Assessing the Emergent Reader and Writer

Chapter 3
 The
pre-reading skills that are the building
blocks of future reading success:
Concepts of print:
Phonemic Awareness-letters represent sounds
 The alphabet debate
 Awareness of what people are doing when they read
and write. Mostly from modeling.
 Assessed with letter sound fluency measures
Book sense, book handling skills
Phonological awareness – sounds make words
 Assessed with phoneme segmentation (DIBELS)
 Oral
Print to speech to comprehsnion (understanding)
 Understanding events (a story) that are not
happening in the here and now “live”
Vocabulary including vocabulary size
 Comprehension
Understanding text (even when read aloud),
connecting it to schema
 Book
handling skills
 Knowledge of reading words.
 Directionality of text
 Academic vocabulary
Beginning and end
Top and bottom
Word and letter
 Upper
vs. lower case letters and punctuation
Creating your own assessment vs. commercial
 Assessing
Automaticity / fluency
 The
the alphabet
concept of a word
Pointing and one-to-one correspondence
 Phonological
Onset and rhyme
Matching rhyming words
“Tell me all the sounds you hear in ball”
 Vocabulary
(p. 63)
 Comprehension (p. 66)
 Modeling
Big books
 Teaching
sounds and letters
P. 75
 Teaching
the alphabet
Books, matching games
 Teaching
for print orientation
the concept of a word
Read aloud
Sentence building
Language experience stories
 Multisensory
Tapping and sweeping
Clapping syllables
Rhyming games
 Reading,
shared reading and rereading (p.
Modeling: decoding, expression, one to one
correspondence, metacognitive skills
 Guided
 Vocabulary
High frequency words
Tier two words
 Language
Story telling
Discussion stories
Listening activities