Large family cards

Large family cards
Warsaw, 26th of September, 2011
Reasons to support large families
1. Exercise of a fundamental right: to
have the number desired of
children, with equal opportunities
without discrimination.
Cost of water
Housing, car,
2 couples with or without children,
same income.
Reasons to support large families
2. Solidarity compensation from the rest of
the society knowing that the children are
benefits for everybody in the present as
much as in the future.
- Savings in social expenditure. Family is the first NGO
in the world (informal social protection / working at
home / education / social cohesion)
- Investment, not an expenditure, for the future; to
ensure the welfare system (pensions, human capital,
- Families don’t need charity, only a fair compensation
from the rest of the society.
Reasons to support large families
3. Equal comparison and not inequality with other families and countries
of the European Union.
Large family card
Promoted by:
Municipalities (Italy, Portugal…)
Regional governments (Austria,
National government (Spain)
Companies (France)
Associations (Belgium)
Large family card
Types of benefits:
Public sector (transportation,
education, etc).
Private or corporate sector
(railway, cars, shops, etc).
Social sector (services, etc).
Large family card
Limited by income
Categories of large families
Universal (limit of age)
Large family card
Case: Bergamo and Roma
Bergamo: for all large families.
Roma: for families with 2 children
under 40.000 euros / year – 3
children under 50.000 euros –
over 65 years old under 15.000
Large family card
Case: France
Given by the railway company.
To large families: 3 children or
more under 18 years old.
Benefits: reductions in railway
company (30-75 %) / museums /
18 euros / year.
Large family card
Case: Spain
National, regional and local laws
regulating benefits
Card is only to identify
Public card (given by regions, free)
and private card (given by
association, 40 euros / year).
Families with 3 children or more
under 21 years old (or 25 if they
are students).
Large family card
Case: Spain:
Public benefits
- National: Public transportation: 20% 50% / University: 50% - free / Priority
in schools and housing / Reduction in
taxes (income, car, housing) / energy
Regional and local: water / local taxes
/ school of music / sport and leisure
Private benefits (association)
- Family + plan: more than 150
companies: banking, cars, cinemas,
clothing, supermarket, etc.
Large family card
An urgent need:
The European Large Family Card