PAF*s - Western Carolina University

Western Carolina University
Office of Human Resources
Personnel Action Forms
What is an EPA PAF
A PAF (Personnel Action Form) is a human resources
form that is completed by the employee’s department
when you hire or separate an EPA employee or change
your EPA employee’s employment in some way*
New permanent hires resulting from a search do not
require a PAF. These searched positions are handled in
the on-line employment system via the hiring proposal.
There is more information on this at the end of this
*Note: There are similar action forms for SPA personnel actions, but this
discussion is for EPA actions only. You can contact the Office of Human
Resources at X7218 for additional information on SPA actions.
Western Carolina University began producing its
own Payroll out of Banner in January 2010
 PAF’s in hard copy mirror EPAF’s – EPAF’s are
electronic forms that will be Phase II of the
Banner payroll implementation - training on
EPAF’s will be forthcoming
 For now, the hard copy PAF’s mirror that
process with a goal of a smooth transition when
EPAF’s are fully implemented.
The PAF’s and corresponding use guide can be found
on the HR web site
PAF’s are filled out on line
Sent through signature approval process – Dept
Dean’s office prepares contracts when appropriate
Forwarded to HR office in complete and correct format
 HR reviews and forwards to budget office for approval
 Final approved PAF is processed to payroll
Overview of Available PAF’s
 Adjunct
 Temporary
Employment (formerly TMPT)
 Intermittent Employment (formerly TLPT)
 Change
 Overload - for faculty who do additional
 Extra Compensation - for permanent EPA
employees doing extra non-teaching EPA
Overview of Available PAF’s
Extra Compensation for SPA employees
teaching a class
 Extra Compensation for EPA permanent nonfaculty employees teaching a class
 Separation
Phased retiree appointment
 Summer Session PAF
Adjunct PAF
 This
form is used for Adjunct:
New hire
Model Clinical actions
Distance Learning TEACHING actions
Adjunct process
Adjuncts do not require a search and therefore require a
PAF and contract
 Be advised that there are prerequisites to offering a
position including a background screening – details can
be found on the HR web page under Permanent and
Adjunct Contract Templates and Processes
 Once prerequisite AA21, background screening and
compliance paperwork are completed and an offer is
extended and accepted, the hiring PAF is prepared in
Dept or Dean’s office
 The contract is generated in the Dean’s office (mirroring
the information on the PAF), it is sent out for signature to
the adjunct, returned to Dean’s office who attaches it to
PAF and forwards to HR
NOTE: Adjunct PAF’s and contracts need Dean’s signature approval
Temporary Employment PAF
Use for short term, temporary EPA non-teaching
 Employment that lasts for a semester or more
 May involve working with or supervising WCU
NOTE: 1. Use only for positions that do not qualify as Adjunct
2. Remember all new hires must have prerequisite background check
and all new hire compliance paperwork completed in HR before first day of
Intermittent Employment PAF
Use for temporary, part time EPA work that
Lasts less than a semester
Does not involve teaching or supervising WCU
One time events – presentations, workshops, etc.
Note: 1. Sometimes these types of actions can be handled as independent
contractor’s – when that is the case, it is processed through the controller’s
office as Accounts Payable. Go to Controller’s web site for information on
independent contractors:
2. Remember new hires must have background check and compliance
paperwork completed before first day of work
Change PAF
 Use
for all types of changes to an EPA
employee position, for example:
Change in funding source
Change in funding amount
Change in months per year working
For fixed term reappointments
Change in status (from EPA to SPA)
Overload PAF
 Use
for any PERMANENT full time faculty
member that teaches more than assigned
load – look at APR 12 on Provost Office
web site for information on overloads
Extra Compensation PAF
Use for PERMANENT full time or part time EPA
employees that do extra non teaching duties for
 This includes EPA faculty and EPA non-faculty –
full and part time*
 Requires Policy 22 form attached to PAF – see
Chancellor’s web page for University policies
including Policy 22 explanation and form
*Note: Does Not include adjuncts as they are part time BUT they are not
Permanent employees
Extra Compensation for SPA or
EPA non-faculty who teach PAF’s
Sometimes you will have a permanent SPA or
EPA non-faculty employee who will teach credit
courses for WCU
 There are separate PAF’s for each of these
situations ; AA21 credentialing is required; and
an adjunct contract and Policy 22 form should
be attached to the PAF.
Separation PAF
 Use
for all EPA employment separations
including resignations, end of contract,
retirements, Phased retirement*, etc. –
these require copy of resignation letter and
leave information attached
*Note: Phased retirement separation PAF’s also require a Phased
Retirement Appointment PAF to appoint the individual to the Phased
retiree position. Please contact HR at X7218 for information on
Phased and regular retirement
Summer Session PAF
Summer Session resident and distance learning courses
including travel courses taught during the summer are
handled through the Summer Session Office
 Summer session PAF’s are required for all summer
session teaching.
 New hires for summer teaching or those on a fixed term
contract that are not under an active fixed term contract
in the summer (not reappointed for the upcoming Fall)
require not only the SS PAF, but also an executed SS
 Please review APR 19 on the Provost’s web page and
direct questions to Ann Green at X3016
New Searched Hires
 New
hires resulting from a search do not
require a PAF. These searched positions
are handled in the on-line employment
system via the hiring proposal. The hiring
proposal (HP) is the “PAF” and the Dean’s
office prepares the contract to reflect
information on the hiring proposal.
For additional information on searched positions, contact Alicia Estes in
Human Resources at X2565
HP to filled position
Point at which search results in a final candidate,
Search Chair or hiring official Makes verbal offer – when accepted
 Converts applicant status to “recommend for
hire”; initiates the Hiring Proposal on line
 Hiring proposal is electronically routed for
approvals (dept. head and dean/director)
 Dean/Director submits to HR
 HR does background check and confirms AA21
 HR “approves for supervisor to offer position”
 Dean issues contract
HP to filled position
When contract is issued and when it is received
back in Dean’s office, it is documented inside the
online employment system.
 HR intake holds Hiring Proposal for fully
executed contract from Dean’s office*
 Dept/Dean/Search Chair works with HR to close
search and seat position.
 HR intake sets up appointment to do compliance
paperwork with new hire
*Note – new permanent faculty contracts and/or fixed term
reappointments greater than one year, require Provost approval
Final notes
Forms, templates and guides are updated
regularly and so the most up to date HR items
can be found on the HR Web site
Call Vicki Knaack at X2776 anytime with
questions concerning EPA actions
Call Alicia Estes at X2565 anytime with
questions concerning recruitment/online
employment system