ALEPH version 18 - South Dakota Library Network

ALEPH version 19.01/20.01
Cataloging & Acquisitions/Serials
South Dakota Library Network
1200 University, Unit 9672
Spearfish, SD 57799
© South Dakota Library Network, 2010
©Ex Libris (USA), 2009
Modified for SDLN
Version 19.01/20.01
Cataloging - Tables changes
tab_z30 no longer in use
tab_z30 is no longer in use. Its functionality is now handled by the new
library tables:
tab_loader and tab_loader_def.
Both new tables are consulted by the system when the following loaders
services are activated:
•Advanced Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-90)
•Load OCLC Records (file-93)
•Load MARCIVE Records (file-99)
•OCLC server
Cataloging - Table changes
tab_loader is a new ADM library table that defines the desired
functionality for loading records into ALEPH. This table defines the policy
for creating holding/items/orders/budget transactions. It is used by the
following load services:
•Advanced Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-90) – New service for
ALEPH 19.01 Version
•Load OCLC Records (file-93)
•Load MARCIVE Records (file-99)
•OCLC server
Cataloging - Table changes
tab_loader_def is a new ADM library table that sets the default values
for records that are created by the loader services. It defines values for
creating items, orders, and budget transactions. It is used by the
following load services:
•Advanced Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-90) – New service for
ALEPH 19.01 Version
•Load OCLC Records (file-93)
•Load MARCIVE Records (file-99)
•OCLC server
Cataloging – Vendor Loader
Advanced Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-90)
The Advanced Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-90) is a new batch
service which is accessible via GUI-Cataloging-Services-Load Catalog
This service loads MARC bibliographic records, creates associated
holding, items, orders, and budget transaction records. This is done
using the vendor input file with the ability to merge duplicate
bibliographical and holding records and identify records which match
multiple existing records.
Cataloging – Vendor Loader
Advanced Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-90)
The Advanced Generic Vendor Loader uses standard loader functionality
with the additional functionality as follows:
•Full catalog and acquisition handling per bibliographical record; this
includes handling bibliographical, holding, item, order, and budget
transaction records.
•Match and Merge functionality.
•Detailed log and report which gives information on records which have
◦added (records which were found to be new or were found to have
duplicate matches)
◦updated (records which found a single match and were merged)
◦rejected (records which did not have required information in correct
Cataloging – Vendor Loader
Advanced Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-90)
The log and report include bibliographical records, added holding
records, and added item, order, and budget transaction records.
The report includes information of successes and failures and their
textual explanations.
Cataloging – Vendor Loader
Advanced Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-90)
The bibliographical record load procedure is implemented as performed
in OCLC, RLIN, and MARCIVE, ensuring that standard functionality for
load, match, merge, and log file report is part of the process.
A log record (Z73) is written for each input record, summarizing the
outcome of the record load attempt.
A log report is created from the log table showing all operations.
The following ADM tables are involved with the records creation
•tab_loader – Determines the desired functionality (create
holding/items/orders/budget transactions) for the process.
•tab_loader_def – Set the default values for creating items, orders,
and budget transactions.
•tab_mapping – Configured with the information for the holding
Cataloging - Edit menu
Split into two menus
Edit Menu Split Up
The Cataloging module’s Edit menu has been split into two menus:
•Edit Actions – Listing actions such as Open Form, Browse URL or
Check Record
•Edit Text – Listing text options, such as New Field, Copy and Paste
To open the 'Edit Actions' menu from the record Editor use 'Right-click'
mouse option. To open the 'Edit Text' menu from the record Editor use
the Shift+ 'Right-click‘ mouse option.
Cataloging - Record Deletion
New check at record deletion
New Check at Record Deletion
A new check named check_doc_delete_item_opac may be defined in the
check_doc table in order to check whether the record being deleted has
associated items that are viewable in the OPAC, i.e. column 10 of their
tab15.lng line is set to Y.
Cataloging – copy numbers
Automatic Setting of Copy Number
It is now possible to automatically set item copy numbers in order to
distinguish between identical copies of the same title.
This may be done by entering a question mark ‘?’ in the Copy Number
field of the Item Form and then clicking Update.
The system will set a copy number which is an increment of 1 from the
last copy number.
Cataloging – item changes
Notifications and Blocks at Item Change
The following options have been added to the process of changing an
item’s information:
• It is now possible to block changing an item’s item status if the item
is on loan. This block is set up by setting the CHANGE-ITM-STS-LOAN
tab100 variable to N.
• It is now possible to get the following notifications about an item
during the item update:
o Item is on loan
o Item has hold requests
o Item has booking requests
o Item has photocopy requests
o These notifications are relevant only for online single item changes.
Subscription List
The subscriptions list may also include a ‘Status’ column, showing
whether or not the subscription is active based on the subscription’s
‘To Date’.
This may be done by adding the following line to pc_tab_col.lng:
PC_SERIAL_COPY_L L Status. 09 000 01 C01 subscription
Vendor Groups tab
A new tab has been added to the Group node of the Serials Tab.
The tab, labeled ‘Vendor Groups’, displays one line for all items that
share the same enumeration, chronology and vendor.
Last checked-in issue
A new option has been added to the serial issue check-in (arrival)
The arrived check in issue might invoke a change in the process status
of a previous arrived issue of the same subscription. Setting a different
process status for items which were previously checked in enables the
library to define a separate circulation policy for these items.
Last checked-in issue
To implement this change, set PI (Previous Issue Registered) action in col.3 of
For example:
---1---------2----3-4—-5-SERIAL ##### AR NW
In this setup, when the check-in is performed, the system automatically performs
the AR (Item arrival registered) and PI (Previous Issue Registered) actions.
The first line is read and the item process status of the item that just arrived
becomes NW – new (or any other process status defined in Col.4).
If the second line is set (see above sample setup), then the item process status of
the item that previously arrived is updated to null (or any other process status
defined in Col.4). Note that Col.5 is set to ensure that the process status is
changed only if the current process status is NW.
Use ## in Col.5 to indicate that the current item process status is irrelevant, and
that the change is to be made on the previously item that just arrived in all cases.
Item Record – subscription default
The action of the 'Subscr. defaults' (subscription defaults) button on
the item form has changed.
When activating the 'Subscr. defaults' button on the Item Form, the
Sublibrary and Collection fields of the related subscription record are
now driven to the item.
This is in addition to all other fields that are already driven from the
subscription to the related item: temporary location flag, item status,
copy ID, internal note, order number, item statistic, and remote
Update of Serial Information within Serials Order
Updating various fields in the Vendor Information tab of the Serial
Order Record affect the equivalent fields in the order's related
subscription record.
When a staff user makes a change to one of the following fields at
the Serials Order records, the appropriate field in the order's related
Subscription Record is automatically updated.
The common fields for the order and subscription records are:
• Vendor Code
• Vendor Reference
• Delivery Type
• Subscription Start/End Dates
The option to have an update between the Serials order and its
linked subscription is set in a new tab100 variable:
Update of Serial Information within Serials Order
Updating the 'Subscription Start Date' field in the Order record to a
date later than the current date does not trigger a simple update of
the Subscription record. Rather, it triggers creation of a new
subscription record, using the Subscription "Create New"
functionality. This functionality closes the existing subscription by
updating the End Date to the day before the new Start Date and
opening a new subscription.
Requested Item warning
The system may be configured to issue a warning when a change is
made in the status of a serial item if the item is requested.
The warning will be issued when registering an item’s (or group’s)
arrival, un-arrival, or when sending a claim letter for an item.
This option is controlled by the new DisplayRequestedMessage
acq.ini variable.
Order Number Search in Serials Search Bar
A new search option has been added to the GUI-ACQ-Serial search bar:
Order Number.
Activating the 'Order Number' search retrieves subscriptions that are
assigned the quoted order number.
This new feature enhances the serial work flow and can be used to
retrieve multiple subscriptions that are related to one order.
New service (serial-17)
List of Expected Issues (serial-17)
This new service retrieves a list of issues that are expected to arrive in
a given time period.
The purpose of the list is to enable the user to quickly locate on an item
for issue check-in.
The list includes the item barcode, which can be entered into the Serials
bar to directly access the particular issue.
Automatic Creation of Monograph-Type Items
Item records can be automatically created by Aleph by taking
information from the order record in the Acquisitions module. The
material type is now also used when creating the item record. In order
to support this, a new column, Col. 2 ‐ Order Material Type, has
been added to tab36 of the ADM library. The new column should be
populated with order material type code (up to two characters long, as
defined in the ACQ_ORDER_MATERIAL menu of the pc_tab_exp_field.lng
of the ADM library). The enhanced tab36 table now has two filters (keys),
Col.1 ‐ Order Sublibrary and Col.2 ‐ Order Material Type (new column).
When the system automatically creates monograph‐type items in
Acquisitions, it reads all orders with sublibrary and material types as
defined in col. 1 and col.2 and sets the items with the values defined in
col.3 and onwards: Col.3 ‐ Item Status, Col. 4 ‐ Item Material Type,
Col.5 ‐ Item Collection, Col.6 ‐ Item Call Number and Col.7 ‐ Item
Call Number Type.