Admissions Officer

Navigating the College
Admissions Process
Elizabeth Carr (A-K)
George Moustakas (L-Z)
CB East Guidance Website
• Guidance Homepage
• We will post PowerPoint presentations, videos,
updates and useful information to the Guidance
• There are also links to Naviance, Portal, E-Prep,
Resources and Counselor contact information.
Common Mistakes
Relying on “rankings”
• News magazine college rankings are based on data each
college submits.
• The Wall Street Journal found that some colleges
exaggerated the data they submit.
• Rankings are created without input from students.
− Would you trust a movie rating written by a reviewer who
hadn't seen the movie?
Common Mistakes
Relying on “reputation”
A surprising number of students at prestigious colleges are
unhappy because of:
− Pressure (competition, financial, expectations)
− big classes
− professors who care more about research than
• But my diploma will get me a better job!
− The main reason that graduates from big name
colleges do well is because they were superstars to
begin with.
Common Mistakes
Relying on “reputation”
Students that attend prestigious colleges:
− Get more leadership opportunities
− Have professors who want to mentor them
− Find better internships,
− Often get much better scholarship offers
Common Mistakes
Relying only on College Websites or Guidebooks
• Colleges have sales and marketing departments.
• Would you buy a car based on a brochure that showed
people like you driving in lovely settings and a smiling
• You must visit and take it in for real
What matters?
• Distance
• Location (city, rural, small town, college town)
• Size
• Atmosphere
− Educational Expectations
− Politics
− Social Order
• Major
• Activities/Sports
Other Factors to consider…
• Entrance Requirements
• Selectivity
• Public vs. Private
• Specialized programs
• Final Cost and Expenses
Resources for the College Search
• Naviance (Counselor can re-set password)
• Internet; see Guidance Website
• Individual college websites
• Traditional guidebooks and college brochures
• Meet with college admissions representatives who visit
East each fall (schedule/receive passes on Naviance or in
the guidance office).
• College Fair- March 19, 2014, 6:30p.m. at CB South
• Meets all your needs throughout the entire process:
• Career Plan Surveys (Graduation Project)
• Career and College Search Tools
• Analyze Data- scattergram
• Visit Websites
• Application links
• Scholarship list
College Admission Factors
Grades/GPA and rigor of course selection.
Standardized test scores (some schools are SAT/ACT Optional – see list at
Class rank (CBSD does not provide rank for admissions purposes; only for
scholarships that requested the information)
Application essay
Teacher and Counselor Recommendations
Extracurricular Activities
Demonstrated Interest
Online presence
How to Get In…
• Take the most challenging schedule that you can manage.
• Write an essay that shows how you can contribute to the campus and
why you are good fit.
• Get involved, stay involved.
• Participate in extracurricular activities that make you stand out. Ex.
start an after-school business, try to invent something, create a new
The first thing we look at is academic
achievement, how well students do in their
high school curriculum. Were interested in
students who have taken the most rigorous
courses. Are they stretching their minds,
looking for academic challenge?
Admissions Officer, University of Rhode Island
I like to see students who have challenged
themselves by taking the extra math or
writing courses that are beyond what is
Admissions Officer, Northwestern University
Campus Visits
• Walk through a busy classroom building or two and peek into
classes-the doors are often open. Could you see yourself happy in
such classes?
• Go to the student cafeteria or the main drag. Look at the students
and listen in on their conversations. Can you picture yourself
fitting in?
• Never leave a college campus without talking with at least five
students that the college's admission office didn't put in front of
• Visit when college is in session. Visiting during other times is
like test-driving a car with the engine off.
Questions to Ask Students
• What do people like best and least about the college?
• How good are the professors?
• Is there anything I should know about the college that might not appear in
the official brochure?
• Describe yourself-for example, "I'm kind of studious." Will I fit in at this
• When students transfer out, what's the main reason?
• What's the weather like?
• What do most students do on weeknights? On weekends?
• Does the college do much to help ensure their graduates get good jobs?
Do you think the college is worth the money?
Decisions, Decisions
• Early action is a program for an early application to one college.
You are under no obligation to matriculate and may apply to
other colleges. If the student is deferred, you may be reconsidered
later for admissions. If accepted, the you will not have to reply until
May 1st.
Early decision involves the same procedures as early action, but
with "early decision" you are honor bound to attend the
institution if accepted. Many colleges offer this option.
• These applications and supporting documents often must be
received early in the Fall, contingent on the college. Notification of
acceptance, deferral, or denial will generally be received about
December 15.
How many colleges should I apply to?"
• Work from a base of 6-8 schools.
• Be sure that as a family you have discussed financial
considerations so that a student can attend a college
regardless of financial aid award.
True or False?
Using the Common Application will hurt my chances of
• This is completely FALSE. Any school that accepts the
common application, does so happily. There's a reason why
almost all the highly selective schools accept the Common
Application- because it makes no difference to them, and if
it's easier for you, great.
• Also, all East students will need to register on for us to electronically send
transcript to Commonapp participating colleges !
Don’t Stress Out…
• Selective schools are not necessarily better than others. Ivy-caliber
students who attend other colleges, on average, do as well as those
who spent much more money on brand-name colleges.
• Use the Common Application. You can apply to more than 200
prominent private (and a few public) colleges. Colleges have signed a
statement promising that using it will not hurt a student's chances of
admission. In fact, Harvard and Johns Hopkins only accept the
Common Application.
• Don't do a new extracurricular activity because you think it will look
good on your college application. Focus your spare time on the
extracurriculars you really care about.
True or False?
If my SAT scores are really strong, I'll be admitted to
highly selective colleges.
• While you clearly need to prepare for your standardized
exams, it's important to remember that they are NOT
college entrance exams. They are simply one piece of the
admissions puzzle. The most selective colleges will want to
see strong scores, but more importantly, they will want to
see that you've taken rigorous courses and done well in
The Critical Reading Section
• Two 25-minute sections and one 20-minute section
• 48 reading comprehension questions
• 19 sentence completion questions
• Scored on a 200 to 800 point scale
The Mathematics Section
Two 25-minute sections and one 20-minute section
44 multiple-choice and 10 grid-ins
Worth 200 to 800 points
Algebra II ?
There are only a handful of Algebra II questions on the SAT. Even if you make a few
mistakes, there are so few of them that your score will barely be affected. And by the
way, there's no Algebra II on the PSAT.
There are some triangle questions on the PSAT and SAT, but you will not have to know
trig to solve them.
Calculator use is allowed, but not required.
The Writing Section
49 multiple-choice questions and 1 essay
60 minutes, 25 of which will be spent on the essay
Worth 200 to 800 points
The Essay
The essay will require students to read an 80-word subject prompt that makes a statement or claim. Students then
need to develop a position and back it up with examples from schoolwork, literature, history or their own
experience. The essay doesn't test writing ability, as much as it does other skills, such as organization, idea
development, or supporting an argument. In fact, the average essay will be graded in just under 2 minutes.
Identifying Sentence Errors
You'll be presented with a sentence that may or may not have a grammatical or syntactical error in it. You'll be
asked to identify the error, or indicate if there is no error. There are 18 "Error ID" questions.
Improving Sentences
Students will be asked to look at a sentence and try to improve it, without changing its meaning. There are 25
Improving Sentence questions.
Improving Paragraphs
These are just like the Improving Sentence questions guessed'll be looking at and improving
paragraphs. There are only 6 of these.
• Scoring
SAT I scores are reported either separately (a perfect score for any
section is 800 ) or combined (perfect score = 2400). It is your
responsibility to have your scores forwarded to colleges -- you
can do this at the time you take the test or after you receive the
results. Often, the cost of score reporting is included as an option
when you register for the SAT.
• Registering
You may register online on the College Board Web site. You
many also register by mail or by telephone (in certain cases).
Other Tests
SAT II: Subject Tests
The SAT II: Subject tests are given to find out how much students know about a
particular subject area, like literature, U.S. history, chemistry, or
French. Colleges use SAT II scores as part of an admission process and as a
placement tool. Many schools do not require students to take SAT II subject
tests at all. Check with the admissions office at the colleges you are considering
to find out their requirements, or look in the admissions section of their Web
The ACT (American College Test)
Another entrance examination used by schools throughout the country in
addition to, or instead of, the SAT tests. Although the SAT is more common,
many schools use the ACT, so make sure to check with the admissions office
before you apply to a college.
While the SAT tests mathematic and verbal skills, the ACT examines students'
abilities in English, mathematics, natural sciences, and social studies.
Like the SAT, the ACT is offered several times throughout the year and is
typically taken in the spring of the junior year.
Standardized Testing Preparation (SAT) (ACT)
SAT question of the day
Free practice tests
Familiarize yourself with test content
E-Prep- see counselor or librarian if you need password
Private SAT/ACT prep through individual and group tutoring
Online sites that provide free SAT/ACT practice
PSAT- utilize the results to focus your preparation for SAT
SAT/ACT prep books
Colleges will accept either the SAT or ACT, so which should you take?
• ACT questions tend to be more straightforward.
For example, here are sample questions from the SAT essay and the ACT writing test (their name for the essay):
SAT: What is your view of the claim that something unsuccessful can still have some value?
ACT: In your view, should high schools become more tolerant of cheating?
• The SAT has a stronger emphasis on vocabulary.
• The ACT has a Science section, while the SAT does not.
It is meant to test your reading and reasoning skills based upon a given set of facts. But if you're a true science-phobe, the
SAT might be a better fit.
• The ACT tests more advanced math concepts.
In addition to basic arithmetic, algebra I and II, and geometry, the ACT tests your knowledge of trigonometry, too. That
said, the ACT Math section is not necessarily harder, since many students find the questions to be more straightforward
than those on the SAT.
Advanced Placement (AP) Testing
Check individual college policies on credit awards:
• Can be used for college credit and course level
• May help students “place out” of college courses.
• May allow students to achieve advanced standing.
Expensive test, but far less expensive than a college course.
Administered first 2 weeks of May @ East during the
school day.
Essays measure a student's ability to write a
good composition. Also a student can
choose a topic to write about that reveals
creativity, personality, and value systems
that cant be revealed by grades alone.
Admissions Officer, Case Western University
The Admissions Essay- The Key:
I don't know what to write about!"
Don't waste your time writing about something the college already knows about from
your application.
How you would contribute to the college?
• For example, you might explain how you're the type who'd start a study group, are
brave enough to ask questions of a professor, think getting drunk is a waste of
time, etc.
• Only choose contributions that you can back up with proof: specific interesting
things you've done to improve your high school. That will be the bulk of your
essay-telling the examples and especially the stories that prove that you indeed have
improved your high school.
• Conclude your essay with something like, "I hope to take a lot from my college
experience, but in my small way, also to contribute to it."
• Make sure that this is a person who knows you well and will
only say positive things about you.
• Ask for the letter in person
• In a positive manner, ask a faculty member or other qualified
adult if they are willing to write for you.
• Allow the person 10-14 days. DO NOT assume the letter will
be completed unless you make personal contact with the
• Say “Thank You.” These letters are hard work!
We value leadership, but not everyone is a
leader. We also value contributors, the
followers. Contributors demonstrate that
they have the ability to follow through,
which is a very valuable quality. Also, time
management is important. Being able to
balance out a busy school schedule and
extracurricular activities implies that a
student is disciplined and can handle
Admissions Officer, Case Western University
Final thoughts on college
True or False?
If I have a really high GPA, I'll be admitted to highly selective
• Acceptance rates at Ivy League schools are staggeringly low - ranging from
Harvard's acceptance of 9.1% of applicants (1,650 students out of 22,996
applicants) to University of Pennsylvania acceptance of 20% of applicants (2,400
students out of 19,000 applicants). Princeton rejected 82% of the valedictorians
that applied; Brown denied 70%; the other Ivy League Colleges did not supply
specific figures, but stated that recorded rank had little, if any, impact on the
decision process, and that more than half of valedictorians are routinely denied.
What REALLY Matters?
• Clarity of a match between student and school is listed as the most
important factor now by college admissions officers. The ideal
match between students and schools- examining strengths,
aspirations, goals and areas for improvement are critical.
• Colleges try to "craft the class" and create a group of students who will
engage, support, and challenge each other, creating a well-rounded
campus community. Colleges examine every aspect of the student's
environment - school, home, community, family, et cetera.
• Students' total transcripts are important - how challenging a course load
has the student undertaken and what was the level of achievement
attained? How challenging is the high school environment in which the
student is educated? And what are the student's passions and how do they
match the college's needs?
Admission standards aren't designed as
barriers, but rather as guidelines to give you
a sense of how you compare to others [in our
institution] and how competitive you may be
[here]. If you do not have the kind of record
required, maybe you should look at other
institutions that may be a better match for
you. This puts you in a better situation to be
competitive, to strengthen yourself, and to
succeed in college.
Admissions Officer, Western Michigan University
Insider's guide to admissions from
Vanderbilt University
Program Planning for 12th Grade
• Enter courses in portal January – February .
• Counselor classroom visits and 1-1 meetings.
• Make sure you and your student can access
• Maintain rigor and/or add challenge.
• Early Release/Late Arrival privileges &
Honors or Academic ?
• The key here is what is reasonable for you! You want to take
the most difficult course load that you can successfully handle.
Avoiding the honors course to achieve a 4.0 is no wiser than
taking on too many honors courses and then your academic or
physical health suffers. You can combine honors and Academic
courses in the same schedule.
• You should take the best and most courses available in your area
of greatest interest. If you are interested in studying math, you
should take math throughout your high school career and take
the most challenging courses available to you.
What Courses?
• First, choose courses that will meet the graduation
requirements at CB-East.
• Choose courses that coincide with your future plans,
your interests, and your abilities, or ones that provide
opportunities to develop new interests.
• Choose challenging classes that maximize learning, it is
important to maintain a balance between rigor and
realism when making decisions.
• Students who take on too much are competitive enough
to “succeed,” but they do not enjoy learning and the
stress level is often unhealthy
What Courses?
1. What are my long term goals?
2. What are my strengths, interests, and abilities?
3. How can my course selections support those strengths,
interests, and abilities?
4. What are the unique requirements that I must meet in
order to be prepared for the type of work or postsecondary institution that I am considering?
5. Are the courses I am choosing appropriate for my goals
for the future?
& Comments