Othello Revision

Othello Revision
Othello vs. Iago = protagonist vs. antagonist
Othello changes from someone in control of
his private and public life to someone who
has lost his sanity;
Iago is two-face and he reacts differently to
different people. He weaves a web to trap
all the other characters in his plan of
Iambic pentameter vs. prose (pay extra
attention to the changes
E.g. Iago uses different ones to talk to
different characters; Othello uses prose
when he suffers some mental breakdown)
Othello loses his ability of elegant speech
and there is a lot of fragmentation in his
speech at the end.
‘It is a monster, Begot upon itself, born
on itself.’ (Act 3 scene 4) – there does
not need to be any reason for someone
to be jealous;
 Jealousy can drive someone insane, as
in the case of Othello. Jealousy also
drives someone to revenge, as in the
case of Iago.
Othello’s race is frequently highlighted
by other characters (black ram,
barbary horse, the devil..)
 His marriage is not generally
accepted due to the fact that a black
man marries a white noble woman,
even though the two have love for one
another. They are therefore not
considered ‘equal’
Othello is a play, and is therefore
watched by an audience. When you
‘read’ the play, you have to visualise
the play being performed on stage,
especially when it comes to asides
and soliloquies.