
Companies that
offer a Matching
Gift Benefit Have
Reminder Strategies for
Growing Matching Gift
For Donor Stewardship
For Increased Revenue
Linda Stark
Matching Gifts Specialist
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo
Matching Gifts Specialist, 8 years
Gifts in Kind Specialist 8 years
Gift Processor, 4 years
Training Manager, Guam Hilton International
Eligibility Specialist, Social Services
Small business owner
Matching Gifts Specialist for 10 years – direct hands-on experience
 #1 in the CSU system last year !
Embedded in gift processing
Complete & verify matching gift applications
Post/record gifts accompanied by matching application
Send matching reminder & acknowledgement letters
Research employment
Coordinate and advise matching activities with annual fund & fund raisers
Provide matching training for new staff and annual fund callers
Plan matching marketing strategies and implementation
Provide reports to campus entities
Let me tell you what I don’t know-the
condensed version!
Your organizational structure-who’s responsible for
matching, decision-makers, recent/proposed changes
Available resources: financial, staff, employment data,
Current matching strategies-marketing, public relations,
matching gift page, tools
Program history-revenue up or down, recent staff or
organization changes, level or knowledge
Let’s look at our program through Fiscal
Annual Fund
Non-Annual Fund
Average gift
Advancement officers more aware of matching opportunities
Results of marketing matching to on-campus constituents as part
of donor stewardship and additional revenue stream
Failure to send reminder letters is money down
the drain
Approximately 25%, or $102,333 in matching dollars
was stimulated by reminder letters.
If you’re not sending reminders, your donors are
losing opportunities
If you are not sending reminders, your programs are
losing money
Constructing an Effective Reminder Letter
Thank donors for their original gift.
Tell them matching is an employee benefit that costs
them nothing.
Include their employer’s name.
Ask them to research their spouse matching eligibility.
Provide the link to E-Match Donor Link.
List gift dates, amounts, and programs.
Include your organization name & tax/EIN number.
Add your contact information
Monthly- Send for prior month’s gifts so no deadlines will
be missed.
Quarterly -Send second reminder.
Semi Annually -Send 3rd reminder.
If no response- research donor employment data.
Check matching deadlines.
Send end of November to catch 12/31 deadlines.
The more you ask, the more you’ll get
Gestures Create
Your personal touch may be the first the donor has experienced, and can help determine your
organization’s relationship with the donor.
Creating a positive experience with your donor tends to create loyalty.
Going the extra mile will distinguish you from the rest of the pack.
Responses to Reminder Letters
“ Thanks for taking care of the paperwork, it made it much easier for me to pursue.”
“Thanks for your help.”
“Thank you for following up with me. Your time and effort are very much appreciated.”
Hi - I mailed it today so you should see it shortly. I included the matching gift person's name
and fax number with the matching gift form. Hunt me down if you need anything from me.
Thanks again.
Phrases to Avoid
“Please check with your employer to see if your gift can
be matched”
“Ask your personnel office about your employer’s
matching gift policy”
“To initiate the process, employees must fill out a form
available from the human resources department”
If you have already requested a match for the gift below, we are double
grateful. If you have not applied for your matching gift, did you know that you
can direct extra funding to your favorite programs? This is at no cost to yourself,
by using your Boeing matching gift employee benefit.
Its as simple as going to www.giving.calpoly.edu/matching, enter your employer
name in the search field, and follow the link to your matching gift application.
Your spouse may also be eligible for matching. In addition to the gift
information, you may need the following:
Organization Name: Cal Poly Foundation
Tax/EIN: 20-4927897
Address: San Luis Obispo CA 93407
Gift Date
Gift Amount
Aerospace Engineering
Matching Reminder E-Mail
Letters and E-mails
Send both!
E-Mail Reminders
 Quicker donor response.
Many donors prefer e-mail
Alternating with letters
provides maximum
Not all donors prefer
electronic communication.
Don’t always have current email addresses.
Alternate with e-mail
Finding Matching Gift Eligible
 For
Those Donors/Alumni when you do not
have employment information
 Finds
30—50% of a file
 Then
we screen the results and look for
matching gift companies
Finding Matching Gift Eligible
 Automatch
– when you know the employer
will work for a matching gift
and above what you currently are
aware of
Finding Matching Gift Eligible
Employer Find Example
 10,000 record file is screened using Employer Find
 We find 30% of the employment information or 3,000
 5-12% of the 3000 will work for a matching gift company
 That EQUALS 300 Matching Gift Eligible Donors
 You pay only if we find employer information
 .50 cents per hit
 You have the recurring revenue of the matching gift once
 Secured
your Donors
Gives donors the capability of doing their own matching
eligibility research.
Gives donors direct access to their matching applications
Reduces your administrative time & effort.
Allows donors to proceed at their own pace.
Reduces mailing of reminder letters.
Quicker donor response means most applications will be
completed within program deadlines.
Takes donors directly to employer’s
matching gift program or online link.
Gives donors the capability of researching
gift eligibility, so you don’t have to do it.
Easy to use, helps overcome donor
reluctance to complete their matching
E-match Donor: Linkwhat the donor sees
Link to application
Link to program
Contact Information
Marketing E-Match Donor Link
Added to pledge coupons.
Added to e-communications.
Added to print newsletters & magazines.
Added to gift receipts.
Add to online giving page.
7/22/2010 $200.00 Parent Fund
7/22/2010 $300.00 Aerospace Engineering Department
For recognition purposes, your name(s) may appear in University
publications as:
Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Sample
Please email giving@calpoly.edu if you would like it listed differently.
Your employer might match this gift! Find out at
Cal Poly Magazine Matching Gift Article
Double Your Money
Don’t Miss Fall Enrollment in Your Companies’ Matching Gift Program
John Doe (Civil Engineering, 1980), a gas transmission planner with
PG&E, has a regular contribution deducted from his paycheck every
month. The employer automatically matches his contribution and
makes the donation of the total amount quarterly. “It’s a simple,
painless way to donate,” said Doe.
“I used to make inconsistent contributions but this is so much easier,”
Doe continued. “And it’s like giving away free money if you’re not taking
advantage of your companies’ matching contribution.”
To find out if your employer has a matching gifts program or for help
establishing a matching gift, go to: www.calpoly.edu/matching
Included in:
Pledge coupon mailings
Donor packets
Mail Solicitations
Mailed as a postcard to
donors linked to an employer
with a matching gift
Placed in newsletters and
Planned Giving Brochure
2 More Ways to Show Your Pride
• Include Cal Poly in your will. You may designate
a specific amount or percentage of your estate to
support the program you are already making gifts
to. This type of future gift can be accomplished by
adding as little as one sentence in your will.
• Double your gift through the matching gift program.
If your company has a matching gift plan, your gift
to Cal Poly could be doubled. Some companies also
match gifts made by a spouse or retiree. To find out
if your employer is one of the 1,700 companies that
matches gifts, visit: giving.calpoly.edu/matching.
CENG Fall Matching Reminder E-Mail
These days, we all wish we could make money go a little farther, especially
when it comes to supporting your special Cal Poly Engineering program or
department. Well, without digging deeper, there is a way to give your gift a
It just so happens that PG & E provides a matching gift program for their
employees. You can take advantage of this benefit by signing up for
PG&E's payroll deduction program. Payroll deductions make it simple to
support Cal Poly. And as an added bonus, your company automatically
matches your gift which can make a huge impact!
Pledge Coupons
HEP Development Educational Series
Online Giving Page
E-match Donor link
Matching Gift Information
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs to match any charitable contributions made by
their employees. Find out if your company participates in a matching gift program.
If you always do what you always did,
you’ll always get what you always got.
Reminder letters will increase your matching gifts
Reminder letters will enhance donor stewardship.
Reminder letters help your donors to make best use of
Driving donors to E-match Donor Link is a passive but
effective strategy.
Once strategies are put into place, maintenance &
expenses are minimal.
Thank You
 Questions
Call either:
 Linda Stark
 lstark@calpoly.edu
 805-756-2713
 John
 jwright@hepdata.com
 410-849-2461
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is there a Guide available for Matching Gifts. HEPdata’s “16 Steps to
Matching Gift Success” is posted on the wall in many matching gift offices.
You can obtain a free copy http://www.hepdata.com/16-steps-to-matchinggifts-success/
Q. Can I get a copy of the presentation?
A. Yes, check the Learning Center on HEPdata’s website. A recording of the
webinar should also be present.
The webinars are great for training new staff as well as being full of ideas on how
to grow matching gift revenues. There are over 30 webinars available for matching
gift education and training.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How can we find more matching gift eligible alumni or donors?
A. HEPdata’s Employer Find can find 30-50% of the employers of your donors
or alumni. 5-12% of them typically on average work for a matching gift