Compound Sentences, Day 2


Harcourt 10-11

Lesson 7


Day 2

Compound Sentences

A simple sentence is a group of words that describes one thought.

Dad made breakfast.

Dad and Uncle John made breakfast.

Dad made breakfast and packed our lunches.

Dad and Uncle John made breakfast and packed our lunches.

The BIG Question:

How can I write a compound sentence ?

two or more simple sentences connected by a conjunction such as and, or, but, so, or for

Simple or Compound?

I will set the table, or I will make the toast.


Jeremy washed and dried the dishes.


Mother had to go to the store, so Liz went with her.


The eggs and sausage are cooking on the stove.


I thought the breakfast was ready, but the bacon was still cooking.


Mom made pancakes, and dad made waffles.


Liz and Jeremy ate breakfast and cleared the table.


Combine to form a compound sentence.

Bob likes baseball cards. He has a large collection of them.

Bob likes baseball cards, and he has a large collection of them.

My brother did his homework. He forgot to bring it to school.

My brother did his homework, but he forgot to bring it to school.

Combine to form a compound sentence.

I can swim in the lake. I can fish in the river.

I can swim in the lake, or I can fish in the river.

We caught several fish. We had to let them go.

We caught several fish, but we had to let them go.

Combine to form a compound sentence.

I was very tired. I went to bed early.

I was very tired, so I went to bed early.

Did you leave your coat in school? Did you leave it on the bus?

Did you leave your coat in school, or did you leave it on the bus?
