What is the American Dream?

Christine A. Wernet, Ph.D.
What is the American Dream?
 College students at a small, public, liberal arts
university responded to the question:
 What is the American Dream?
 Twelve themes emerged. . .
 Material Wealth
 Success
 Love and Family
 An education
 Satisfying Job
 Equal Opportunity
 Freedom
 Having a Dog
 Having 2 Children
 Work Less
 Happiness
 Stay home with Kids
Show me the money!
Material Wealth
91% of respondents mentioned
material wealth as at least part
of the American Dream.
Material Wealth 91%
“The American Dream is to be a millionaire.”
20 year old African American female, college junior
“To be rich.”
18 year old white male, college freshman
Material Wealth 91%
“The American Dream is to have a life of freedom and
happiness. Americans wish to obtain a life full of
wealth and strength in whatever they are trying to
18 year old white male, college freshman
Material Wealth 91%
The typical American Dream has the following goals:
 Make as much money as you can
 Be independent
 Have a family
 Get a good education
19 year old white female, college sophomore
Material Wealth 91%
“The American Dream, hmm. I think this could
be a lot of things. I think it is to be able to live a long
life of happiness, with a few bonuses. Bonuses,
meaning having more than average income, less work,
great family, etc… I believe this is what the average
person wants in their American Dream. I believe that
it is the same for all people to want more than they
have no matter if they are the richest person in the
20 year old white male, college junior
Love and Family 60%
 Money
 Family
 A good job
 Happiness
 Love
 (3 p’s) Power, Property, Prestige!
19 year old white female, college freshman
Satisfying Job 43%
“To finish college with good grades and to love
your job, hopefully making a lot of money. At least
enough that you can live comfortably and travel out of
the country once a year.
It would not be complete without the man or
woman of your dreams to spend the rest of your life
with and the pitter, patter of little feet when the time is
right. Loving family and loyal friends.”
24 year old white female, college junior
Satisfying Job 43%
“The American Dream, I believe is to have a
good job, a lot of money, a big TV, cable, to be
popular in society, to have your kids go to
college, and when you are retired to get a boat
and go fishing.”
24 year old Latino male, college junior
Education 11%
“The American Dream is getting a good education
and striving to be everything that you can be, because
America is known as the land of opportunities.”
22 year old African American
female, college freshman
Having a Dog 11%
“To have a satisfying job that pays well enough to
own your own home, car, etc. . . to find your perfect
mate and have a boy and a girl and a cocker spaniel!”
49 year old white female,
 Material Wealth
 Success
 Love and Family
 An education
 Satisfying Job
 Equal Opportunity
 Freedom
 Having a Dog
 Having 2 Children
 Work Less
 Happiness
 Stay home with Kids