What`s New in OCLC Cataloging?

Dreama K. Deskins
DKD Consulting
May 10, 2012
OCLC Authorities
OCLC Connexion Client 2.4
◦ OCLC-MARC Format Update 2011
◦ OCLC-MARC Format Update 2012
◦ New MARC: LC’s Bibliographic Framework Transition
◦ Changes to Controlled Headings
◦ Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT)
◦ Cancellation of Character- and Franchise-Based Terms
for Moving Images
◦ Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
◦ New Features
◦ Tips and Tricks
Quality Control
◦ OCLC WorldCat
 OCLC error reporting
 Replacing master records in OCLC
◦ Local Catalogs
 Batch loading cataloging records
 Identifying patterns of errors and issues
Most recent additions and
changes to the OCLC-MARC
format and search indexes
Leader Value Added
◦ Position 18, Descriptive Cataloging Form
 c ISBD punctuation omitted at the end of a subfield
007 Fields Added for
Notated Music
008 Format of Music
◦ c Accompaniment reduced for keyboard
◦ d Voice score
◦ h Chorus score [used to be included in c and d]
008 Form of Item
◦ [blank]
◦ o Online
◦ q Direct electronic [disc, Playaway, flash drive, etc.]
Renamed $h and changed definition
◦ Now: Language code of original
◦ Was: Language code of original and/or intermediate
translations of text
◦ $k – Language code of intermediate translations
◦ $m – Language code of original accompanying
materials other than librettos
◦ $n – Language code of original libretto
Do not use until guidelines for its use are
Will use 264 for cases where there is a
distinction between functions
Technical specifications relating to the
encoding of sound in a resource
a Type of recording
b Recording medium
c Playing speed
d Groove characteristics
e Track configuration
f Tape configuration
g Configuration of playback channels
h Special playback characteristics
Technical specifications relating to the
projection of a moving image resource
a Presentation format
b Projection speed
Technical specifications relating to the
encoding of analog video images in a
a Video format
b Broadcast speed
Technical specifications relating to the digital
encoding of text, image, audio, video, and
other types of data in a resource
a File type
b Encoding format
c File size
d Resolution
e Regional encoding
f Transmission speed
Example: 365 bb 01 ‡b 45.00 ‡c USD ‡d 00
‡2 onix-pt
a Type of price recorded in ‡b; source in ‡2
b Numeric price
c Currency code
d Unit of pricing
2 Source from Price Type Code Source Codes
For use by the book trade to record the
current price of an item
Example: 366 bb Steinberg Adolescence (3rd
ed) ‡b 19921200
Example: 366 bb ‡b 19960517 ‡c NP
19951205 ‡2 onix-as
◦ a Title-centered bibliographic information
◦ b Detailed date of publication
◦ c Two-digit status code and date of status report
with codes from ISO 8601, Representation of Dates
and Times
◦ 2 Source from Availability Status Code Source
For use by the book trade
Code for languages associated with the entity
described in the record
Relates to 008, 041, 546
Do not use if record is for a manifestation; use
for work or expression only
◦ Work = intellectual property, e.g., A Christmas Carol by
Charles Dickens
◦ Expression = 1st edition of the text, illustrated by John
◦ Manifestation = annotated ed., published in 2004 by
W.W. Norton
◦ Item = Copy 1 held by your library with barcode 123456
Added to the definition
For manifestations, the instrumental, vocal,
and/or other medium of performance
embodied in the manifestation
For works and expressions, the instrumental
and/or other medium of performance for
which a musical work was originally
conceived or for which a musical expression
is written or performed.
New Index
Search Contains
Date created
Date Entered (008/00-05)
Physical Description p3:
300 $a
561 $a $3 $5
563 $a $3 $5
100, 110, 111, 700, 710, 711 if one of
the following relator codes is present in
$4 or $e:
Annotator (ann), Associated name (asn),
Binder (bnd), Bookseller (bsl), Collector
(col), Dedicatee (dte), Donor (dnr), Former
owner (fmo), Inscriber (ins), Owner (own),
Repository (rps)
Search Now Contains
Entity Attributes
340, 344, 345, 356, 347, 377, 382, 383
264 $a $b
Language Qualifier
377 $a
Material Type
344, 345, 346, 347
Check TB #261 for codes to search, e.g.,
blu for blu-ray
264 $b
Publisher Location
264 $a
li: iog and dm: 20111010
ti: innocents abroad and pn: twain and pb:
harper and p3: 408
pv: josiah grinnell
OCLC-MARC Format Update 2011
◦ http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/wo
OCLC-MARC Format Update 2012
◦ http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/wo
“New MARC”
LC Working Group of the Future of Bibliographic
◦ Accommodate and distinguish expert-, automated- and
self-generated metadata, including annotations
◦ “Work with the library and other interested communities
to specify and implement a carrier for bibliographic
information that is capable of representing the full range
of data of interest to libraries, and of facilitating the
exchange of such data both within the library community
and with related communities.”
Full capabilities of RDA would be more useful
to the library community if the limitations of
MARC were lifted
New Bibliographic Framework will
◦ Broaden participation in the network of cataloging
◦ Enable librarians to better link their patrons to
resources of all kinds
◦ Better contain costs
LC will continue to support MARC during the
transition and for years to come
In use for over 40 years and has built up
◦ Longevity complicates simplification
◦ Tags can’t be reused because older records still
If data were reorganized, old data would be
incompatible with new data
Limitations exist because of choices made in
the initial development of the format
eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
Almost unlimited tagging capability
Very mature tools
Continues to be developed at a rapid rate
Has auxiliary standards for
 eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT)
 XML Query (Xquery)
◦ Led to the development of MARCXML
Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) and
Metadata Authority Description Schema (MADS)
◦ XML schema compatible with MARC bibliographic and
authority data
◦ Word-based tagging
LC is integrating RDA into MARC 21
LC Vocabularies are available as linked data
◦ Authorities, MARC codes
Increased interest in and experimentation with
Resource Description Framework (RDF)-based
Broad accommodation of content rules and
data models
◦ Agnostic to cataloging rules
◦ Accommodate RDA, AACR2, DACS, VRA, Core, CCO
Provision for data that accompanies or
supports bibliographic description
◦ Holdings, authority, classification, preservation,
technical, rights, archival metadata
Accommodation of textual data, linked data
with URIs instead of text, and both
Consideration of the relationships between and
recommendations for communications format
tagging, record input conventions, and system
storage manipulation
◦ Future framework likely to be seen less by catalogers
◦ Internal storage displays and input screens are unlikely
to have the close relationship to a communications
Consideration of the needs of all sizes and types
of libraries
Continuation of maintenance of MARC until no
longer necessary
Compatibility with MARC-based records
Provision of transformation from MARC 21 to
a new bibliographic environment
Data model focused on
◦ the Web environment
◦ Linked Data principles and mechanisms
◦ Resource Description Framework (RDF)
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
recommended method for conceptual description
or modeling of information
Data can be “serialized” or “written out” in several
different syntax formats, one of which is XML
(eXtensible Markup Language)
Data may be used in relational databases
Triplestores (databases designed for storing and
querying RDF data) are readily available and
promise to provide the library community with
more options on how to store and retrieve its
Collaborate with principal MARC partner
Ask forums such as MARC advisory bodies to
review and provide input
Seek advice from networks like OCLC for
prototyping and developing sample
LC will develop a two-year grant application
LC will organize consultative groups to
support development and prototyping
“A Bibliographical Framework for the Digital
◦ http://www.loc.gov/marc/transition/news/framewo
How headings are controlled
in Connexion Client and
Connexion Browser
Control Headings functionality allows users to
link headings in bib records to authority
OCLC has developed a stand-alone batch
service that will evaluate all bib records and
control more headings
Criteria for record selection
◦ 040 no $b or $b eng (i.e., cataloged in English)
 1xx
 6xx second indicator 0, 655 second indicator 7, $2
 700, 710, 711, 730
 800, 810, 811, 830
◦ 040 $b other than eng
 6xx, 2nd indicator 0
 655, 2nd indicator 7, $2 lcgft
◦ A partially-controlled or fully controlled heading
Attempt to control unqualified names
(personal names that do not have a $b, $c,
$d, and/or $q)
◦ Smith, John [unqualified name]
Control a heading to an undifferentiated
authority record
◦ Smith, John [undifferentiated name]
Cause automated tag flips of any kind
Automatically expand dates for personal
name headings
Partially control series fields and
automatically append $v
Control linked non-Latin script headings for
candidate personal name headings
Apply appropriate punctuation changes
Attempt to control partially-controlled
Uncontrol 1xx, 7xx, 8xx fields if 040 $b is
not eng
Delete a geographic subdivision from a
subject heading if the heading can be
completely controlled and no element of the
heading can be subdivided geographically
Control non-qualified personal names
Control headings that have no exact match or
that match only partially
Control headings that are mis-tagged
Control headings that contain typographical
“Controlling More Headings in WorldCat”
◦ http://www.oclc.org/news/announcements/2012/a
In 2007, LC began to develop genre form
terms for
Sound recordings
At first, terms were incorporated into LCSH
In 2010, LC announced plans to separate the
list into a Genre/Form Thesaurus
In Authority Records:
◦ 008, position 11: z (Other)
◦ 040, $f: lcgft
◦ 010, new prefix gf will replace sh
In Bibliographic Records:
◦ 655 -7 $a [Term] $2 lcgft
LC will develop a separate manual for
genre/form terms in 2012
Cancellation of terms for
moving images
Approximately 90 terms to be cancelled
Fictitious character headings will be created
◦ Cisco Kid films – Cisco Kid (Fictitious character)
◦ Affects 13 headings
Franchise-based terms will rely on titles to
provide access
◦ Planet of the Apes films
◦ Individual titles include Planet of the Apes, Beneath
the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of
the Apes, etc.
LCGFT should not repeat information found
elsewhere in the bib record
LCSH can still be used
◦ Star Wars films – History and criticism can be used
as a 650 for works about the Star Wars films
Cancelled terms will be added as “former
heading” UF
Scope note will be added to each of the
corresponding LCSH headings:
◦ “This heading is not used for individual [films or
television programs], which are entered under
headings appropriate to the content, genre, and/or
form of the film.”
The 13 fictitious character subject headings
were scheduled to be added in late February
LCGFT Term to Be
Replacement LCGFT
Suggested LCSH
Alien films
Science fiction films
Ripley (Fictitious
character) -- Drama
Amityville films
Horror films
Haunted house films
Austin Powers films
Parody films
Spy films
Powers, Austin
(Fictitious character) –
Batman films
Superhero films
Batman (Fictitious
character) -- Drama
Joint project among national libraries
◦ 20 agencies from 16 countries
Virtually combines name authority files into a
single name authority service
All authority data for a single entity is
grouped together into a “super” authority
How does your library handle authority
◦ Do you use a vendor for ongoing or periodic
authority control?
◦ Do you manually import authority records
from OCLC?
◦ Do you not have time/money for authority
New Features of 2.4
Now available
Controlled Headings
◦ Control Headings: All
Uncontrols invalid controlled headings
Automatically checks for updates versions of headings
Automatically updates punctuation-only changes
Automatically re-evaluates partially-controlled
headings and attempts to control fully
GLIMIR – Global Library Manifestation
◦ Show search results grouped by cataloging
language (parallel records)
◦ Check “Display using GLIMIR clustering” in Search
WorldCat window
◦ Will take awhile before parallel records are linked
 Use cautiously and compare results
◦ Supplies Dewey or LC class number in a field you
◦ Uses Classify Web to provide a number from
another OCLC record (matching OCLC #, ISBN, ISSN,
◦ Tools > Options > Classify to choose LC or DDC
◦ With a record open, click on Edit, Classify
RDA Workforms
◦ Tools > Options > RDA to turn on option
◦ Converts AACR2 workform to RDA workform for
original cataloging
◦ Can also supply login information for RDA Toolkit
264 Field in Search Results
◦ 264 field = RDA production, publication,
distribution data
◦ Displays if 260, 261, or 262 is not present
New indexes added to drop-down lists for
◦ Language and Language of Cataloging
Macro Changes
◦ GetClassNumber
 Edit > Classify
◦ ClearELvl3Workform
 Clears data from Encoding Level 3 record so you can
replace it from scratch
◦ GenerateERecord
 Creates a workform for the online version of a print
“Future Enhancements to Connexion Client”
◦ http://www.oclc.org/connexion/interface/client/en
Download Version 2.4 at
◦ http://psw.oclc.org/
Tips and Tricks
File > Local File Manager
◦ Maintain multiple local files
◦ Share them on a network
◦ Action > Move record from one local file to another
Cataloging > Search WorldCat
Retain previous search
Show more indexes
Customize short list of keyword indexes
Use List Settings to choose which columns display
and in what order
 Different choices for different displays (brief,
Edit > MARC-8 Characters
◦ Verify to find non-MARC characters when you copy
and paste
Edit > Insert from cited record
◦ Enter OCLC number in linking field; Connexion will
supply title, etc.
Action > Set status
◦ Add notes you can sort or search by
Batch > Holdings by OCLC number
◦ Search and update/delete holdings in a single step
View > OCLC Fixed Field > Bottom
◦ Moves fixed field to bottom of display
View > Pinned
◦ Pin a record to compare to another record
◦ Window > Tile Vertically (or Horizontally) to show
records side by side
Tools > Options > Export
◦ Field Export Options to select fields you won’t want
to export to your ILS
Cataloging > Search > Local Save File
◦ Choose Retrieval Order: Date/Time Added to
display records in the order you enter them
 Click on retain search to maintain this selection
◦ Use List Settings to choose columns to display and
order of display
Editing Records
◦ <Alt/up> or <alt/down> to move field
◦ <Alt/del> to delete field
◦ Select from bottom up to highlight more than one
field for copying/pasting into another record
◦ Right click to copy field from one bib to another
What are your favorite tips or tricks for
working with the Connexion Client?
Summary of changes in the
new edition of DDC
Many changes were released as an interim
update prior to 23
Abridged 15 was released in February
Eliminated dual headings
 570 Life sciences Biology is now 570 Life sciences
with Biology moved to a “class here” note
Eliminated unbalanced spans
 Balanced span: 810-890 or 616.1-.9
 Unbalanced span: 305.805-.89
 Now: 305.805-.809 and 305.81-.89
Works about Groups of People
◦ Replaces “kinds of persons”
◦ “Persons treatment” replaced with “Biography” in
various tables
302-307 – Specific topics in sociology
 Order of preference adjusted to topic first, group of
people second
 Example: Friendship in women 302.34082 not 305.4
Table 2
◦ “Biography” replaces “Persons”
◦ Expansions for geographic areas
Table 3C
◦ Expansion of Arts and literature
Table 4
◦ Expansion under 014 Communication; semantics,
pragmatics, languages for special purposes
Tables 5-6
◦ Expansions for peoples and languages
◦ 364.1 Criminal offense
◦ 365.66 Services to prisoners
◦ 366
Secret Associations
 Comprehensive works on associations moved to 369 –
Specific levels of primary education
Kinds of garments; accessories; buttons
Eating, drinking; using drugs
Mathematical logic
616.462Diabetes mellitus
616.57 Parasitic and fungal skin diseases
641.52 [Cooking] First meal of the day
641.53 [Cooking] Light meals
641.54 [Cooking] Main meal of the day
◦ 791.43 Motion pictures
 Made-for-television movies, video recordings of motion
pictures relocated from 791.45
◦ 796.44 Gymnastics
◦ 796.47 Tumbling, trampolining, acrobatics,
◦ 796.62 Bicycle racing
◦ 796.95 Sledding and coasting
◦ 797.23 Underwater swimming
◦ 907.2
Historical research
 Interdisciplinary works relocated from 001.432
909.83 21st century, 2000-2099
◦ 910
Geography and travel
 Travel by passenger automobile relocated from 796.78; travel
by motor homes, recreational vehicles, trailers relocated from
◦ 930
History of ancient world to ca. 499
◦ 940-990
New historical periods
 973.932 for the Administration of Barack Obama, 2009-
004.167Handheld computing devices
Cloud computing
004.695Internet telephony
006.75 Specific types of multimedia software (e.g.,
◦ 025.042World Wide Web
of ]Reproductive technology
of] Human cloning
of] Birth control
of] Sexual relations
361.43 Self-help groups
[Substance abuse of] Inhalants
[Substance abuse of] Stimulants
[Social problems of and services to]
362.59 Homeless and unemployed people
362.77 Specific groups of young people
362.78 Transgender and intersex young people
391.72 Finger rings
393.93 Funerals
◦ 413.15 Dictionaries of abbreviations, acronyms,
◦ 413.17 Picture dictionaries
◦ 418.07 Multilingual phrase books
Vegan diet
Raw food diet
Ulcerative colitis
West Nile fever
Athletic and dance injuries
Nonsurgical methods of abortion
Fishing boats
Animal hospitals
Crepes, pancakes, waffles
Biodiesel fuel
◦ 720.44 [Architecture of] Portable and temporary
◦ 777
Cinematography and videography
 Relocated from 778.5
791.66 Beauty contests
792.76 Stand-up comedy
796.327Team handball
795.36 Bingo
796.524[Walking and exploring] Canyons and other
◦ 796.8157
◦ 797.252Water polo
◦ 808.025Plagiarism
◦ 808.512Toasts and after dinner speeches
◦ 940-990
New historical periods
 973.932 for the Administration of Barack Obama, 2009-
Efforts to improve the quality
of OCLC WorldCat
◦ Action, Report Error
◦ For bibliographic records: bibchange@oclc.org
◦ For authority records: authfile@oclc.org
WorldCat and Authority Record Quality
Control Request
◦ https://www.oclc.org/forms/record-quality.en.html
Expert Community
◦ OCLC users with full cataloging authorization can make
changes to most OCLC records
◦ Cannot change:
 PCC record with 042 authentication code
 Records with Encoding Level: E
 CIP records can be changed, but Encoding Level must remain
◦ Can control headings for names, subjects, and series
Action, Replace
◦ Can lock record while you’re making changes so that no
one else can change it (Action, Lock)
◦ When in doubt, don’t change the record
◦ Never remove correct and accurate information
from a master record (e.g., call numbers or subject
headings) just because it isn’t useful to you
◦ Never change the basic nature of a the record into
something different
◦ Don’t include local data or local practices in the
master bib record – replace it first and then add
local info
◦ Be careful when changing bib records with a
different Language of Cataloging (040 subfield ‡b)
◦ Don’t change elements that are only a matter of
cataloger's judgment
Can upgrade Encoding Level: K, M, 2, 3, 4 to
Encoding Level: I
Will receive credit on OCLC invoice
Credit on OCLC invoice for adding:
UPC/EAN (024)
Source of acquisition (037)
Call numbers not already present in record (05x-09x)
Varying form of title (246)
Series: (490, 8xx)
Formatted contents (505)
Summary (520)
Study program (e.g., Accelerated Reader) (526)
Additional physical form available (530)
◦ Subjects not already present in record (6xx)
◦ Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title (740)
◦ URL (856)
Local Catalogs
◦ Overdrive
◦ EBSCO (NetLibrary)
◦ Midwest Tape
Tools to improve records before and after
◦ MarcEdit
 Free software for editing MARC records in batches
 http://people.oregonstate.edu/~reeset/marcedit/html
◦ OCLC Connexion
◦ ILS software
Fixed field (Leader, 007, 008) data
General material designation (245 $h [GMD])
Subject Headings
Authority Control
Do you report errors to OCLC?
What do you do to maintain quality control
in your own database?
Overview of Resource
Description and Access and
information about OCLC’s
implementation plans
Library of Congress will move to RDA effective
March 31, 2013
National Agricultural Library, National Library of
Medicine, British Library, Library & Archives
Canada, and National Library of Australia have
agreed to move to RDA in the first quarter of
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) will move to
RDA in mid-2013
RDA test records exist with “rda” in $e of the 040
ILS vendors updating their systems to
accommodate RDA
Formerly known as Rule Interpretations
The rules are theoretical
The interpretations are the rules in practice
Many rules will change once the
interpretations are in place
RDA is a bridge from AACR2 to ??
RDA can’t be too radical a departure because
both AACR2 and RDA have to be
accommodated in the same catalog
After RDA is in place, more changes will be
“On the web” vs. “Of the web” (Karen Coyle)
RDA can be stored as a MARC record, but it
doesn’t have to be
◦ Future scenario: FRBR/FRAD grouped by entity
Prepares libraries for Web 3.0
◦ Semantic web
◦ Machines understand the meaning of information
RDA sets the stage and gives programmers
options (analogy of train switching tracks)
Data elements more precisely defined
◦ Breaking down subfield data more specifically, e.g.,
300 $b
Collocation – group together similar results
Lessen the Anglo-American bias
◦ Provide as much detail for other sacred scriptures
as has been provided for the Bible
◦ RDA is more adaptable to other calendars and
numbering schemes
Improve compatibility with other metadata
◦ Archivists, publishers, digital repositories
Eliminate confusion
◦ Data had to fit on a 3x5 catalog card
 Abbreviations
 Transcribe exactly what’s on the item
 Don’t omit contributors just because there are 3 or
◦ Discontinue Latin abbreviations and replace them
with explanatory phrases (for example “and others”
instead of et al.)
It’s MARC not RDA that most greatly impacts
our catalogs
RDA affects:
◦ What information is included
◦ How the information is entered
MARC affects:
◦ The structure of the database
◦ How the data can be manipulated
AACR published in
1967; AACR2
published in 1988
Standard for
description of, and
provision of access
points to, library
Developed in 1960s
Focused on catalog
card production
Protocol for the
exchange, use, and
interpretation of
bibliographic data
Can be the descriptive
standard for MARC just
as AACR2 has been
MARC 21 has been
revised to
accommodate RDA
Based on a theoretical
Designed for the
digital environment
Broader in scope than
Data has to be
encoded and displayed
RDA Appendix D:
Record Syntaxes for
Descriptive Data
RDA Appendix E:
Record Syntaxes for
Access Point Control
From the Consolidated ed. of ISBD,
incorporated into RDA
Each adjacent data element that requires
square brackets is enclosed in its own set
◦ 260 __ [Ames, Iowa] : $b [Iowa State University], $c
◦ 260 __ [Place of publication not identified] : $b
[publisher not identified], $c 2012.
When an element ends with an abbreviation
followed by a full stop, include the full stop
◦ 250 __ 1st ed..
 Assumes “ed.” is how it appeared on prescribed source
245 10 Magentic [sic]
study of iron / $c by
William Smith.
246 3_ Magnetic study of
250 __ 3rd ed.
260 __ Chicago : $b
Jones Publishers, $c
245 10 Magentic study of
iron / $c by William
246 1_ $i Title should
read: $a Magnetic study
of iron
250 __ Third edit..
260 __ Chicago : $b
Jones Pubblishers, $c
245 00 If elected--: $b
presidential campaigns
from Lincoln to Ford
245 00 If elected… : $b
presidential campaigns
from Lincoln to Ford
260 __ [S.l. : $b s.n.], $c
260 __ Lancaster, Pa. : $b
Amish Pub. Co., $c 1924.
300 __ 300 p. : $b ill. ;
$c 24 cm.
490 1_ Fisheries reports ;
$v v. 7, no. 3
260 __ [Place of
publication not identified
] : $b [publisher not
identified], $c 1966.
260 __ Lancaster,
Pennsylvania : $b Amish
Publishing Comp., $c
300 __ 300 pages : $b
illustrated ; $c 24 cm.
490 1_ Fisheries reports ;
$v volume 7, number 3
245 10 Proceedings of the
... Annual Symposium on
Sea Turtle Biology and
245 14 The annual report
of Governor …
245 10 Annual report /
Pacific Salmon
not ... Annual report
245 10 Proceedings of the
... Annual Symposium on
Sea Turtle Biology and
245 14 The annual report
of Governor …
245 10 ... Annual report /
Pacific Salmon
245 10 Modern EnglishLao, Lao-English
dictionary / $c by
Bounmy Soukbandith.
246 1_ $i Parallel title
on cover: $a
Vatchanānukom samai
mai ‘Angkit-Lāo, Lāo’Angkit
245 10 Modern EnglishLao, Lao-English
dictionary = $b
Vatchanānukom samai
mai ‘Angkit-Lāo, Lāo’Angkit / $c by
Bounmy Soukbandith.
246 31 Vatchanānukom
samai mai ‘Angkit-Lāo,
245 10 Workshop on
Rebuilding Abalone
Stocks in British
Columbia : $b
[proceedings] / $c edited
by Alan Campbell.
245 10 Workshop on
Rebuilding Abalone
Stocks in British
Columbia / $c edited
by Alan Campbell.
245 10 Seattle Lesbian &
Gay Film Festival : $b
245 10 Seattle Lesbian &
Gay Film Festival.
245 10 K.S. Kulkarni : $b
245 10 K.S. Kulkarni.
AACR2 1.1E6
RDA 2.3.4
245 10 Environmental
data for the eastern
North Pacific and
Bering Sea / $c [by
Edward J. Gregr and
Ryan Coatta].
245 10 $a Environmental
data for the eastern
North Pacific and
Bering Sea / $c by
Edward J. Gregr and
Ryan Coatta.
Statement of
responsibility taken
from title page verso
245 00 Second growth
: $b community
development / $c Sean
Markey… [et al.]
Title entry
Added entry only for
Markey, Sean
100 1_ Markey, Sean.
245 10 Second growth
: $b community
development / $c Sean
Markey, John T. Pierce,
Kelly Vodden, and
Mark Roseland.
Added entries for other
245 00 Lasers in medicine
/ $c edited by Ronald W.
Waynant ; foreword by
Leon Goldman.
245 00 Lasers in medicine
/ $c edited by Ronald W.
Waynant ; foreword by
the late Dr. Leon
245 10 Gold fever : $b a
narrative of the great
Klondike Gold Rush,
1897-1899 / $c by R.M.
Dickey ; edited by Art
245 10 Gold fever : $b a
narrative of the great
Klondike Gold Rush,
1897-1899 / $c by the
Reverend R.M. Dickey ;
edited by Art Petersen.
245 10 Characters from
Dickens : $b
adaptations / $c by
Barry Campbell.
245 10 $a Characters
from Dickens / $c
adaptations by Barry
245 10 $a Roman Britain
/ $c research and text
by Colin Barham.
245 10 $a Roman Britain
/ $c research and text
by Colin Barham.
250 __ 2nd ed.
250 __ Second edition.
250 __ Nouv. éd.
250 __ Nouvelle édition.
Source of information reads:
Second edition
Source of information reads:
Nouvelle édition
250 __ Version 4.
Source of information reads:
Version IV
250 __ 6. Aufl.
Source of information reads:
6. Aufl.
250 __ Version IV.
250 __ 6. Aufl..
250 __ 2nd ed.
Source of information
has: Second Editoin
250 __ 4th [i.e. 5th] ed.
Source of information
incorrectly has: 4th
250 __ Second editoin.
250 __ 4th edition.
500 __ Edition statement
should read: 5th
260 $a Vancouver, B.C.
: $b Vancouver
Historical Society, $c
260 $a Vancouver,
British Columbia : $b
Vancouver Historical
Society, $c 1970.
Source of information
reads: Vancouver,
British Columbia
260 $a Victoria, B.C. :
$b Dept. of Geography,
University of Victoria,
$c 1979.
Source of information
reads: Department of
Geography, University
of Victoria, Victoria,
British Columbia,
260 $a Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada : $b
Department of
Geography, University
of Victoria, $c 1979.
Vancouver : UBC Press,
Vancouver, UBC Press,
[date of publication not
identified], ©2010
 [2010?], ©2010
 [2010]
[1971 or 1972]
[between 1906 and 1912]
[ca. 1960]
[not after Aug. 21, 1492]
[1971 or 1972]
[between 1906 and 1912]
[between 1970 and 1979]
[between 1970 and 1979?]
[between 1800 and 1899]
[between 1800 and 1899?]
[not after August 21, 1492]
[not before April 22, 2010]
300 __ xxiii, 554 p. : $b
ill., map ; $c 24 cm.
300 __ xxiii, 554 pages : $b
illustrations, map ; $c 24
300 __ xv, 453 p., [16] p.
of plates : $b ill. (some
col.), maps (some col.) ;
$c 24 cm.
300 __ xv, 453 pages, 16
unnumbered pages of
plates : $b illustrations
(some color), maps (some
color) ; $c 24 cm
300 __ ix, 120 p. : $b ill.
(chiefly col.), digital, PDF
300 __ 1 online resource (ix,
120 pages) : $b illustrations
(chiefly color)
336 Content Type
◦ Form of communication
◦ Examples: performed music; text; two-dimensional
moving image
337 Media Type
◦ Device required to view the content
◦ Examples: audio; computer; microform; unmediated;
338 Carrier Type
◦ Format and housing of storage medium
◦ Examples: audio disc; online resource; microfiche;
245 Great works of
Iowa scientists $h
300 $a 14 microfiches
245 Great works of
Iowa scientists
300 $a 14 microfiches
336 $a text $2
337 $a microform $2
338 $a microfiche $2
245 Great works of
Iowa scientists $h
[electronic resource]
 300 $a 1 online
 300 field not included
245 Great works of
Iowa scientists
300 $a 1 online
336 $a text $2
337 $a computer $2
338 $a online resource
$2 rdacarrier
245 Great works of
Iowa scientists
300 $a 780 p.
245 Great works of
Iowa scientists
300 $a 780 pages
336 $a text $2
337 $a unmediated $2
338 $a volume $2
490 $a UBCIM
publications ; $v new
ser., v. 22
Numbering on source of
information: New Series
Vol 22
490 $a Yearbook /
American Vocational
Association ; $v 6th
Numbering on source of
information: Sixth
490 $a UBCIM
publications ; $v new
series, vol 22
490 $a Yearbook /
American Vocational
Association ; $v 6th
 700 1_ Mitchell, Margaret, $d 1900-1949, $e
 700 1_ Coppola, Francis Ford, $d1939- , $e
film director.
 700 1_ Cole, Jim E., $e editor.
 700 1_ Willems, Mo, $e illustrator.
 700 1_ Bach, Johann Sebastian, $d 16851750, $e composer.
 710 2_ Iowa State University, $e issuing body.
Bible. O.T.
Bible. N.T.
Bible. O.T. Genesis
Bible. N.T. John
Bible. N.T. Gospels
Iowa. Dept. of Natural
Bible. Old Testament
Bible. New Testament
Bible. Genesis
Bible. John
Bible. Gospels
Iowa. Department of
Natural Resources
Underlying framework
RDA principles
MARC 21 changes
RDA toolkit
OCLC sought input from members through
April 15
Catalogers not required to upgrade existing
records to RDA
Catalogers may re-catalog items according to
RDA with item in hand, changing Desc: to c or
I and adding 040 $e rda
Catalogers may update individual fields in preRDA records to RDA and leave Desc: and 040 as
Catalogers should adhere to established
authority headings regardless of whether those
headings are coded RDA or AACR2
OCLC may make widespread changes to existing
records as part of quality control efforts
Once a record has been changed to RDA, no
cataloger should attempt to change it back to
AACR2 in the master record
Content, Media and Carrier Types (336, 337,
and 338)
General Material Designation (245 $h)
◦ Remove when supplying 336, 337, and 338 fields
Additional Access Points
◦ Do not have to be represented in any existing notes
or statements of responsibility
Statement of Responsibility
◦ Can be revised to record additional names
Abbreviations of Non-Transcribed Elements
◦ May be spelled out
◦ Example: p. becomes pages
Latin abbreviations
◦ May be converted to their spelled-out forms
◦ Example: [et al.] becomes [and others]
◦ Individual elements may be separately bracketed
◦ Example: [S.l. : s.n, 1960?] becomes [Place of
publication not identified] : [publisher not
identified], [1960?]
Joint Steering Committee for Development of
RDA (http://www.rda-jsc.org)
Library of Congress Information and
Resources in Preparation for RDA
OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards
RDA Toolkit (http://www.rdatoolkit.org)
Oliver, Chris. Introducing RDA : a Guide to
the Basics. Chicago: ALA, 2010.
Weber, Mary Beth and Fay Angela Austin.
Describing Electronic, Digital and Other Media
Using AACR2 and RDA. New York: Neal
Schuman, 2011.
What are your thoughts about RDA
What are your plans for implementing RDA?
If you have additional questions, e-mail me
◦ dreama@dkdconsulting.com
Dreama K. Deskins
DKD Consulting