Realism PPT Chopin Stories Updated

“Story of an Hour” &
“The Storm”
Connection to
Realism is defined as the “faithful
representation of reality,” and it
revolves around the social,
economic, racial, and moral
struggles of the middle class. From
the time period of the 1860s to the
1890s, realism strays away from
romanticism, idealism, or personal
feelings and fixates on ordinary
people and everyday life.
Connection To Realism (pt. 2)
“Story of an Hour”: The general plotline highlights the
plight of women during the late 1800s and how
women struggle with their freedom; it emphasizes the
oppression that is placed upon women and its
repercussions. Rather than romanticizing the plotline
and relaying a dear story of a woman mourning over
her husband’s tragic death, “Story of an Hour”
pinpoints the liberation that came with the supposed
death of her husband – a realistic scenario. Many of
the women during the time period felt as if they were
trapped and limited in what they were able to do; the
death of her husband realistically represented a way
for her to escape the trap, for there was no one to
control her anymore. She believed that she was free
to “drink … [the] elixir of life” and live free from the
reign of her husband (Chopin 637). She was so
oppressed that her husband’s death served as an
opportunity to become liberated – a common feeling
within women of the realism time period.
Connection to Realism (pt. 3)
“The Storm”: The general plotline of this short story
focuses on the controversial nature of affairs within
marriages; it tells the story of how two old lovers,
both married to other people, rekindle their
relationship with a stormy affair one night.
Originally, the story was found to be immensely
controversial – most likely in the light that it
showed affairs as a positive thing, for the ending of
the story showed that everyone was happy rather
than chaotic in behavior. It gave the message that
people who have affairs can get away clean and
still remain in a strong marriage. Rather than the
romanticized belief that those who commit to
affairs will suffer consequences, in reality,
oftentimes, people who are in affairs get away with
it. Innocent people get hurt, and the “bad” people
don’t get in trouble. As hard as it is to admit the
fact that affairs are common, it is the realistic truth,
and it happens increasingly whether one is wealthy
or in a middle class family.
Dramatic Irony: when the implications of a situation/action is
understood by the audience but not by the characters
“Story of an Hour”:
“When the doctors came they said
she had died of heart disease –
of joy that kills” (Chopin 638).
The doctors believe that Mrs.
Mallard died because she was
overly joyous due to her husband
being alive, but the readers know
that she was originally happy
when she thought she was free.
Her death was caused by
shock/sadness/anger ; her
husband’s life symbolized her
further oppression.
“The Storm”:
“‘Oh, Bobinot! You back! My! But I
was uneasy.’” (Chopin)
Calixta expresses that she felt
uneasy and worried about her
husband and her son, yet it is
evident that she was
preoccupied with the affair
rather than thinking about her
Situational Irony: when the unexpected outcome occurs
“The Story of an Hour”:
“It was Brently Mallard who entered,
a little travel-stained … He had
been far from the scene of the
accident, and did not know there
had been one” (Chopin 638)
Throughout the whole short story, it
is implied and believed that
Brently Mallard is deceased, and
that his death is what causes Mrs.
Mallard’s urge for liberation from
the patriarchal stances of society.
In the end, it turns out that Mr.
Mallard is very much alive and
wasn’t even aware of the accident
– an unexpected plot twist.
“The Storm”:
“So the storm passed and every
one was happy” (Chopin).
Reader would typically assume
there be some guilt felt by
Calixta and Alcee or that
someone found out of the
adulterous affair, but nobody
finds out. Everything works out
despite popular expectations –
Calixta and Alcee get away with
their actions, and Bobinot and
Clarisse don’t find out.
Verbal Irony : speech in which the intended meaning of a statement
differs from what is actually said
“Story of an Hour”:
“The Storm”:
“When the doctors came they said
she had died of heart disease –
of joy that kills” (Chopin 638).
“‘Oh, Bobinot! You back! My! But I
was uneasy.’” (Chopin)
The doctors believe that Mrs.
Mallard died because she was
overly joyous due to her husband
being alive, but the readers know
that she was originally happy
when she thought she was free.
Her death was caused by
shock/sadness/anger ; her
husband’s life symbolized her
further oppression.
*same as dramatic irony
Calixta expresses that she felt
uneasy and worried about her
husband and her son, yet it is
evident that she was preoccupied
with the affair rather than
thinking about her family.
*same as the dramatic irony
Story of an Hour: Symbolism
 How is the window a symbol of Mrs. Mallard’s deepest desires? How is the setting in
general representative of the different spheres men and women occupied?
 The window directly represents the door to freedom. Mrs. Mallard's
short-lived desire for freedom directly correlates to her window in
respect that it represents freedom and a vision of independence from
her patriarchal society.
“No; she was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window” (Chopin 637).
Through this quote, Mrs. Mallard shows that she indulges herself within the beauty of the
world; the natural scenery that can be seen outside the window represents both the
spontaneity that is held in her future and the wonders of the world. Rather than being
tied down to her room and home, the window serves as an opportunity to be free.
The setting of the “The Story of an Hour”, depicts the social contrast
that is present between the male and female populations within society.
The setting represents the reality where women are tied to their homes
and have no roles in society and minimal chances for freedom in the
“outside” world.
Story of an Hour: Marriage
 What view of marriage does the story present?
 In “The Story of an Hour,” it is shown that marriage is not
necessarily done for love, but rather for convenience. This story
takes place in approximately the 1800s when women were still
under the dominance of men and had to marry to preserve their
status in society. It can be assumed that this was a loveless
marriage because when Mrs. Mallard learns of her husband’s
death, she weeps tears of joy, instead of anguish. If she had truly
loved him, then she would have been far more devastated than
she was perceived. Lastly, it shows how the marriage was
dominated completely by her husband. Her tears of joy and
feeling of liberation prove that Mrs. Mallard was oppressed and
confined to her husband’s ways. She didn’t have a voice in the
marriage, which shows that the marriage of the time period
wasn’t as equal as it is in modern days.
Story of an Hour: Major Themes
 Connect the setting of the story to its major themes. How
is Mrs. Mallard imprisoned?
 The setting of the story is very limited including only her
bedroom and the stairs. This symbolizes the restrictions
placed on Mrs. Mallard, not only in her own house, but
also referring to her place in society. As a woman, Mrs.
Mallard has very few freedoms and in this way she is
“imprisoned” because she doesn’t have a say in matters
that concern herself and instead has to conform to
society’s way. Her tears of joy and overwhelming
happiness show that she definitely felt trapped to begin
with, and the window, being a symbol for her freedom,
became all the more captivating.
The Storm: Larger Message
 Why is “The Storm” such a controversial text?
 The primary reasons that “The Storm” is considered a controversial text is the
sexuality of the text, the abrupt ending of the story and the message that the
ending implies. In “The Storm”, Bobinot and his son Bibi are at a store, getting
groceries among other things, while Calixta is at home sewing. A storm brews
up and Calixta invites Alcee into her house so as to avoid being in the storm.
Soon afterwards, they commit adultery in their own “storm” of emotions and
feelings. The controversy lies in the fact that the affair is described first
explicitly in the story and that the same affair is then ignored by the adulterers
once Bobinot and Bibi return home, and that Calixta and Alcee remain free of
any blame or trouble afterwards. Chopin even ends the story by saying “So the
storm passed and everyone was happy,” which in and of itself seems
controversial. However, Chopin’s short story shows the realistic nature of
affairs in that they are not always obvious or easily discovered, and the
committers of such an act are not necessarily punished. This also highlights
Chopin’s belief that in the moment of passion of desire, the immediate effect is
not a consequence, and may actually benefit those involved in the affair, as by
the end “everyone was happy”.
The Storm: Symbolism
 What are the two storms in the text?
 In “The Storm” , there are two storms that coincide with each other during the
text: the literal thunderstorm occurring outside Calixta’s house preventing
Bobinot and Bibi from leaving the store, and the metaphorical storm of lust,
desire, and passion involving the affair of Calixta and Alcee inside Calixta’s
home. As the thunderstorm picks up, it drives Alcee into Calixta’s home,
causing the emotional encounter that follows, as Alcee and Calixta remember a
past time when Calixta was younger. As the physical storm of nature stirs up, so
does the emotional storm that Alcee and Calixta both experience. As one storm
subsides, so does the other, and the storms become no more than a relic of the
past. Bobinot and Bibi can finally return home, and Clarisse, Alcee’s wife, is
also oblivious to what has occurred, all three remaining in ignorant bliss. The
suddenness of these storms shows the quickness with which emotions of desire
and passion can present themselves, as well as how fleeting these feelings can
be, ultimately demonstrating Chopin’s use of symbolism in the form of the
storms to represent the realistic nature of affairs, in that they can be
passionate, yet fleeting, while subsiding without any incident while also using a
writing style somewhat explicit in nature, atypical of the time period.
The Storm: Bobinot and Bibi
 Why is it significant that Chopin includes Bobinot and Bibi in the story?
What is the significance of their sympathetic characteristics?
 Bobinot and Bibi represent the ignorant and innocent portion of the
society. Despite the fact that Bobinot and Bibi are “betrayed” by Calixta
when she chooses to have an affair with Alcee, Bobinot and Bibi remain
“clueless” and unaware of this, and treat everything as if nothing had ever
happened. This cluelessness represents the theme that “ignorance is bliss”,
where it refers to Bobinot and Bibi, for being unaware about Calixta’s affair,
yet, ironically being happy and sympathetic for Calixta instead. Their
excessive sympathetic tendencies reveal their innocence throughout the
situation, thus further exemplifying the controversial nature of affairs.
Various people throughout society take part in adulterous natures, and
there are innumerous people who are oblivious to the actions, such as
Bobinot and Bibi. Their sympathetic characteristics show that despite their
good intentions, they still get hurt, even though they are unaware of it at
the time. Realistically, nice people get hurt – not just bad guys.
Internal Conflict
 “The Storm”
 “The Story of an Hour”
 There is a lack of internal
 The internal conflict became
conflict from Calixta as she
undergoes the affair with Alcee.
Rather than contemplating
whether to go through with her
decision or thinking about
whether or not to tell her family
about her actions, she blissfully
has an affair. Throughout the
whole story, there is no guilt
shown from her either.
amplified as she showed how
free she felt once she realized
her husband was allegedly
dead. She was struggling with
having her own voice and not
confining to the limitations of
society. She subconsciously felt
trapped and oppressed –
trapped in her home mentally.
External Conflict
 “The Storm”
 “The Story of an Hour”
 External conflict is shown
 Mrs. Mallard is confined to her
through the actual storm
outside (man vs. nature)
because it poses as an obstacle
for Bobinot and Bibi to come
home to Calixta. In addition,
there is a conflict as having an
affair is conflicting toward her
husband, as it’s a struggle
between the marriage they
share together.
home; she’s trapped by her
room and her home, and she
was plagued with having to
remain in the home, for as a
women during the times, she
was meant to do domestic
 “The Storm”
 “The Story of an Hour”
 “… beating like a
 “She carried herself
 “… was like a creamy
 “… was like a white
 “… as white as the couch
as she lay on…”
unwittingly like a
goddess of Victory”
 “The Storm”
 “The Story of an Hour”
 “her passion … which
 “physical exhaustion
penetrated and found
response in depths of his
own sensuous nature…”
that haunted her body”