Homophones and Homonyms

Homophones and
By Gabriel Stutz
Definition: words that are pronounced
alike but different in meaning and
Examples: using to, too, and two:
 Would you like to come to the library with me?
 Do you mind if I come too?
 Two of us are going to the library.
Incorrect examples: using to, too, and two:
 Would you like too come two the library with me?
 Do you mind if I come to?
 To of us are going to the library
Examples using there, their, they're.
 Look over there, it’s a big elephant.
 When my friends lost their tickets, they had to buy
new ones.
 They’re going to the fair to play games.
Bad examples using there, their, they're.
 Look over they’re, it’s a big elephant.
 When my friends lost there tickets, they had to buy
new ones.
 Their going to the fair to play games.
Examples using made and maid:
 Have you see the new episode of How It’s Made?
 Check it out, I have my own personal maid that
does my laundry.
Incorrect examples of using made and maid:
 Have you see the new episode of How It’s Maid?
 Check it out, I have my own personal made that
does my laundry.
Examples using dye and die:
 In the old days, people used to dye their own
 So yesterday I killed this guy in a video game, and
then I died.
incorrect examples using dye and die:
 In the old days, people used to die their own
 So yester day I killed this guy in a video game, and
then I dyed.
Definition: words that are spelled and
pronounced alike but have different
Example using mean and mean:
 Ms. Scott John is being mean to me.
 This mean’s one thing Emma… were going to the
movies tonight.
Examples using bob and bob:
 Hey Bob, would you like to go snowboarding
 See that bobber in the water, look how it bobs so
Examples using read and read:
 In middle school the teachers made us read the
stupidest books.
 I read the most boring book last week.
Examples using dove and dove:
 Did you see Mekayla yesterday, she dove like 20
feet under water.
 Have you ever seen a dove? They are the most
pretty bird in the world.
The end
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