The Crucible 3.8 Tone Paragraph

The Crucible 3.8 Tone Paragraph
• Choose one quote/passage from Acts I, II or III of The Crucible. This
should be a quote that you can easily analyze tone in at least THREE
Tone Word:
Choose the most significant
List the tone word and give the
quote from that passage. Make part of speech and the definition
sure you cite it correctly!
of that word.
Explain the context of the passage with
a thorough summary. Remember
context means describe the set
circumstances or facts surrounding the
quote. (2 sentence minimum)
Explain why this tone word is
appropriate for this passage. (3
sentence minimum)
The Crucible 3.8 Tone Paragraph
• Example from Bellringer:
Proctor: “I say—I say—God
is dead!” (226)
John Proctor yells this statement
after he witnesses Mary return
back to Abigail’s side and accuse
him of witchcraft. This statement
shows Proctor’s anger at the court
for not believing the truth.
Tone Word:
Enraged (adjective) to put
into a rage; to make very
angry; infuriate
1. The use of the exclamation
point emphasizes that it is a
powerful statement.
2. The repetition of words
indicates JP’s frustration.
3. The short words indicate a loss
of words because of frustration.
The Crucible 3.8 Tone Paragraph
• Format of a 3.8 Paragraph:
1. TS (topic sentence)
2. SS (support sentence)
3. EX (explanation)
4. SS (support sentence)
5. EX (explanation)
6. SS (support sentence)
7. EX (explanation)
8. CS (concluding sentence)
The Crucible 3.8 Tone Paragraph
• Format of a 3.8 Tone Paragraph:
1. TS: Tone and Quote
2. SS: First example from quote that supports tone
3. EX: Explain why that example supports that tone
4. SS: Second example from quote that supports tone
5. EX: Explain why that example supports that tone
6. SS: Third example from quote that supports tone
7. EX: Explain why that example supports that tone
8. CS: Overall significance of that tone word (tie it
back to the context of the quote)
Example Tone Paragraph
• Quote: “I say—I say—God is dead!” (226)
• Tone: Enraged
• Example paragraph: (TS) The tone of John Proctor’s statement, “I say—I
say—God is dead!” (226) could be described as enraged. (SS) One indication
of this tone is through the use of the exclamation point. (EX) This
punctuation mark is used when a statement should be said in a powerful
manner and Proctor exclaims this statement because he is angry. (SS)
Another indication of this tone is the repetition of the words “I say.” (EX)
This repetition indicates a loss of words because he is frustrated due to the
fact the judges refuse to believe the truth, choosing instead believe the lies
of the girls, and this frustration intensifies the enraged tone. (SS) A final
way this quote emphasizes an enraged tone is the usage of the short, terse
words. (EX) When one is enraged one does not typically think through his
words, and these short words demonstrate his initial reaction to the
situation. (CS) The enraged tone best fits this phrase because it emphasizes
Proctor’s anger at the judges for not believing the truth of the situation.