SPAR * TechBuy Training - Texas Tech University Departments

A "Historically Underutilized Business"...
is at least 51% owned by an Asian Pacific
American, Black American, Hispanic American,
Native American and/or American woman,
is a for-profit entity that has not exceeded the
size standards prescribed by 34 TAC §20.23, and
has its principal place of business in Texas, and
has an owner residing in Texas with a
proportionate interest that actively participates in
the control, operations and management of the
entity's affairs.
HUB certification is free of charge.
Certification is valid for 4 years, provided that
business continues to meet the eligibility
Business is registered on the Comptroller’s Webbased HUB Directory. State agencies use the HUB
Directory in conjunction with the Comptroller’s
Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL) to solicit
bids from certified HUBs for state purchasing and
public works contracts. Prime contractors also
use the HUB Directory to identify HUBs to whom
they will send notification of their subcontracting
Certification Agreements
Texas-based minority and woman-owned businesses who are certified with
an organization listed below may automatically receive HUB certification if:
the certifying entity determines that the business is HUB-eligible, and
the certifying entity submits the business´ information to the Statewide
HUB Program for approval and inclusion in the HUB Directory.
City of Austin
City of Houston
Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council
El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Houston Minority Supplier Development Council
South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency
Southwest Minority Supplier Development Council
Texas Department of Transportation
Women's Business Council - Southwest
Women's Business Enterprise Alliance
In accordance with Texas Gov't Code §2161.252 and
Texas Administrative Code §20.14, each state agency
(including institutions of higher education) as defined
by §2151.002 that considers entering into a contract
with an expected value of $100,000 or more shall,
before the agency solicits bids, proposals, offers, or
other applicable expressions of interest, determine
whether subcontracting opportunities are probable
under the contract.
If subcontracting opportunities are probable, each state
agency's invitation for bids or other purchase
solicitation documents for construction, professional
services, other services, and commodities with an
expected value of $100,000 or more shall state that
probability and require a HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP).
Infrastructure – Maintenance and Repair Construction in Progress/Highway Network -
(Restricted to TxDOT use only)
Infrastructure/Preservation Costs(Restricted
Ex. highways and bridges
to TxDOT use only)
Facilities and Other Improvements
Real Property and Improvements
Infrastructure/Preservation Costs
Building Construction would be considered the
entire project construction project. Use this
category unless a project is individually bid out in
parts (ex. drywall only = special trade
construction; the complete building = Building
Buildings - Maintenance and Repair
Facilities and Other
Improvements/Maintenance and Repair
Building Improvements
Leasehold Improvements
Land Improvements
Special Trades would be considered things
like mechanical, electrical, roofing, drywall,
Financial and Accounting Services
Medical Services
Architectural/Engineering Services
Insurance and Bonds
Training Services
Legal Services
Veterinary Services
Other Professional
Investment Services
Maintenance and
Repair of Services
Moving Services
Disposal Services
Reproduction and
Temp Employment
Technology Services
Cleaning Services
Fuels and Lubricants
Promotional Items
Chemicals and Gases
Medical Supplies
Supplies and Materials
Furnishings & Equip
Fabrics and Linens
Computers and Parts
Raw Materials
Resale Merchandise
Equipment Leases
The following are not included in the State HUB report:
claims and judgments
Inter-fund transfers
interagency payments
payment of interest and principal
public assistance payments
rentals and leases
salaries and wages
grants and scholarships
real estate purchases
rights-of-way, emergency abatement, response
other expenses, as determined by the 2009 State of Texas Disparity
Study (as defined by 34 TAC § 20.12(7)), will be excluded from the
HUB Report.
Questions: Can second (2nd) tier HUB Subcontracting
be reported?
What is HUB Subcontracting double reporting?
Answer: You can submit HUB subcontracting dollars
to any tier level until a HUB subcontractor is paid
under the object codes that are allowed on the HUB
Report. However, HUB subcontracting double
reporting is not allowed. For example, once an
agency receives HUB credit, whether it is at the prime
level (first level/tier), or subcontractor (second or
third level/tier), HUB subcontracting reporting is not
allowed beyond the level/tier at which HUB dollars are
reported and HUB credit is received.
♦ HUB CREDIT - Agencies and institution of higher education will receive
HUB credit for payments made to 11-digit VID numbers that were HUB
certified at any time during the current fiscal year’s reporting period.
Payments meeting this criterion are added to the total expenditure
column and HUB expenditure column.
♦ NO HUB CREDIT - Agencies and institution of higher education will not
receive HUB credit for payments made to 11-digit VID numbers that
were not HUB certified during the current fiscal year’s reporting period.
Payments meting this criterion are added to the total expenditure
column and the Non-HUB expenditure column.
♦ If a HUB vendor is active/certified at any time during the current fiscal
year’s reporting period, agencies and institutions of higher education
will receive HUB credit for the entire fiscal year (retroactive). In addition,
if a vendor is decertified at any time during the current fiscal year’s
reporting period, an agency will still receive HUB credit for the entire
fiscal year. An agency will not receive HUB credit for a decertified HUB
the following fiscal year, unless that HUB becomes recertified.
In accordance with Texas Gov’t Code
§2161.252, the contracting agency has
determined that subcontracting opportunities
are probable under this contract. Therefore,
all respondents, including State of Texas
certified Historically Underutilized Businesses
(HUBs) must complete and submit this State
of Texas HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) with
their response to the bid requisition
After dividing the contract work into reasonable
lots or portions to the extent consistent with
prudent industry practices, and taking into
consideration the scope of work to be performed
under the proposed contract, including all
potential subcontracting opportunities, the
respondent must determine what portions of
work, including goods and services, will be
subcontracted. Note: In accordance with 34 TAC
§20.11., an “Subcontractor” means a person who
contracts with a prime contractor to work, to
supply commodities, or to contribute toward
completing work for a governmental entity.
For example, if there is a construction
contract that you are submitting a proposal
on, it is common to divide the work as
follows: mechanical/HVAC, glass, electrical,
roofing, tile/flooring, drywall, painting,
demolition, etc.
Depending on what goals you have met,
determines what the State of Texas requires.
If you are ONLY using Texas certified HUBs to
perform all subcontracting opportunities, you can
use method A of the Subcontracting plan.
 If you meet the HUB goals listed in the earlier
slide (In the example before, this contract was
considered a building construction contract and
the HUB goal was 21.1% )…
you can utilize Method A of the Subcontracting
**The HUBs you are using for this must be for
contracts in place 5 years or less.
REMINDER: As specified in SECTION 4 of the completed
HSP form, if you (respondent) are awarded any portion of
the requisition, you are required to provide notice as soon
as practical to all the subcontractors (HUBs and Non-HUBs)
of their selection as a subcontractor. The notice must
specify at a minimum the contracting agency’s name and
its point of contact for the contract, the contract award
number, the subcontracting opportunity they (the
subcontractor) will perform, the approximate dollar value
of the subcontracting opportunity and the expected
percentage of the total contract that the subcontracting
opportunity represents. A copy of the notice required by
this section must also be provided to the contracting
agency’s point of contact for the contract no later than ten
(10) working days after the contract is awarded.
Depending on what goals you have met,
determines what the State of Texas requires.
If you are NOT using ONLY Texas certified
HUBs to perform all subcontracting
opportunities, you can use method A of the
Subcontracting plan.
 If you HAVE NOT met the HUB goals listed in
the earlier slide…
you MUST utilize Method B of the
Subcontracting plan.
Minority & Women Organization Links
The Statewide HUB Program collaborates with various minority and women business trade
organizations and development centers to circulate information pertaining to the initiatives of
the Statewide HUB Program. Identified below are some of the minority and women trade
organizations and development centers the Statewide HUB Program has work with. In addition,
these entities have expressed their willingness to accept notices of subcontracting
opportunities from vendors to distribute to their minority and woman-owned business
American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Texas
Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council
Houston Minority Supplier Development Council
Southwest Minority Supplier Development Council
Texas Association of Historically Underutilized Businesses
Tri-County Black Chamber of Commerce
Women Contractors Association
Women's Business Council – Southwest
Women's Business Enterprise Alliance
NOTE: The entities listed above have consented to be listed on this site and have agreed to
participate in allowing vendors to provide them with notice of their subcontracting
opportunities per TAC §20.14. To be added to the list, please call (512) 463-6958.
If you are only using
HUB subs OR you meet
the University’s goals.
Do not have to solicit.
Do not have to
advertise in minority
trade publication
Method A
Must solicit at least
three HUBs for EACH
opportunity identified.
Must advertise in a
minority trade
Method B
The State of Texas Mentor Protégé Program is
designed to foster relationships between prime
contractors and Historically Underutilized Businesses
(HUBs). The objective of the Mentor Protégé Program
is to provide professional guidance and support to
the protégé (HUB) in order to facilitate their growth
and development and increase HUB contracts and
subcontracts with the State of Texas.
The mentor-protégé relationship is mutually
beneficial since mentors can use their protégés to
fulfill HUB subcontracting requirements when bidding
on state contracts with expected values of $100,000
or more. It is advantageous to build a partnership
prior to a solicitation or contract award to establish
confidence in performance.
The following criteria may be considered for Mentor participation by state
 Registration with the State of Texas Centralized Master Bidders List,
 Previous mentoring experience and prior work history,
 Ability to provide developmental guidance in areas identified by the
protégé, and
 "Good Standing" in doing business with the State of Texas.
The following criteria may be considered for Protégé participation by state
 Eligibility and willingness to obtain HUB certification under the State of
Texas HUB Program (Protégé must be certified as a HUB prior to TPASS
listing the Mentor Protégé Agreement on the official list),
 Business in operation for at least one year,
 Desire to participate with a mentoring firm,
 Ability to identify the type of guidance needed for business
development, and
 "Good Standing" in doing business with the State of Texas.
 For more information, please contact TPASS's Statewide HUB Program
toll-free at: 1-888-863-5881
Make sure you sign and date the
Subcontracting Plan
Make sure you provide supporting
documentation (emails, logs, etc.)
Fill out all relevant sections of the form
Look into using a Mentor-Protégé program
Contact the University for assistance in
locating HUBs or access the states search site
Not identifying all relevant subcontracting
opportunities (we will compare with industry
standards and compare with other submitted
HUB Subcontracting Plans).
Not providing at least 7 days notice to
potential HUBS as required.
Not providing notice in a minority or women
trade publication.
Not soliciting registered HUBs.
Not soliciting at least THREE HUBs for each
subcontracting opportunity.
State Website:
Texas Tech’s HUB Department:
Mentor Protégé Application:
Get registered as a vendor (and direct
TTU Bid/RFP opportunities: