New title: Boken om Mademoiselle Oiseau /
The story about Mademoiselle Oiseau
The exciting story about Mademoiselle Oiseau and her extraordinary
life in Paris. This book, about a girl who meets a special new friend,
will charm a broad audience and intrigue children for many years ahead.
Ulf Löfgren
New titles: Kung Ludde / King Ricky
Påhittiga Ludde / Ingenious Ricky
The lovely rabbit Ludde from the
80’s has been modernized and
several titles will be published
in the coming years.