Close Reading using 2010

Higher Close Reading
What Is Close Reading
 Forty per cent of overall award
 Two non-fiction passages on a common subject
 Fifty marks worth of questions testing
Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation.
 1 hr 45 minutes to complete
Question Types
 Understanding- what points are being made by the
writer? You must use your own words when
answering these question.
 Analysis- what techniques are being used by the
writer? You must identify the correct techniques,
give examples and explain/ analyse them.
 Evaluation- how effective is the writer in what they
are attempting?
 1 (a) Explain which groups of people are being
attracted to cities.
 Answer briefly, do not repeat the question, in your
own words.
 The question is worth two marks. Therefore, your
answer must contain two different groups of people.
 In a world changing faster now than ever before, the
dispossessed and the ambitious are flooding into
cities swollen out of all recognition.
 Those who have lost their own homes
 Those who are seeking to improve their lives
Word Choice
The first step is to pick out /identify the most
important words.
2. Quote the words in your answer
3. Comment on the word or phrase’s connotations
(what do you associate with it). Do not simply
comment on its meaning
4. Explain how this helps you to understand the
writer’s ideas/opinion.
 Comment on the writer’s word choice in the
following sentence.
 “Oil prices have rocketed in recent years.”
 The word choice of ‘rocketed’ suggests that prices
have risen in a sudden and dramatic manner.
In a world changing faster now than ever before, the
dispossessed and the ambitious are flooding into cities
swollen out of all recognition. Poor cities are struggling
to cope. Rich cities are reconfiguring themselves at
breakneck speed. China has created an industrial
powerhouse from what were fishing villages in the 1970s.
Lagos and Dhaka attract a thousand new arrivals every
day. In Britain, central London’s population has started
to grow again after 50 years of decline.
 ‘Swollen’ suggests harmful, painful growth
 ‘Flooding’ has connotations of something
overwhelming, suggesting that cities are struggling
to cope.
Referring to lines 7–14, explain two ways in which
“That version of London would seem like a village
now” (lines 10–11).
 Find the quotation.
 Look for the answers nearby.
 Answer in your own words
We have more big cities now than at any time in our
history. In 1900, only sixteen had a population of one
million; now it’s more than 400. Not only are there more
of them, they are larger than ever. In 1851, London had
two million people. It was the largest city in the world by
a long way, twice the size of Paris, its nearest rival. That
version of London would seem like a village now. By the
official definition, London has getting on for eight
million people, but in practical terms, it’s a city of 18
million, straggling most of the way from Ipswich to
Bournemouth in an unforgiving rash of business parks
and designer outlets, gated housing and logistics depots.
 Population has greatly increased.
 The size and reach of the city has also increased
 Now contains a much greater variety of outlets.
Show how the writer’s use of language in lines 15–20
conveys the Victorians’ disgust at the city they had
created. You should refer in your answer to such
features as imagery, word choice, sentence structure
. . . (4A)
Four marks- at least two examples. Two marks for
each fully explained example.
Imagery Questions
Identify and quote the image (this will be an
example of simile, metaphor or personification)
2. Explain its literal origin.
3. Explain clearly what it is being compared to.
4. Explain why this comparison is effective in
conveying the writer’s point (make sure you say
what their point is).
 Show how the writer’s use of imagery helps to
convey his argument. (2A)
 Too many tourists are so wedded to their camera
that they cease to respond directly to the places of
beauty they visit. They are content to take home a
dozen rolls of exposed film instead, like a bank full of
monopoly money.
 The simile ‘like a bank full of monopoly money’
conveys the writer’s feelings that tourists do not
properly experience the destinations they visit. He
does so by comparing the fake and worthless money
of a board game to their rolls of photographs from
holiday. This suggests that, just as monopoly money
is an inauthentic substitute, with little value, so
photographs are no substitute for memories based
on true interaction.
Having invented the modern city, 19th century Britain
promptly reeled back in horror at what it had done. To
the Victorians exploring the cholera-ridden back alleys of
London’s East End, the city was a hideous tumour
sucking the life out of the countryside and creating in its
place a vast polluted landscape of squalor, disease and
crime. In their eyes, the city was a place to be feared,
controlled and, if possible,
 Metaphor of ‘tumour’ -a poisonous growth, which
spreads- is compared to the growth of the city,
suggesting they saw its spread as dangerous.
 Sentence structure- list at end of paragraph. This
uses a tri-colon to list the negative ways in which
they viewed the city and wanted to behave towards
it. This climaxes with ‘to be destroyed’, a particularly
extreme desire, effectively highlighting the extreme
disgust they felt towards the city.
In lines 21–25, the writer tells us that for the first time
in history more people are now living in cities than in
the countryside. Show how the writer’s use of
language in this paragraph emphasises the
momentous nature of this change.
Use of language= word choice, imagery, sentence
structure, tone
Such attitudes continue to shape thinking about the
city. Yet, like it or not, at some point in 2008, the city
finally swallowed the world. The number of people
living in cities overtook those left behind in the
fields. It’s a statistic that seems to suggest some sort
of fundamental species change, like the moment
when mankind stopped being hunter gatherers and
took up agriculture.
 Word choice of ‘fundamental species changes’
suggests that it is a development that almost
redefines who we are as people.
Read lines 26–31.
Explain in detail why the writer thinks the city is
“mankind’s greatest single invention” (line 31).
The future of the city has suddenly become the only
subject in town. It ranges from tough topics such as
managing water resources, economic policy,
transport planning, racial tolerance and law
enforcement to what is usually presented as the
fluffier end of the scale, such as making public spaces
people want to spend time in and deciding the colour
of the buses. But it is this diversity which powerfully
affirms the city as mankind’s greatest single
 Life within the city encompasses an extremely wide-
range and contrasting set of issues. It connects many
seemingly different aspects of life.
 Read lines 32–37.
 Give any two reasons why cities “must be
counted as a positive force”.
For all their agonies, cities must be counted as a positive
force. They are an engine of growth, a machine for
putting the rural poor onto the first rung of urban
prosperity and freedom. Look at London, a city that
existed for several centuries before anything
approximating England had been thought of. It has a far
stronger sense of itself and its identity than Britain as a
whole or England. It has grown, layer on layer, for 2000
years, sustaining generation after generation of
 Cities encourage expansion and progression of
 They also encourage social and economic mobility.
 It creates stronger local identities
 Their growth allows them to provide for vast
amounts of people.
 Read lines 38–46.
 (a) Explain how any one of the examples in
these lines illustrates the surprising nature of
the way London has changed over time.
 (b) Show how the sentence structure of the
paragraph as a whole emphasises the idea of
You see their traces in the Spitalfields district, where a
French Huguenot chapel became, successively, a
synagogue and a mosque, tracking the movement of
waves of migrants from poverty to suburban comfort.
London’s a place without an apparent structure that has
proved extraordinarily successful at growing and
changing. Its old residential core, sheltering in the
approaches to its Tower of London fortress, has made the
transition into the world’s busiest banking centre. Its
market halls and power stations have become art
galleries and piazzas. Its simple terraced streets, built for
the clerks of the Great Western Railway in Southall, have
become home to the largest Sikh community outside
 Same building has been a centre of worship for
different religious groups. This highlights the
different migrant groups who have came to London,
often under difficult circumstances and integrated
into the city
Sentence Structure Questions
 Show how the writer uses sentence structure to . . .
 How effective do you find the writer’s use of sentence
structure . . .
 Comment on the writer’s use of language.
 Refer to the writer’s style.
Comment on the effect of
Length- particularly long or short? If so, why?
Use of punctuation for effect. Explain what the
effect is.
Word order / inversion.
Use of climax or anticlimax.
 Identify features of punctuation and explain their
 You will receive no marks for identification alone.
 The Scottish race has been variously and plentifully
accused of being dour, mean, venal, sly, narrow,
slothful, sluttish, nasty, dirty, immoderately
drunken, embarrassingly sentimental, masterfully
hypocritical, and a blueprint for disaster when on the
football field.
 Comment on the structure and effect of this
No marks
 Commas are used to create a list structure
Commenting on Effect
 The sentence consists of a long list of the faults of the
Scots. It makes their faults seem endless, as if there
were no hope of redeeming features.
 Writers use short sentences to . . .
 Writers use long sentences to . . .
 Writers use short sentences to . . . Create emphasis,
indicate a dramatic shift in their argument, suggest
 Writers use long sentences to . . . Indicate there is a
vast amount of something, suggest the passing of a
long period of time
Identify the following punctuation marks
and give a reason for using each one
2. ;
3. 1.
Identify the following punctuation marks
and give a reason for using each one
: Colon. This is used to introduce something, often
an explanation or an expansion of a point.
2. ; Semi-colon. This is either used to separate clauses
in a complicated list, or to join related statements.
3. - Dashes are used to create parenthesis.
This helps to separate additional information.
Commas and brackets can also be used for this
 Dismissing a complaint about sexism with the phrase "do
me a favour, love" certainly has the structure of a joke,
albeit a crap one. But whether he meant it or not, my
point is this: without the accompanying facial
expressions, we are missing 50% of the context. And
context is vital.
 In the context of a live club appearance, a standup will
say things that would be a sackable offence if repeated in
the workplace, or lead to death threats if hysterically
recounted on the front page of a national paper
accompanied by a portrait snap.
 The repetition of ‘context’ three times highlights that
where and when jokes take place is fundamental in
making them acceptable or unacceptable.
 Use of a colon introduces and highlights the
importance of his point that we can not judge
whether the comment was ironic because it has been
stripped of its context. This is reinforced by the
following short sentence.
 You see their traces in the Spitalfields district, where a
French Huguenot chapel became, successively, a
synagogue and a mosque, tracking the movement of
waves of migrants from poverty to suburban comfort.
London’s a place without an apparent structure that has
proved extraordinarily successful at growing and
changing. Its old residential core, sheltering in the
approaches to its Tower of London fortress, has made the
transition into the world’s busiest banking centre. Its
market halls and power stations have become art
galleries and piazzas. Its simple terraced streets, built for
the clerks of the Great Western Railway in Southall, have
become home to the largest Sikh community outside
 Three final sentences follow a similar pattern.
Repetition of ‘its’ –a reference to London- draws
attention to their similarity. All start by mentioning
an old feature of London and end by mentioning
what it has changed into in the modern day city.
Therefore, the structure of the sentences mirrors the
process of change. Their similarity emphasises how
widespread such change has been in London.
 Show how the image of the “à la carte menu”
illustrates the point the writer is making in lines 47–
 Imagery- explain what the literal origin is.
 State what it is being compared to.
 Explain how this comparison relates to the writer’s
point. (Remember to say what this point is)
 An ‘a la carte menu’ is one which allows a diner to
choose between a wide range of food. This is being
compared to life in a city. This helps the writer to
illustrate the wide range of lifestyle choices; the great
amounts of diversity, that cities encourage.
Read lines 52–65.
(a) According to the writer, what is the key difference
between successful cities and unsuccessful cities?
(b) Show how the writer’s use of language in these
lines emphasises this difference.
 Successful cities encourage progression and
transformation; unsuccessful ones remain static.
The cities that work best are those that keep their
options open, that allow the possibility of change.
The ones that are stuck, overwhelmed by rigid, stateowned social housing, or by economic systems that
offer the poor no way out of the slums, are in trouble.
A successful city is one that makes room for surprises. A
city that has been trapped by too much gentrification or
too many shopping malls will have trouble generating the
spark that is essential to making a city that works.
Successful cities are the ones that allow people to be what
they want; unsuccessful ones try to force them to be what
others want them to be. A city of freeways like Houston
or Los Angeles forces people to be car drivers or else
traps them in poverty. A successful city has a public
transport system that is easy to use; an unsuccessful city
tries to ban cars.
 Sentence structure. Two balanced sentences which
use semi-colons. In each sentence, the first clause
illustrates the options and possibilities that a
successful city offers to its citizens; the second clause
highlights the restrictive nature of unsuccessful
cities. This helps to emphasise this contrast between
the different notions of cities.
Read lines 1–8.
(a) Explain why, according to the writer, Glasgow
was in the past an important world city.
(b) Explain why Glasgow could be considered
important now.
(c) Show how the writer’s use of language in lines 3–8
(“This is a city . . . The moon.”) emphasises
Glasgow’s importance.
Glasgow is a city which has experienced constant change
and adaptation, from its period as a great industrial city
and as the Second City of Empire, to its latter day
reinvention as the City of Culture and the Second City
of Shopping. This is a city with pull, buzz, excitement,
and a sense of style and its own importance. It has a
potent international reach and influence. Glasgow’s
story continually weaves in and out of a global urban
tapestry: following the trade threads of Empire, there
are nearly two dozen towns and cities around the world
named after Glasgow—from Jamaica to Montana to
Nova Scotia. And there is even a Glasgow on the moon.
 It used to be extremely important for
manufacturing/ had an integral role in Britain’s
imperial actions
 Is now extremely important for retail and
 Sentence structure- colon used to introduce a list of
the many places internationally that Glasgow has
influenced. The use of the list, which is extended
through the use of parenthesis, makes it seem like
Glasgow’s influence is ubiquitous. This is reinforced
by the final short sentence.
Read lines 9–16.
(a) What does the writer mean by the words “radical”
(line 13) and “derivative” (line 14) in his discussion
of city development?
(b) Show how the writer’s use of language in lines 9–
16 suggests his doubts about the alleged “success
story” of Glasgow.
Glasgow’s constant proclamation of its present success
story is justified on the basis that it benefits the city:
confidence will breed confidence, tourists will visit,
businesses will relocate and students will enrol. But,
despite the gains this approach has brought for Glasgow
and cities like it, there are signs that the wind is starting
to come out of the sails. What felt radical when Dublin,
Barcelona and Glasgow embarked on the city makeover
path in the late 1980s and early 1990s, now feels
derivative and is delivering diminishing returns. When
every city has commissioned a celebrity architect and
pedestrianised a cultural quarter, distinctiveness is
reduced to a formula.
 Radical- original approach to city planning and
 Derivative- copying the ways other cities have been
 Glasgow’s constant proclamation of its present success
story is justified on the basis that it benefits the city:
confidence will breed confidence, tourists will visit,
businesses will relocate and students will enrol. But,
despite the gains this approach has brought for Glasgow
and cities like it, there are signs that the wind is starting
to come out of the sails. What felt radical when Dublin,
Barcelona and Glasgow embarked on the city makeover
path in the late 1980s and early 1990s, now feels
derivative and is delivering diminishing returns. When
every city has commissioned a celebrity architect and
pedestrianised a cultural quarter, distinctiveness is
reduced to a formula.
 Sentence structure- Colon is used to introduce a list of all
the possible benefits that Glasgow’s success story brings,
making them seem many and impressive. However, the
following sentence starts with ‘but’, which undermines
these claims by immediately introducing a contrasting
 Imagery of ‘wind is starting to come out of sails’. Literally
this image refers to how wind helps to power and move a
ship or boat, but a lack of wind is causing the vessel to
stall. This is being compared to Glasgow’s success story,
indicating that the writer believes it is also stalling.
Read lines 17–26.
(a) “There are several problems with this.” (lines 19–
20). Explain briefly what these “problems” are.
(b) Explain fully how the structure of lines 19–26
(“There are . . . room for distinctiveness.”) helps to
clarify the writer’s argument.
Yet “official” Glasgow continues to celebrate its new-found
status as a shopping mecca and top tourist destination,
revelling in the city’s new role as a place for conspicuous
consumption, affluent lifestyles and global city breaks.
There are several problems with this. One is that this is a
city with historic and deep inequalities, a city of sharp
divisions in income, employment, life chances and
health. Another is that it can be seen as promoting a way
of living that is unsustainable in terms of people’s
disposable income and growing levels of debt. And yet
another problem is the clutter of cities on the worldclass trail with the same familiar formula supporting
their campaign—shopping, tourism, mega-events,
cultural events, iconic
architecture and casinos—leaving little room for
 There are great disparities in incomes and
opportunities for the city’s population
 The style of life being encouraged is beyond many
people’s economic grasp
 Many other cities are being promoted in the same
Yet “official” Glasgow continues to celebrate its new-found
status as a shopping mecca and top tourist destination,
revelling in the city’s new role as a place for conspicuous
consumption, affluent lifestyles and global city breaks.
There are several problems with this. One is that this is a
city with historic and deep inequalities, a city of sharp
divisions in income, employment, life chances and
health. Another is that it can be seen as promoting a way
of living that is unsustainable in terms of people’s
disposable income and growing levels of debt. And yet
another problem is the clutter of cities on the world-class
trail with the same familiar formula supporting their
campaign—shopping, tourism, mega-events, cultural
events, iconic architecture and casinos—leaving little
room for distinctiveness
 Each problem is given a sentence of its own, which is
clearly signalled at the start ‘one, another, yet another’.
Each sentence then goes on to detail the problem. This
allows for clear identification of the different problems
with Glasgow promoting itself in this way. It also has a
cumulative effect, making it appear like a piling up of
different flaws in Glasgow’s promotion strategy. Also,
parenthesis is used in the final sentence to introduce a
list of the features that many cities now share. This large
list makes it seem like there are an overwhelming
amount of similarities, conveying the sense that there
can be little room left for originality in Glasgow’s
promotional strategy.
Read lines 27–35.
(a) What is the writer’s main criticism of the way the
“politicians and the Establishment” run Glasgow?
(b) Show how the writer’s use of language in this
paragraph creates a tone of disapproval.
The politicians and the Establishment talk the language of
“opportunity”, “choice” and “diversity” for the people of
the city, but do not really believe in or practise them.
They impose a set menu, rather than the choice offered
“à la carte”, confident that they know best. For all the
rhetoric about new ways of working, partnership and
collaboration, there can still be a very old-fashioned topdown approach in parts of institutional Glasgow that
retains a faith that experts and professionals must hold
all the answers. There is an implicit belief that people are
poor because of low aspirations and Glaswegians are
unhealthy because they won’t accept responsibility, make
the right choices and eat healthily.
 The adopt a paternalistic/ Nanny state approach
 “set menu” suggests a lack of choice, contrary to their
declared intentions
 “talk the language” suggests that there is something
artificial or pretended about what
these people say – they are using “jargon” rather than
sincere language
Read lines 36–42.
Explain the approach the writer would prefer to see in
the way Glasgow is run.
This dichotomy between the powerful and the powerless
undermines the whole concept of the “resurgence” of cities
such as Glasgow. At the moment, the city and its people
only come together for mega-events such as the
Commonwealth Games or City of Music bids. The question
is whether this unity can be mobilised in a more sustained
way. There is an urgent need to find some new shared
values and vision to help bridge the gap between the city
and its people—to close the gap between the
cities people want and the cities people get.
 Find ways to permanently include all citizens in the
life of the city and reduce inequality.
 Give the population greater say in the future of the
Question on both Passages
 Which passage do you think offers the more thought-
provoking ideas about the nature of cities?
 Justify your choice by close reference to the ideas of
both passages.