Chapter 20: Imperialism

American attention shifted to foreign lands
“closing of the frontier”
• 1890s led some to fear natural resources would dwindle
and must be found abroad,
Growing importance of foreign trade
• 300% growth in this area between 1870-1900
Depression of 1893
• desire for new markets, diversify economy
• Europe imperialism would lead America to be left out
of spoils
• “Feeble” China and Asia looked tempting
Social Darwinism–
only fittest nations survive, therefore just for strong
nations to dominate weaker ones
Josiah Strong’s
Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis
• states Anglo-Saxon “race” represented liberty, Christianity
and should spread them;
John Burgess, political science professor
duty of A-S to uplift less fortunate
– Spread “superior institutions”
– “Barbarism” is not a right
Famous Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan
wrote in The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
• that countries w/ sea power were great nations of
historyUS needed to have foreign commerce
merchant marine,
Build Panama canal
navy to defend routes and possessions
colonies to provide raw materials and bases
claim Pacific Islands, HI
1900- US 3rd in Naval Power
Sec of State James Blaine 1880s
sought to expand US influence in Latin America
• to provide markets for surplus goods-
1889 organized Pan-American Congress.
• Created Pan-American Union
– Weak: Information Clearing House
• Rejected: Proposals for
– Inter-American Customs union
– Arbitration Procedures for disputes
Pres Cleveland 1895 had dispute w/ GB over Venezuela
• US Declared violation of Monroe Doctrine
• Talk of war pushed GB to arbitration
Hawaii appealing
b/c Navy wanted Pearl Harbor as base,
– Americans who had settled on island had come to
dominate political + economic life of islands
– Hawaii had been series of islands w/ self-sufficient
– After 1810 American traders, missionaries, planters
began settling there.
– Disease decimated Native populations;
– by 1840s Americans spread thru islands
1887 US Navy negotiated to use Pearl Harbor
as Navy base;
sugar exports to US
 basis of economy,
American plantation system
 displacing natives from their lands
 New Asian immigrants “more reliable and docile”
Queen Liliuokalani
 Challenged US
 Only in power 2
 American and
European interests
organized overthrow
and annexation to the
1895-Cuban struggle against Spain
 Concentration camps and “atrocities”
 General Valeriano “Butcher” Weyler (US press)
Wilson-Gormon Tariff
 Hurt Cuban economy (sugar cane).
Yellow Journalism
 Hearst and Pulitzer- New form of “sensational”
journalism fueled by intense competition.
 Searched for “atrocities” to report on.
Cuban-American support influenced public
Example 1: New York Tribune
Example 2: The New York Journal
Dupuy de Lome Letter- Called Mckinley
“weak” and pandering to the US public
Outraged Americans
The Maine: Battleship blew up in Havana
Thought to be a Spanish Mine
Actually an internal explosion
Press: “Remember the Maine!!”
US public opinion in favor of war
Many in Mckinley’s admin pushed for war:
Public support in favor of war
4-5 month war
450 battlefield casualties
5,200 to disease and sickness
Northern black
soldiers: Outraged
by treatment in the
South: led to
 Played important
roles in battles
 Angered by equal
treatment given to
Black Cuban Rebels
Commodore George Dewey
First hero of the war
 Instructed to destroy Spanish navy in Manila if war
broke out. No casualties
 Led to capture of the Philippines
Inefficient and poorly
Rough Riders
Led by Roosevelt
 Gained fame in
charge up Kettle Hill
 Some deemed charge
 “the great day of my
Spanish fleet destroyed at Santiago
Ground forces soon surrendered
Puerto Rico captured
Cuban Independence declared
Puerto Rico and Guam ceded to US
 Jones Act:
 Declared Puerto Rico a US territory
 Made Puerto Ricans US citizens
American occupation of Manila
To Annex or Not to Annex?
Many Americans uncomfortable with idea due
to distance from home.
Treaty of Paris 1898
Ended the war
Ceding of Puerto Rico, Guam, Cuba
$20M payment for the Philippines
Opposed annexation of
the Philippines included
powerful names:
Mark Twain
Samuel Gompers
Claimed imperialism
Anti-American values:
 “pollution” of US
Industrial workers
feared competition
Conservatives feared
Sugar growers
Large standing army
Entangling alliances
Threat to freedoms
Feared competition
How will you deal with
the “population”?
Reinvigorate and restore the nation
Inroads to dominate Asian trade
 Profit in the Philippines
Wanted political points for gaining new territories
 Easy to accomplish since US possessed the lands
Citizenship need NOT be granted
William Jennings Bryan
 Supported the Treaty of Paris to make it an election
 Bryan Loses to McKinley
 Colonial issue
 Economic prosperity
 Personality and hero status of VP Roosevelt
Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico: Few problems
US occupation till 1902 to prepare for
“independence”. Infrastructure investment
 US planned to dominate economic and political
 Platt Amendment:
 No foreign treaties
 US right to intervene in Cuba for independence, life,
 Naval bases
Dominated by US business
 Factories
 Railroads
 Refineries
Capital Resources: much owned by US
Prompted small revolts against US Imperialism
Multiple military interventions
Rebels fought the US for independence
Relatively long: 1898 to 1902
4,300 US casualties
50,000 Native casualties
Guerrilla warfare: New to Americans
Caused US to be more brutal and similar to Spanish
in Cuba: Weylar
Emilio Aguinaldo
Experienced in
fighting Spanish
Claimed to be
legitimate govt. of
General Arthur MacArthur (father of Douglass
Resorted to more brutal tactics as resistance became
stronger (with popular support).
 Prisoners executed
 Village evacuations
 Concentration camps
 “Shoot everyone over the age of 10”
 Death Ratio
 15 killed: 1 wounded
 1 killed: 5 wounded (US Civil War)
Eventual capture of Aguinaldo and defeat of
Large US infrastructure investment
 Hospitals
 Roads
 Sewers
US and Islands became economically linked
Philippine independence comes in 1946
US desire to expand Asian markets and trade
Weak China: Who wants some pie?
 Britain
 Germany
 Russia
 France
 US
All competing for piece of China
Sec. of State John Hay
Asked competing countries to obey 3 principles:
 Respect the rights and privileges of other nations
 Chinese officials to continue collection of tariffs.
 Favored the US
 Non-discrimination against other nations in relation to
transportation rates.
 Allow US to continue in China w/o fear of war
 Retain “illusion” of Chinese sovereignty
 Prevent formal dismemberment of China (hurt US)
Cool reception from other nations
Open declaration from US that all nations had
Boxer Rebellion
Chinese rebellion against foreign influence
Diplomats trapped in China
US sends navy to rescue diplomats
 Film: The Sand Pebbles 1966
US helps broker end to conflict and retains Open
Door policy
Weaknesses of US military became obvious in
war with Spain
Elihu Root: appointed Sec of War by McKinley
Enlarged Army: 25K to 100K
 National Guard: insures stock of trained soldiers
 Officer training schools
 Creation of Joint Chiefs (military advisors)
 Supervise and coordinate the military