Protective Resemblance - fourthgradeteam2012-2013

Being able to blend into the environment is an
adaptation known as camouflage. This
adaptation helps animals blend in with their
Protective resemblance is another form of camouflage. This is when an animal
looks almost identical to something in its surroundings. For example, a walking
stick looks like a twig on trees or shrubs. When it is resting, it has the same color,
shape, and position as a twig.
Protective Coloration is when an animal has
the same color as its surroundings. Their
camouflage makes it hard for enemies to single
out individuals.
Mimicry allows one animal to look, sound, or
act like another animal to fool predators into
thinking it is poisonous or dangerous.
Warning coloration is when an animal has
brightly colored body colorings, and they do
not blend with their surroundings. The bright
colors warn predators to stay away. For
example, the lion fish has brightly striped fins
with poisonous spines that it displays to
would-be attackers.