Keys To Success - Mid-Atlantic Association of College and

Keys To Success:
Unmasking The New Professional Experience
Kawanna Leggett
Assistant Director of Residential Education
The College of New Jersey
Presenter Background
• Higher Education Administration, M.Ed
University of Arkansas
• Political Science, BA
Clemson University
• 7 ½ years of full time experience
Learning Objectives
• Learn about the five key factors which influence the
new professional experience
• Recognize how leadership and supervision factor
into the evolution of the new professional
• Assist new professionals in developing effective
professional development plans
• Educate supervisors on ways to better meet the
needs of their entry level professionals.
Current Career Issues Worksheet
What are your career issues?
How much time and effort you need to spend at any one
step in the process depends on your career issues. It is
important to be clear about these career issues, so that
you can develop an effective strategy for dealing with
them. Career issues cover a broad spectrum, ranging from
getting up to speed in a new job, to making a major career
field change, or planning your retirement. The following
is a list of statements that reflect the full range of career
issues people face at one time or another. Which ones are
relevant for you now?
5 Key Factors of
New Professional Development
Factor 1: Personal
Creating and maintaining a personal support network
and engaging in healthy work-life balance
Factor 1: Personal
Keys Suggestions for
New Professionals
• Strongly consider personal
• Experience life outside of work
• Cultivate non-work relationships
• Balance student boundaries
• Develop realistic expectations
Key Suggestions for Supervisors
• Welcome your new
professional with enthusiasm
• Understand supervisees as
• Incorporate life skills training
• Incorporate ethics training
Factor 2: Adjustment
Understanding and adapting to the culture and politics
of the individual institution and developing
professional habits
Factor 2: Adjustment
Keys Suggestions for
New Professionals
Be relatable, but professional
Push yourself
Take initiative
Develop office relationships
Seek help
Key Suggestions for Supervisors
• Design training to meet needs
• Intentionally design new
professionals work schedule
• Build mentor-mentee relationships
• Provide work projects & tasks
• Be honest about challenges
Factor 3: Supervision
Developing a personal supervision style and
learning to trust personal judgment.
Factor 3: Supervision
Keys Suggestions for
New Professionals
• Use a reasonable standard
• Hold yourself to a higher
• Recognize peer development
• Be adaptable in your style
Key Suggestions for Supervisors
• Advance supervisor training
• Get new professional involved in
the hiring process
• Challenge new professional to
take initiative
• Hold effective 1on1s
Factor 4: Leadership
Developing interpersonal skills and adapting
interpersonal style to meet the needs of
students and colleagues.
Factor 4: Leadership
Keys Suggestions for
New Professionals
Converse with purpose
Ask questions
Pace yourself
Implement theory into practice
Key Suggestions for Supervisors
• Assist with building confidence
• Use failures as learning
• Teach mentorship skills
• Help to develop students
Factor 5: Collaboration
Working collaboratively and learning how to rely
on others in work groups and accept
constructive feedback.
Factor 5: Collaboration
Keys Suggestions for
New Professionals
• You have a lot to contribute
• You don’t have to do it all
• You don’t have anything to
• Take time to understand
Key Suggestions for Supervisors
• Create collaborative
• Provide oversight on projects
• Incorporate 360 degree
• Model desired behaviors
Contributing Factors for Departure
“ These are people in their first jobs and you know they
measure themselves against others. I want them to
be happier, I want them to be active, I want them to
be involved, I want them engaged. I want them to
have opportunities, and I want them to come home
at night and say; this is a pretty ok place to live
(Belch, 186).”
Contributing Factors for Departure
Low satisfaction
Lack of autonomy
Lack of opportunity
Poor supervision
Poor communication
Developing a Professional
Development Plan
• Reflecting
• Gaining Self-Awareness
• Seeking Outside Input
• Developing Action Steps
• Setting Longer Term Goals
Self-Assessment Worksheet
Of the new and recent developments in my organization or field, what
interests me the most? What are my current skills and strengths for
pursuing these interests?
What is most important to me in my work?
What things are “must haves” for me in a job ?
What are my limiting factors?
Is it time for me to consider working outside of my institution?
Professional Plans
• Residential Education and Housing
Orientation, Training, and Development Framework
Residence Directors
At The College of New Jersey, find yourself growing as a Professional...
Orientation, Training, Development Framework
for Professional Staff
Residential Education is committed to
providing quality training and
development for professional staff. In
creating a framework for Orientation,
Training, & Development, the
department has identified critical
components to aid professional staff as
they are:
1) Oriented to the college
2) Trained in the skills needed for the position
3) Provided opportunities to develop professionally
Residential Education
Professional Development
Transition and Adaptation
The department recognizes the importance of providing new
staff with the tools necessary to make a successful transition to
their position, the department, and The College of New Jersey.
In an effort to help acclimate new staff, the department
provides the following opportunities:
Human Resources Welcome Session
3 Week Residential Education New Staff Orientation
Proficient in skills
Residential Education strives to provide its staff with a
breadth of experiences and offers a variety of skill building
and training opportunities. The following components
assist professional staff in gaining proficiency in the skills
needed for their position:
July/August Training
In Services
January/May Retreats
Department Meetings and Responsibilities
Crisis Management Training
Student Conduct Training
Housing Operations StarRez Management
Further Advancement
In addition to the skills needed to be successful in the position,
professional staff are also encouraged to engage in further advancement of
any skill set relevant to the field of higher education. Through the
department, staff have the ability to gain depth of experience through the
following opportunities:
ACUHO-I Competency Review
Goal Setting and Coaching
Seminar Instruction
Paraprofessional Selection, Training, and Development
Campus Involvement
Conference/Associations attendance and involvement
Professional Development Goals
To assist staff in reflecting upon their training and professional development within the context of
TCNJ and higher education
To guide staff in assessing their current and desired skill levels
To assist staff in developing goals and priorities both personally and professionally
To promote quality supervisory conversations around training and professional development
To assist staff in identifying the skills necessary for advancement into their next desired position
To assist, departmentally, in providing an Orientation, Training, & Development program that
addresses diverse learning styles and develops a well-prepared staff team
Final Notes
Provide Collateral Assignments (Belch, 187)
Conference Attendance
Provides a more secure connection for the ELP in the institution
Increases knowledge and professional development
Strengthens key interdepartmental relationships
So many local, state, regional and national opportunities
Provides connection, perspective and vision to new professionals
Provides energy and development through group experience
Retain Entry Level Professionals (Belch, 189)
Articulate a clear mission to candidates and staff members.
Engage new professionals in the life of the department
Recognize success
Create opportunities for development and advancement
• Belch, H. A., Wilson, M. E., & Dunkel, N. (2009).
Cultures of Success: Recruiting and Retaining New
Live-In Residence Life Professionals. The College
Student Affairs Journal , 176-193.
• Hirt, J. B. (2006). Where You Work Matters. Lanham:
University Press of America, Inc.
Kawanna Leggett