PowerPoint Presentation - Faculty Council of Community Colleges

FCCC 101
Faculty Council of
Community Colleges
FCCC Purpose
The official agency through which the
SUNY community college faculty engages
in the governance of the University.
Source: FCCC Bylaws
FCCC History
 The Faculty Council of Community colleges was
conceived by Dr. Sebastian Martarana, the University
Dean for Two-Year Colleges
 Spring 1966 – The University Council of Presidents of
the Public Community Colleges passed a resolution
calling for the establishment of a Faculty Council.
FCCC History
 Spring 1966 - The University Faculty Senate passed the
following resolution:
The Senate recommends to the Administration of SUNY the formation of a
Community College Faculty Council composed of representatives elected by
each community college faculty.
This council should be constituted as the official governing body of these
faculties, with a mandate to study, consult, and advise on system-wide
matters relating to faculty and educational problems, policies and programs.
 Fall 1966 — Faculty representatives from 20 of the 24
community colleges met to create the Community
College Faculty Council Articles of Organization
FCCC History
 Spring 1967
 SUNY Board of Trustees approved the creation of the Faculty
Council of Community Colleges
 The FCCC Articles of Organization (Part 606) were included in
New York State Education Law
 First regular meeting of the FCCC was held May 12,
1967 in Albany where the first officers were elected
 Topics discussed at this first meeting included:
Problems confronting community colleges
Teaching loads
Academic Freedom
Expenses of the Council
FCCC History
 Delegates from New York City community colleges
were active in the organization until 1975, when CUNY
community colleges were severed from SUNY
 July 2011 – President of Faculty Council of Community
Colleges becomes non-voting member of the SUNY
Board of Trustees
FCCC Structure
 The voting members of the
Faculty Council shall include one
faculty delegate or alternate
from each community college
and the President of the Faculty
 The faculty of each
community college shall elect a
delegate and an alternate in a
manner they may establish by
local faculty bylaws.
Source: FCCC Bylaws
FCCC Structure
 President
 Vice-President
 Secretary
 Treasurer
 Past President
 Information Officer
 Press Officer
 Committee Chairs
FCCC Structure
 The Council is organized into five committees
 Academic and Student Affairs
 Governance
 Awards
 Communication and Professional Development
 Education Initiatives
Statewide Shared Governance
 SUNY System
SUNY Board of Trustees
New York Community
College Association of
Presidents (NYCCAP)
New York Community
College Trustees (NYCCT)
Community College
Business Officers
Association (CCBOA)
Chief Academic Officers
 SUNY University Faculty
Senate (UFS)
 CUNY University Faculty
Senate (UFS)
 SUNY Student Assembly
 Individual Campus
Governance Leaders
Statewide Shared Governance
 New York Community College
Association of Presidents (NYCCAP)
 New York Community College
Trustees (NYCCT)
 Community College Business
Officers Association (CCBOA)
 Chief Academic Officers
 CUNY University Faculty Senate
 Individual Campus Governance
SUNY System
SUNY Student
Faculty Senate
SUNY Board of
Faculty Council
of Community
What the FCCC Does
Communicate positions to SUNY Administration
through Resolutions
Research issues of concern to community
college faculty
Provide guidance to faculty, SUNY
Administration, and other constituencies on
various issues through white papers, position
statements, etc.
Provide forums for discussion among faculty,
SUNY Administration and other constituencies
Advocate for community colleges and their
students with governmental policy makers and
FCCC Commitments
 Community Colleges as Democracy’s Colleges
 Academic Excellence
 Academic Freedom
 Shared Governance
Fundamental FCCC Positions
 Shared Governance
 Faculty are best qualified and should therefore have
a primary role, through a sound and well-established
governance structure, in the formulation of policy
relating to:
Methods of Instruction
Academic Standards
Academic Student Affairs
Program Development
Degree Requirements
Fundamental FCCC Positions
 Shared Governance
 Legitimate shared governance processes involve
the participation of faculty selected through
established and transparent campus governance
procedures to represent their constituencies.
FCCC Fundamental Positions
 Academic Freedom
 Academic freedom is the indispensable
condition for the faculty to carry out its work:
the responsibilities of teaching, research and
publication, and of participating in college
governance in order to advance human
knowledge. It is one of the cornerstones of a
sustainable democracy.
Fundamental FCCC Positions
 Academic Freedom
 “The responsibility of the university as a whole is
to the community at large, and any restriction
upon the freedom of the instructor is bound to
react injuriously upon the efficiency and the
morale of the institution, and therefore
ultimately upon the interests of the community.”
Source: American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
Fundamental FCCC Positions
 Assessment
 Sound assessment practices are best developed
locally by the faculty and should be used to
improve teaching and learning.
Fundamental FCCC Positions
 Student Mobility
 Students within SUNY should be able to transfer
their coursework seamlessly and system wide
without undue complications
The Faculty Council of Community Colleges
We work hard to make a difference and in the process we establish
friendships and professional relationships with faculty from across
the state.