Formation of the Middle Colonies

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Formation of the Middle Colonies
The Middle Colonies
New York
New Jersey
Middle Colonies: The Jan Brady of
Colonial Period (or Sue)
• This section is
focused on the
middle colonies.
They are directly
south of the New
England colonies.
• The middle colonies
were known for being
much more diverse
than the New England
or Southern colonies.
New York & New Jersey
Peter Stuyvesant
• As the Middle Colonies were
establishing, the Dutch
Settlement of New Netherland
was getting in the way of
English settlement. The
English wanted the Dutch out
of the region. They easily
kicked out the leader, Peter
Stuyvesant. King Charles II
then gave the colony to his
brother, the Duke of York. The
king then renamed the colony
New York in his brother’s
• The Duke of York thought that
New York was too big for him
to keep a close eye on. He
split the colony in two forming
New Jersey.
The Quakers Crazy Ideas
Next, William Penn, a wealthy
Someone get
Englishman, founded Pennsylvania.
Penn was a member of a radical group
me a cheese
of protestants called the Quakers.
The Quakers believed that everyone
was equal. This meant men and
women, noble and commoner.
Quakers allowed women to preach in
public, and refused to bow to nobles.
They were probably the most despised
religious group of the time.
Penn even took his ideas of fairness
farther. He believed that the land we
were settling on belonged to the
Indians, and that the English should
pay them for it. The Natives respected
him for this, and Pennsylvania had
peaceful relations with the Indians for
many years.
Penn carefully planned a capital city
for the colony on the Delaware River.
He named this capital Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania was too big, so it split in
two creating Delaware.
Middle Colonies
• Most colonists in the Middle
colonies farmed for a living.
The climate and soil were
much better than in the New
England colonies.
• Homes tended to be further
apart because the farms were
so big. These farms were
usually run by farmhands, not
• We remember the Middle
colonies because they had
such a diverse culture.
Diversity in religion and race.