Recommending a Strategy - Coalition of Care and Support


Integration Workshop

David Strathearn

CCPS Workforce Associate

Alison Upton

SSSC Manager Integration Development

Covering today

 Putting Integration into context

 Help shape SSSC and CCPS thinking on voluntary sector workforce development issues

 Draft Work Plan

 Your vision for an Integrated Workforce

Integration of Health and

Social Care: Implications for Workforce


Messages from Christie Report

The workforce must be able to provide effective services and support that are designed with and for people and communities and not delivered top down for administrative convenience

Form follows Function

Views of people who use services

 IRISS: Service Users and Carers are not concerned with the Integration of Health and Social Care as such

National Voices: People want co-ordination, not necessarily integration

SCIE: Outcomes as defined by people who use services may differ from policy and practice imperatives and are a crucial aspect of understanding the effectiveness of integrated services

Public Bodies (Joint Working)

(Scotland) Bill

Introduced to Parliament on May 28, 2013

The aims of the Bill are focussed on;

 Improving outcomes for people by providing consistency in the quality of services,

 Ensuring people are not unnecessarily delayed in hospital and

 Maintaining independence by creating services that allow people to stay safely at home for longer

Public Bodies (Joint Working)

(Scotland) Bill

Introduced to Parliament on May 28, 2013

 Nationally agreed outcomes will apply across Health and

Social care

 Local arrangements will be made to put in place joint accountability to Ministers, Council leaders, NHS Board

Chairs and the public for delivery of these outcomes

 Partnerships will be required to integrate budgets

 Strong clinical and professional leadership, and engagement with the third sector, in joint commissioning of services

Integration Outcomes

• Healthier Living

Independent Living

Positive experiences and outcomes

Carers are supported

Services are safe

Engaged Workforce

Effective Resource Use

Working Groups supporting Bill

Advisory Group

 Integrated Resources Advisory Group

(including workstream remits)

 Joint Strategic Commissioning - National

Steering Group

 Human Resources (HR) Working Group

 Integration Workforce Development

Strategy Group

 Governance and Accountability Group

 Outcomes Working Group

Engaging the Workforce in Service


The most important learning happens at the front line where staff and service users interact. The role of management is to value and support front line staff by listening and responding to what they say needs to change.

Seddon (2008)

Challenges / Opportunities

• Affirm Social Services values and identity, promoting a collective social responsibility within an

Integrated service

• Enable respectful, meaningful co-production with people and communities to establish what matters at local level

Develop models of participative leadership, vertical as well as horizontal integration

What does it take to achieve this?

Shared vision - centrality of better outcomes for those who use services and their carers

Mutual willingness to change and compromise

Contribution over attribution

Workforce identity defined by what we are trying to achieve rather than by who we are

Organisational identity defined within wider system

The route to influence



Adult Health and Social Care Integration Bill


Working Groups

Joint Strategic







Social Services

Leaders Forum

HR Forum

SCVO (Paul


CCPS Voluntary Sector

Workforce Development


Vol. Sector


Social Services

HR Forum




Surrounding ‘Cloud’ of Workforce Issues

Registration and Regulation Joint Commissioning Strategies

Personalisation and Self Directed Support

Austerity Funding Safer Recruitment

Draft Work Plan

Consult with Voluntary Sector Providers

Feed in findings to Workforce Strategy Group

Produce Sector Position Paper

Survey accessibility of shared learning resources

Input to SSSC-led Shared Induction Programme

Track/influence outcome measurements for ‘an

Engaged Workforce’

Questions for discussion

• How engaged are you and your workforce with the agenda for Integration of Health and Social Care?

• In five years time what would you want the place of the Third sector and its workforce within an

Integrated Health and Social Care service to look like?

• What three things will need to change / strengthen between now and then to enable this to be achieved?

