
Unit 9
What is intelligence, Anyway?
The Second Two Periods
Reading and Translation
Designed by Shi Yuan
Reading and Translation
Review—Memorize the new words
Comprehension of the text
Chinese and English phrases
Words and expressions
Difficult sentences
aptitude 能力 才能
complacent 自满的
academic 学术的
worthy (of) 值得
estimate 估计
grant 授予
explore 探索
devise 设计
verbal 词语的
determine 确定
evaluation 评价
numerical 数字的
deaf 聋的
dumb 哑的
clerk 职员
heartily 沾沾自喜的
uneasy 局促的
for sure 确定地
pick out 挑选
make up 编制
Comprehension of the text
The organization of the text
• Part Ⅰ( para. 1)
• What is intelligence? The author’s statement--high score in intelligence tests doesn’t
meaning anything.
• Part Ⅱ ( paras. 2--7)
• Why there is much more in intelligence than
just being able to score high on intelligence
The frame of Part Ⅱ
• ① The author has always been getting high
scores, but he thinks it doesn’t mean he is
highly intelligent.
• ② An example of an auto-repair man
• ③ Although the repair-man is not able to get
high scores in intelligence tests, he is good at
solving mechanical problems, while the author
can do nothing.
• ④ From the joke the repair-man told the
author, he leaves a thought-provoking
question—Does high score really meaning
something? Obviously not.
Comprehension of the text
True or False
1. My auto repairman once got a score of less than 80 on an intelligence test. ( F )
I estimated that my auto repairman could not have a score of more than 80 if he
took an intelligence test.
2. Although I considered myself far more intelligent than my auto repairman, I had to
ask him to fix my car when anything went wrong with it.
( T )
3. I would not score high in an intelligent test designed by a worker. ( T )
4. I was good at both physical work and brainwork. ( F )
I would do poor when working with my hands.
5. The numerical evaluation of intelligence is determined by the talented
people. ( F )
The numerical evaluation of intelligence is determined by a small subsection of
that society as an arbiter of such matters.
Direction: fill in the blanks.
Scientist and science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov
explores the question of intelligence in this article. He
begins his recollection of an aptitude
______ test on which he
had scored far above ______.
normal This indicated that he was
a highly
_____ intelligent individual; however, Asimov
questions whether such scores are ______
worthy of the
attention they receive. To make his point, he gives the
example of a garage mechanic who, though lacking in
academic knowledge, has an ability far beyond Asimov’s
to ________determine
causes of automobile problems and solve
them. Instead, in an area such as mechanics, Asimov
admits that he could be considered quite ______. dumb
absolute but relative. This
Intelligence, therefore, is not _______
has led Asimov to make an ________
evaluation of such aptitude
tests, whose worth, it seems, should not be
taken for granted
Main idea of Part Ⅰ
• The text starts with the question:
• What is Intelligence, Anyway?
• After stated his own experience of intelligence
test, the author puts forward his point of view:
• high score in intelligence tests doesn’t meaning
Main idea of Part Ⅱ
• In para. 2, The author told that he has always been
getting high scores, but he thinks it doesn’t mean he
is highly intelligent.
• In para. 3, The author stated an example of an autorepair man as an objection in order to support his
point of view.
• In para. 4, It tells us that: although the repair-man is
not able to get high scores in intelligence tests, he is
good at solving mechanical problems, while the
author cannot do anything.
• In para. 5-6, From the joke the repair-man
told the author, he leaves a thoughtprovoking question—Does high score
really meaning something? Obviously not.
• In para. 7, The author ends the text with
only one sentence: And I have an uneasy
feeling he had something there.
Words and expressions
• anyway: at all, in any case, at least
• -The maths problem seems easy, but I can't
work it out anyway.
• -Maybe you can't succeed, but anyway, you can
• -What are you going to do anyway?
• aptitude: natural ability or skill 多指天生
• Eg. She has an aptitude for dealing with
• He showed an aptitude for music at an
early age.
• against: in contrast to or with, have ... as a
• -She looked pale against the dim light in the
• -The picture looks more beautiful against the
light wall.
• -Red flags stand out brightly against the blue sky.
• -I scored 86 this term as against 70 last term.
• -她根据清单检查了盒内的物品。She checked
the items in the box against the list.
• normal: (n.)the usual state or level; (adj.)usual,
• -Things in the village returned to normal soon
after the gossip disappeared with the man and
the woman.
• -above normal; below normal; normal school
• -A man with a normal intelligence/mind can't do
such a foolish thing.
• -It's only normal that we should expect equal pay.
• figure
1. n.
1) a number
This figure increases to 72 percent during summer vacation.
2) shape or outline of sb. or sth.
我可以看见门附近有一个高大的人影。I could see a tall figure near the door.
3) an important person
他一夜之间成为著名人物。He became a striking figure overnight.
2. v.
1) appear (in a story)
He figures largely in the story.
所有关于这一问题的书都提到了他。The man figures in all the books on the subject.
2) think, estimate or consider
I figured that you would arrive before 8:30.
I figured him to be honest.
figure on 料想;估计
figure out 算出;了解
• make a big fuss: give someone a lot of
attention and treat one well
• Make a fuss over your cat when he behaves properly.
• Pattern:
• make a fuss over / of sb. / sth. 过分关心某人/事
• 她不常见到孙女,所以一旦见到就对她百般宠爱。She
doesn't see her granddaughter very often so she makes
a real fuss of her granddaughter when she does.
• register
• 1. v. put information into an official list or record; achieve
• I registered the car in my name.
• 学生们必须在四月底完成新课程的注册。Students have
to finish registering for the new course by the end of April.
• 2. n. record or list
• The old man finally found the register of births and
• highly ad. in or to a high degree; very 高
• e.g. It is highly probable that he changed his
name to avoid being tracked down by the police.
The film was highly praised by critics.
• Note: speak highly of: 称赞某人
think highly of: 对… 评价很高
• simply;
• ① only; merely
• Eg. Don’t worry, it is simply a scratch.
• I took that job simply because the office is near my
• ② in a plain manner
• Eg. The old man lives simply and is dressed simply.
• ③ completely; absolutely
• Eg. I simply can not understand why did you do such a
foolish thing.
• She looks simply wonderful in under the glow of the
sunset sky.
• academic:
• ① scholarly; theoretical; not practical
• Eg. He went abroad for the purpose of academic
• This question is purely academic.
• ② of a college or university
• Eg. This is the calendar for academic year 2006-2007.
• complacent: adj. self-satisfied; pleased
with oneself
• They held a complacent attitude towards the
• 创下世界纪录后,他变得洋洋自得起来。After
setting the world record, he became complacent.
• worthy: adj. deserving sth. like respect, admiration or
support, etc.
• This book is worthy of careful study.
• 报告中有两点特别值得注意。 Two points in this report
are especially worthy of notice.
• CF:
• be worth + money; be worth doing (worth: 值…的,相当
于… 的价值的,用作表语,后跟宾语)
• worthy of 值得;
• worthy to do sth.: 值得做;
• worthy (有价值的,值得的,配得上的,相称的)和
worthwhile (值得花时间或精力的)可作定语,但常作表语
• bent: n. special natural skill or interest
• She has a scientific bent.
• 他生性爱好音乐。He has a natural bent
for music.
• by my estimate: according to my judgment
1. vt. judge the cost, size, value, etc. of something
I estimated his age at 40.
估计这棵树至少有700年之久。The tree is estimated to be at least
700 years old.
2. n. a calculation of the value, size, amount, etc. of something
We got two or three estimates before having the roof repaired.
-By my estimate, he was unlikely to refuse you.
-According to/By the official estimate, over 2200 people were killed
in the Albaria earthquake.
at a rough estimate据粗略估计
by estimate照估计
form / make an estimate of给…作一估计; 评价
• take for granted: consider as true or
already settled; consider ... as a matter of
fact; accept as a matter of course
• -Don't take anything for granted.
• -I took it for granted that he had been to
Canada .
• hasten: move or act with speed
• Eg. Upon learning the news of her
husband’s success, she hastened to
• Seeing the Chairman was to end the
discussion, the speaker hastened to his
• explore: v.
• 1) search and discover
• 很多人用毕生的精力探索宇宙。Many
people have spent their whole life
exploring the universe.
• 2) travel around an area to learn about it
• We've come to this country, let's explore!
• divine oracles: profoundly wise opinions or
judgments as if given by God
• Eg. Don’t treat his words as divine oracles.
• suppose: (used to make a suggestion or
proposal) I suggest; if
• -Suppose we put off the meeting till next week.
• -Suppose the acute angle is 30 degrees.
• devise: think out; plan; design
• Eg. He devised a system to put Chinese
characters into computers.
• She spent days devising how to make
money but never really did anything.
• moron: “moron” is the highest classification of
mental deficiency, even above imbecile and idiot.
These terms, no longer in professional use in
the US , are meant as insults today.
• -You are a total imbecile!
• -Stop behaving like an idiot!
• -We expect morons like you to say such stupid
• determine: vt. control or influence something directly,
or to decide what will happen
• He determined to go at once.
• 可获得的水量决定了可以建造的房屋数量。The amount
of available water determines the number of houses that
can be built.
• Collocation:
be determined to do sth. 决心做某事
determine on / upon决定
determined effort坚定的努力
determine sb. against sth. 使某人决定不做某事
determine sb. to do sth. 使某人决定做某事
• foist on: try to get someone to accept
something worthless or unwanted
• They didn’t invite him to go out with them, but he
foisted himself on them.
• 他是教徒, 但他不想把自己的信仰强加于人。He's
religious but he doesn't try to foist his beliefs on
• arbiter: n. someone who makes a judgment or
solves an argument or decides what will be done
• He acted as an arbiter.
• 实验是科学的最后仲裁者。Experiment is the
final arbiter in science.
• joke
• 1. n. something said or done for laughter or amusement
• She told us an old joke about the Englishman and the Irishman.
• 戏谑永远不能化敌为友, 反而常常失去朋友。A joke never gains an
enemy but often loses a friend.
• 2. vi. tell or play jokes; to speak in fun
• I was only joking just now.
• They joked about my mistake afterwards for a long time.
• Collocation:
• blue jokes下流的笑话
• crack / cut / make a 说笑话
• have a joke 说笑话,开玩笑
• in joke闹着玩地
• no joke 不是闹着玩的,不容易的事
• play a joke on sb. 开某人玩笑
• dumb: adj. permanently or temporarily unable
to speak
• He was born dumb.
• They remained dumb at the meeting.
• 看到眼前的景象,他说不出话来。He was struck
dumb by what he had seen.
• pick out
1) choose
She picked out a bottle of wine that she particularly liked.
I’m going to pick out a few books for my friend in Shanghai.
2) recognize
At once I picked out my elder sister in the crowd.
His house is easily picked out from the rest for it has a large black
pick and steal 扒窃
pick up with偶然认识
pick up拾起
• motion: n.
• 1) the process of moving or the way that someone or
something moves
• We are all quite familiar with Newton's first law of motion.
• 船身剧烈的运动让她恶心。The violent motion of the ship
made her sick.
• 2) a single movement of your hand or head to
communicate something
• He summoned the waiter with a motion of his hand.
• whereupon: upon that; immediately following that
• -I described my disastrous morning, whereupon, he
laughed and laughed.
• -The unsuspecting teacher pulled out the drawer;
whereupon, a dozen frogs leaped out.
• -The young man saw an old lady getting on the bus,
whereupon, he offered her his seat.
• -The naughty boy made a face in class, whereupon, his
classmates burst into laughter.
• Note: The word “whereupon” is used in our people with
your trick?
• heartily: in a warm, friendly way, with
good will, vigorously
• -We welcomed our friends heartily.
• -After holidays, they threw themselves
heartily into their work.
• smugly: adv. too pleased or satisfied about something
you have achieved or something you know
• I own three cars and two boats, he said smugly.
• NB:
• smug是其形容词形式,与其搭配的介词主要是about, 名
词主要有expression, look, face, smile等。例如:What
are you looking so smug about?
• Try on: test on
• -He tried the new drug on the money.
• -Never buy shoes without trying them on
• goddamned: Strongly cursed or damned
• Eg. This expression is used as a strong
expletive, often shortened to goddamn,
considered inappropriate in polite society or
formal occasions. And students of English are
not advised to use it.
• uneasy: adj. anxious, awkward, not easy
in mind or body
• The farmers were uneasy until it finally
• 那个男孩焦急地等候消息有一个小时了。
The boy spent an uneasy hour waiting for
the news.
Difficult sentences
• When I was in the army I received a kind of aptitude test
that all soldiers took and, against a normal of 100,
scored 160.
• 当我在部队服役时,我曾参加过一个所有士兵都参加的智
• Actually, though, don’t such scores simply mean that I
am very good at answering the type of academic
questions that are considered worthy of answers by the
people who make up the intelligence tests — people with
intellectual bents similar to mine?
• 然而,实际上,难道这类分数不是仅仅意味着我很善于回
答那些编制智力测验的人们 —— 智力爱好跟我类似的人
们 —— 认为值得回答的那类学究式的问题吗?
• By every one of those tests, I’d prove myself a
• 每参加一次这样的测验,我都会证明自己时一个
• Its numerical evaluation is determined by a small
subsection of that society which has managed to
foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such
• 它的数值是由那个社会中的一小部分人决定的,
• Whereupon my auto repairman laughed heartily
and said, “Why, you dumb fool, ...”
• 我的汽车修理师马上开心地哈哈大笑起来,“啊,
• And I have an uneasy feeling he had something
• 我有一种不安的感觉:他的话不无道理。
• Read the new words by heart after class, next time we’ll
have a dictation.
• Read the phrases again and again.
• Do the rest exercises.
• Preview Writing.