Chapter 4 PPT - Ash Grove R


Chapter 4

India and China

Section 1

Hinduism and Buddhism

The Beliefs of Hinduism

It has no single founder and no single sacred text

Due to that, it has become very complex with countless Gods and Goddesses

However all Hindu’s share certain basic beliefs

The Beliefs of Hinduism (con’t)

Many Gods- or One?

The universe is part of the unchanging, all powerful spiritual force called Brahman

Most important God’s are:

Brahma – Creator

Vishnu – Preserver

Shiva – Destroyer

Each represents parts of Brahman

Sacred Texts

Hindu teachings recorded in Vedas and Upanishads

Specifically the Bhagavad-Gita

The Beliefs of Hinduism (con’t)

The Goal of Life

Everyone has an essential self, or Atman

Ultimately desire Moksha

Union with Brahman

Achieved by discarding selfish desires

Believe in reincarnation

Rebirth of the soul in another form

Allows people to work towards moksha

The Beliefs of Hinduism (con’t)

Karma and Dharma

Must obey the law of Karma

All the actions a person’s life that affect his or her fate in the next life

Live virtuously and earn higher level of existence

Live selfishly and earn suffering

They stress Dharma

The religious and moral duties of an individual

Obey Dharma, a person acquires merit for the next life

The Beliefs of Hinduism (con’t)

Also believe in Ahimsa


Opposition to the Brahmins

Emphasized meditation, self-denial, and an extreme form of ahimsa

Gautama Buddha: The

Enlightened One

Foothill of Himalayas, Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddhism

Early Life

Signs predicted that Gautama would become a wandering holy man

Gautama was in the high caste system

The Search

When he discovered misery, he left home to seek the cure to misery

Sought Hindu wisdom, but found no answer

He sat and meditated for 48 days, until he understood the cure

He arose and became Buddha, “Enlightened One”


Spread of Buddhism

Followers accompanied the

Buddha as he preached across

Northern India.

Some Buddhists set up monasteries and convents that grew into centers of learning.

Missionaries and traders spread

Buddhism across India to many parts of Asia.

Gautama Buddha: The

Enlightened One (con’t)

Four Noble Truths

All life is full of suffering, pain and sorrow

The Cause of suffering is the desire for things that are really illusions, such as riches, power, and long life

The only cure for suffering is to overcome desire

The way to overcome desire is to follow the

Eightfold Path

The Eightfold Path being “right views, right aspirations,

Right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right contemplation.”

Final Goal is Nirvana

Union with the universe and release from the cycle of rebirth

Gautama Buddha: The

Enlightened One (con’t)

Buddhism and Hinduism Compared

Both stress nonviolence, believed in Karma,

Dharma, Moksha, and a cycle of rebirth

Buddha rejects priests, formal rituals and many gods of Hinduism

Spread of Buddhism

“Work out your own salvation with diligence” Buddha

Sacred Text


“Three Baskets of Wisdom

“Overcome anger by not growing angry.

Overcome evil with good. Overcome the liar by truth”

Spread of Buddhism (con’t)

Two Sects

Split into two major sects

Smaller groups


Strict Buddha followers that believed only monks and nuns could reach nirvana


Easier for ordinary people to reach nirvana

Saw Buddha and others God’s as compassionate and more personal

Described many heavens and hells

Decline in India

Hinduism ultimately absorbed some Buddhist ideas

Buddhism generally driven out of India

Section 2

Powerful Empires of India

The Maurya Empire

Rival Rajah’s fought over control of

Ganges Valley


Chandragupta Maurya forged the first great

Indian Empire

After conquering the Ganges Valley, he conquered north India

He had a well organized bureaucracy taxes, managed state owned factories and shipyards

Effective government, but harsh crack down on dissent any differing or opposing ideas

The Maurya Empire (con’t)


Most honored Maurya emperor

Conquered much of the Deccan Plateau

Converted to Buddhism rejected violence, and resolved to rule by moral example

Sent missionaries to Sri Lanka

People sent on a religious mission

Helped spread Buddhism to Asia preached tolerance

Built temples, roads, hospitals, rest houses for travelers

The Maurya Empire (con’t)

Division and Disunity

After Asoka’s death Maurya power declined by 185 B.C.

Ancient times, as today, people are divided culturally in the south and the north

Often the north was conquered by foreigners

Kingdoms of the Deccan

People of the Deccan were Dravidians with different languages and traditions

For example, women had high status and economic power

Religiously tolerant

Trade was very important

Improved harbors to support overseas trade

Especially to the Roman Empire

Golden Age of the Guptas

Arose out of the north of India

Gupta emperors had a strong central government that promoted peace and prosperity

Golden age between 320-550 A.D.

period of great cultural achievements

Peace and Prosperity

Generally a confederate style government

 locals having most power

Trade and Farming very bountiful

Exported to East Africa, Middle East and Southeast


Golden Age of the Guptas (con’t)

Advances in Learning

Students educated in religious schools including math, medicine, physics, languages, literatures, and other subjects

Created numerals including zero, decimal system of numbers based on 10


Hindus built stone temples

Buddhist built stupas large dome-shaped shrines that housed the sacred remains of the Buddha or other holy people

Golden Age of the Guptas (con’t)

Magnificent Carvings

Both temples and stupas, were covered in magnificent carvings of gods and goddesses including Shiva, who is a four-armed God

Paintings at Ajanta

Murals painted recalling Buddhist stories and legends wall paintings


Greatest Gupta poet and playwright was Kalidasa

Looking Ahead

Eventually Gupta India declines under the pressure of weak rulers, civil war, and foreign invaders.

One group of invaders is the White Huns from Central Asia

Section 3

Pillars of Indian Life

The Complex Caste System

“It is better to do one’s own duty badly than to do another’s duty well.” Krishna from the Bhagavad-Gita

Many Castes

As new groups of invaders were absorbed into society, new caste systems were created

The Complex Caste System (con’t)

Complex Rules

Closely linked to Hindu beliefs

Brahmins were pure and therefore closer to Moksha than lower class individuals

Rules and dictations, regulated what, where, when individuals in the each caste system could do

Lowest outcastes were called “Untouchables” impure jobs such as digging graves, cleaning streets, or turning animal hides into leather

Upper classes avoided contact with untouchables

The Complex Caste System (con’t)


Caste system ensured a stable social order

Karma determined their caste

By doing their current duties, the could be rebirthed into a better caste system

Caste levels depended on each other, as only certain jobs were done in each caste

Family Life


Ideal Family was a joint family parents, children, grandchildren, uncles, and their offspring shared a common dwelling

Patriarchal society father or oldest male headed the household prosperity belonged to the whole family

Family Life (con’t)

Children and Parents

Learned early their caste rules and duties

Son learned the ritual duties of the males

Daughters to serve and obey husband

Parents duty was arranging good marriages based on caste and family interests

 bride’s father offered dowry payment to the bridegroom financed the costly wedding festivities

Daughter would leave family for husband’s family

Family Life (con’t)

Women’s Lives

Generally had freedom to wonder freely

However through the years, the women began to be restricted

Primary duty to marry, have kids and raise them

However, few rights otherwise

High Caste widows were not allowed to remarry

Village Life

Villages were filled with each level of the caste system

Doing the duties necessary for the village to survive

Feudal system in terms of farms

Generally self-sufficient

However there was periodic communication between villages

Section 4

Philosophy and Religion in China

The Wisdom of Confucius

“Lead the people by virtue… and they will have a sense of shame and moreover will become good.”

Confucius is the western version of the name

Kong Fuzi, or Master Kong

Born in 551 B.C. to a noble but poor family

Became a teacher

Much like Gautama Buddha in India and Socrates in

Greece, he did not formally write down his sayings

However his students collected them into the Analects

He cared very little for religion and “Salvation”

He developed a philosophy concerned with worldly goals, specifically social order and a good government

System of ideas

The Wisdom of Confucius (con’t)

Five Relationships

Harmony resulted when people accepted their positions in life father to son elder brother to younger brother husband to wife ruler to subject friend to friend

Superiors should care for their inferiors

Correct Behavior would bring order and stability

Filial piety respect for parents, above all other duties

The Wisdom of Confucius (con’t)


Ruler must provide a good government specifically by good example

Spread of Confucianism

His ideas greatly influenced Chinese rulers, especially filial piety

Spread to Korea, Japan and Vietnam, as they were taken over by the Chinese Civilizations

The Harsh Ideas of Legalism

Philosopher Hanfeizi stressed that rulers impose strict rules to control human greed, the greatest evil

Became known as legalism

Influences Chinese ideas that people are required to work on government projects and punish those who shirk their duties

Daoism: The Unspoken Way

Founder of Daoism was Laozi, or “Old


Wrote the book The Way of Virtue

Sought to live in harmony with nature

Seeking “They Way”

Focus on Dao or “The Way” of the universe

Stress the virtue of yielding water the example most often used

Daoism: The Unspoken Way (con’t)


Viewed government as unnatural, there the cause of many problems

Best government governs the least

A Blend of Ideas

Evolved into a religion involving many gods, goddesses, and magical practices

Eventually Confucianism and Daoism were combined by many

Confucianism showed them how to behave

Daoism influenced their view of the natural world

Buddhism in China

By 100 A.D. Buddhist missionaries had spread

Mahayana Buddhism from India into China

Became very popular, despite conflict with cultural view of family

Offered escape from suffering

Offered hope of eternal happiness and presented

Buddha as a compassionate, merciful God

Through prayer, good works and devotion, anyone could hope to gain salvation

Buddhism in China (con’t)

By 400 A.D. Buddhism a prominent religion, while absorbing some ideas form Confucianism and Daoism

Chinese Buddhist monks stressed filial piety and honored Confucius

Section 5

Strong Rulers Unite China

Shi Huangdi

Zeng rose to power and proclaimed himself Shi Huangdi or “First Emperor”

Using rewards for merit and punishments for failure, he built the strong authoritarian government of the Qin Dynasty

Became known as the “Classical Age”

Patterns that are evident throughout Chinese history

Shi Huangdi (con’t)

Unity Imposed

Emperor abolished feudalism in China replaced it with military districts and appointed loyal officials to administer them

Then sent spies to report back to emperor about the officials actions

High taxes paid to support armies and building projects

Standardized weights and measures created common coinage

 extended roads and canals had scholars create uniformity in Chinese writing

Shi Huangdi (con’t)

Crackdown on Dissent

He jailed, tortured, and killed many who opposed his rule destroyed all the works of literature and philosophy

The Great Wall

Shi Huangdi’s most remarkable achievement

Built it to unite many walls already in place over the centuries the wall was extended

Became a very important symbol to the Chinese protecting their civilized world from the nomadic bands from the north

Shi Huangdi (con’t)


Anger over heavy taxes, forced labor, and cruel policies, Chin went into revolts

As Qin Power collapsed Liu Bang arose, creating the Han Dynasty

Bang Claimed the Mandate of Heaven

The Han Dynasty

Bang took the title of Gao Zu

Lowered taxes and eased harsh Legalist policies

Appointed Confucian scholars as advisers

Lasted for nearly 400 years

The Han Dynasty (con’t)

Emperor Wudi

Wudi was the most famous Han emperor

Chose officials from Confucian wisdom and virtue

Improved canals and roads

Built granaries in order to help stabilize grain prices

Imposed government monopoly on iron and salt complete control of a product or business by one person or group

Gave government a source of income other than taxes

Followed a policy of Expansionism

 increasing the amount of territory under Chinese rule

Took over Manchuria, Korea, Northern Vietnam, Tibet and

Central Asia

The Han Dynasty (con’t)

Silk Road to the West

Wudi opened the trade route that ended up becoming called the Silk Road

Goods traded from Rome to China, and parts in between

Stretched for nearly 4,000 miles


Confucianism was the official belief of the governmental system

The Han Dynasty (con’t)

Civil Service Examination

Positions gained by merit as opposed to family background setup exams to determine someone’s capabilities

Women were closed out of governmental jobs

Dynasties rose and fell, but Confucian influence survived

Collapse of the Han Empire

Court intrigues undermined emperors who could no long control powerful warlords

 local military rulers

Weak Emperors, rebellious peasants, and ambitious warlords ended the Han Dynasty

Achievements of the Han Golden



Wrote texts on chemistry, zoology, botany and other subjects

Observed stars and planets

 invented better timekeeping devices including a seismograph


Acupuncture doctor inserts needles under the skin at specific points to relieve pain or treat various illnesses


Made paper out of wood pulp still used to make paper today

Shipbuilding invented rudder to steer

The Arts

Temples and Palaces

Looking Ahead

The series of governments started during the Han Dynasty, lasted up until 1912

Every new dynasty sought to recapture the glory of the Han Dynasty
