Industry Representative Guidelines - Presentation

Presented by:
University Privacy & Contracting Office
 Industry is defined broadly as any company selling goods or
services for patient care.
 The industry guidelines for Tulane University are listed on the
compliance website located:
This policy outlines a set of acceptable, ethical
business practices and principles that will guide the
interactions of all faculty, staff, and trainees of
Tulane University.
The industry registration requirement for Tulane
University has been in effect since May 1, 2011.
Tulane Policy For Industry Representatives
 Industry representatives (IR) must register with Reptrax prior to
visiting a Tulane Facility;
 IR must create an appointment ahead of visit;
 IR’s sign-in and receive a printed badge in order to enter any Tulane
facility – J.B.J., Murphy, Perdido, Poydras, School of Medicine,
Tidewater, etc.;
 The IR sign-in computer kiosk where badges are printed is located
on the 1st floor in the School of Medicine at 1430 Tulane Avenue;
 IR’s are not permitted to use Tulane’s phones, fax machines,
computers or copiers, excluding the sign-in computer kiosk.
Tulane Policy For Industry Representatives
 Tulane IR Requirements:
 TUMG Industry Policy (HCC-004)
 Proof of Liability Insurance
 Proof of Background Check
 Product/Service Training Completion Documents
 HIPAA/HITECH Training Completion
Why Is This Program Important?
 Increasing awareness and understanding of Tulane’s industry policies
by all parties.
 Improving patient, IR, and employee safety and health through
credential verification of industry representatives. *Medicare/Medicaid
monthly check.
 Decreasing product and service misrepresentation.
 Helping faculty, staff, students, and security personnel identify
potentially nefarious individuals lacking credentials for access to areas.
 Additionally, if patterns of theft or vandalism are occurring, this
program establishes where IR’s are traveling within Tulane.
Why This Program Is Important
 Reduces time spent by Tulane employees reviewing and
organizing credential documents of vendors.
 The Clinical Compliance Operations Committee will be
reviewing reports for selective audits of IR compliance with
Part II of Tulane’s Industry policy.
Here Is What You Can Do To
Support The Program:
 If you see an industry representative without a badge, please
direct them to the check-in point. The badge will have:
 The IR’s picture;
 The name of the company represented;
 The name of the IR;
 The date;
 The appointment time;
 The location of the appointment;
 The person the IR has the appointment with.
α Note: This only applies to TU Health Sciences Center facilities. IR’s who visit
TUHC must follow all TUHC policies and must use the kiosk located on the 2nd
floor of the hospital.
The Privacy & Contracting Office is in the process of
working with Tulane University Medical Group’s
Compliance Officer, Dr. Dennard, to determine
monitoring guidelines of industry representatives.
Feedback, Comments, or Questions?
Hunter McMillan, University Compliance Coordinator
(504) 988-7721
Glenda Folse, R.N., NE-BC, C.H.A.
University Privacy & Contracting Officer
(504) 988-7739