Through The Looking Glass: The role of memory in the Glass

Taryn Schreiner
Jessa Southland
Josh Musick
Shelby Baxley
Thesis: “..Tom would have become a
protagonist whose remembrance of familial
things past was truly subjective, distorted,
dreamlike or even nightmarish, and totally
self-generated, a fantastic journey through
the minds inner reaches as well as the world’s
outer ones.”
Yes, it helps show the audience that the play is
based on Tom’s memory and is subjective to
Tom’s view point.
The play is Impressionistic (not
The truth is never directly questioned during
the play.
The play relies on realism.
“Expressionism and all other unconventional
techniques in drama have only one valid aim,
and that is a closer approach to the truth.”
“As it stands, however, Tom’s memories are
not expressionistic but impressionistic.”
“The Glass Menagerie may be a memory
play… but it does not question the reliability
of memory..”
“Like undisguised realism and naturalism The
Glass Menagerie never questions its own.”
The Glass Menagerie is “a straight realistic
play with its genuine Frigidaire and authentic
ice-cubes, its characters who speak exactly
as its audience speaks.”
“The actions may appear to be impressionistic
or ‘non-realistic’ (though hardly
expressionistic) but this is realism by any
other name.”
“The projections and lighting keep the effect
slightly stylized during the scenes, the
fragmented structure blocks us from too long
an absorption in the action, and the reappearance of Tom as a narrator forces us
back to the present.”