Viva Voces in Dance

Viva Voces
How to be successful
when answering a Viva
Voce question in your
Dance Studies.
What is a Viva Voce?
A Viva Voce is the oral component of the practical examination that is
either at the beginning or end of the piece. Students are given a
question to answer based on their work and course material.
The viva voce is an integral part of the practical exams. Its purpose is
to enable you to relate the theory components of the course to the
practical demonstration of the exams. It enables you to demonstrate
greater knowledge of dance as an artform and apply knowledge and
skills to your work developed in both core and major study.
In order to maximise your viva voce marks, you need to have an indepth understanding of the Areas of Study. The viva voce question
will be drawn from any of the dot points under the Areas of Study
headings, which are found in the syllabus.
What do you talk about?
Viva Voce Questions are based on the Areas of Study found in your Syllabus. To view the
syllabus you should look at the NSW BOARD OF STUDIES WEBSITE.
Examples of Areas of Study taken from the Core Performance Syllabus include:
3. Safe dance practice
• warm-up/cool-down
• stretching
• alignment
– body awareness
– body limitations
• causes, prevention and treatment of injury
– environmental
• body maintenance.
4. Variety of structures/components of a dance class which may include
• floor work, barre work, centre work, moving in space, jumps and aerial work.
How long is a Viva Voce?
The lengths of the Viva Voces vary depending on whether it is a Core or Major.
Core Performance & Core Composition
– 2 minute preparation
– 4.5 minute warning bell
– 5 minute Viva Voce
Major Performance & Core Composition
– 2 minute preparation
– 7.5 minute warning bell
– 8 minute Viva Voce
When do you do the Viva Voce?
When you are completing your Practical Examinations.
Core Performance & Major Performance
– The Viva Voce is completed after the student has performed their work.
Core Composition & Major Composition
– The Viva Voce is completed after the student has performed their work.
How are Viva Voces marked?
Students must answer the question as
thoroughly as possible in the time allotted,
demonstrate a clear understanding of the
concept based on their work,
use terminology correctly,
demonstrate and explain clearly, and
use relevant examples.
Viva Voce Preparation
In order to maximise your Viva Voce marks, you need to have
an indepth understanding of the Syllabus Areas of Study.
Use correct terminology and definitions, and show that you can
apply the key aspects of the question to the areas of study and
your dance / work.
Tips for the exam
Use your preparation time to identify key aspects of
the question and outline a structure for your answer
Address all components of the question equally
(sometimes questions will ask you about 2 or more
concepts in an area of study)
Demonstrate (physically) your understanding
Use relevant examples from your work to illustrate
your answer.
How to Prepare For a Viva Voce
A good way of preparing for viva voce questions is to construct
flow charts or mind maps based on the areas of study. These
mind maps will give you the basic structure from which to
answer the viva voce question.
Have a thorough understanding of the concepts in the Areas of
Study and know how to relate them all to your piece of work
After the first reading of the question, you have two minutes
preparation time. Use this time and your mind map to help you
structure your response.
You may write down points on the Viva Voce Examination
Sheet in your 2 minutes preparation time.
DO NOT write sentences, only trigger words, dot points etc
How to Conquer your Fear of
Public Speaking
Public speaking is a common source of stress for everyone.
Many of us would like to avoid this problem entirely, but this is
hard to do. Whether we work alone or with large numbers of
people, eventually we will need to speak in public to get certain
tasks accomplished. And if we want to be leaders or achieve
anything meaningful in our lives, we will often need to speak to
groups, large and small, to be successful.
The truth about public speaking, however, is IT DOES NOT
HAVE TO BE STRESSFUL! If you correctly understand the
hidden causes of public speaking stress, and if you keep just a
few key principles in mind, speaking in public will soon become
an invigorating and satisfying experience for you.
Principles of Public Speaking
Principle #1--Speaking in Public is NOT Inherently
Principle #2--You Don't have to be Brilliant or Perfect
to Succeed
Principle #3--All You Need is Two or Three Main
Principle #4--You also Need a Purpose That is Right
for the Task
Principle #5--The Best Way to Succeed is Not to
consider Yourself a Public Speaker!
Principles of Public Speaking
Principle #6--Humility and Humor Can Go a Long
Principle #7--When You Speak in Public, Nothing
"Bad" Can Ever Happen!
Principle #8--You Don't Have to Control the Behavior
of Your Audience
Principle #9--In General, the More You Prepare, the
Worse You Will Do
Principle #10--Your Audience Truly Wants You to
Hidden Causes of Public Speaking
Thinking that public speaking is inherently stressful
(it's not).
Thinking you need to be brilliant or perfect to
succeed (you don't).
Trying to impart too much information or cover too
many points in a short presentation.
Having the wrong purpose in mind (to get rather
than to give/contribute).
Trying to please everyone (this is unrealistic).
Trying to emulate other speakers (very difficult)
rather than simply being yourself (very easy).
Hidden Causes of Public Speaking
Failing to be personally revealing and humble.
Being fearful of potential negative outcomes (they
almost never occur and even when they do, you can
use them to your advantage).
Trying to control the wrong things (e.g., the behavior
of your audience).
Spending too much time overpreparing (instead of
developing confidence and trust in your natural
ability to succeed).
Thinking your audience will be as critical of your
performance as you might be.
Examples of Composition Viva
Discuss the way in which you have used the elements of
SPACE to communicate the intent of your Core Composition
Discuss the way in which you have used the elements of TIME
to communicate the intent of your Core Composition Dance.
Discuss the way in which you have used the elements of
DYNAMICS to communicate the intent of your Core
Composition Dance
Discuss the way in which you have used the process of
generating movement in the development of your Core
Composition Dance
Discuss the way in which you used motif and manipulation to
assist with the development of your Core Composition Dance
Examples of Composition Viva
Discuss the way in which you have used sequencing to
communicate the intent of your Core Composition Dance
Discuss the way in which you have used repetition in your Core
Composition Dance
Discuss the way in which you have used variation and contrast
in your Core Composition Dance
Discuss the way in which you have used abstraction in your
Core Composition Dance
Discuss the way in which you have used the process of
appraisal and evaluation to develop your Core Composition
Examples of Performance Viva
Describe the importance of having knowledge of body
awareness in dance. Demonstrate with reference to a phrase
from your dance.
Describe the importance of the principles of alignment and body
placement in dance. Demonstrate with reference to a phrase
from your dance.
Discuss the elements to be considered when performing
elevation in your dance.
Discuss the elements to be considered when performing turns
in your dance.
Why is the concept of warm up / cool down important for dance
Examples of Performance Viva
Why is stretching an important element in SMART dance?
What is the importance of body maintenance to the
performance of your dance?
Select a phrase from your dance. Analyse your muscle usage
within this phrase.
Select a phrase from your dance. Analyse the way that you
have utilised the elements of space and time in this phrase.
What do you do now?
Study Areas of Study from Syllabus
Use your Process Diary to relate concepts to piece
of work
Learn and practice using dance related terminology
Ask questions and complete all homework tasks
Endeavour to find and read 2 extra articles from
Closed Reserve on each topic.
Why is the Process Diary so
important to our Viva Voce
The Process Diary provides a means of:
Developing and practising skills in observing, recalling and
recording information
Using dance terminology in a meaningful and relevant way
Expressing personal ideas and opinions
Evaluating their own work through personal reflection and
critical analysis
Maintaining a record of their learning, knowledge,
understanding and dance experiences.
What could your Process Diary
include for Core Performance
Definitions of dance terms and the elements of dance
Notes, information and class work sheets
Descriptions and explainations of exercises and their purpose
Information and research on the physiology of the human body
Research or information on the common causes, prevention
and care of dance injuries
Discussion and reflection on performance quality, interpretation
and dance characteristics experienced
Individual reflection and peer evaluation of the student’s own
Let’s have a go….
QUESTION: Explain why the concept of
warm up / cool down is important for
dance preparation?
Underline the key words.
Let’s have a go….
QUESTION: Explain why the concept of
warm up / cool down is important for
dance preparation?
Underline & understand the verb.
Let’s have a go….
QUESTION: Explain why the concept of
warm up / cool down is important for
dance preparation?
– Reiterate question
– Define key words
– Introduce concepts that you will discuss
Let’s have a go….
QUESTION: Explain why the concept of
warm up / cool down is important for
dance preparation?
Draw a mind map 2 give you structure to the question
List reasons for warm up and cool down
Let’s have a go….
QUESTION: Explain why the concept of
warm up / cool down is important for
dance preparation?
Be able to give specific examples from your work that relate to
the concept.
Have practical demonstrations in mind
Let’s have a go….
QUESTION: Explain why the concept of
warm up / cool down is important for
dance preparation?
– Reiterate question
– State briefly the reasons
– Personalise
Now all you have to do is….
Should you have any queries or questions do not
hesitate to ask or refer to the following websites: