Karma and Dharma - The Paradox of Fate and Free Will -

Karma and Dharma
- The Paradox of Fate and Free Will -
“Since time immemorial every philosopher
and seeker of Truth, in every part of the
world, irrespective of culture, religion or
belief, has asked which force influences life –
Fate or Free Will? Few have imagined that it
could be both and even fewer have realized
that ultimately it is neither.”
Cause and Effect
Thermo Dynamics- The Study of Energy
Veda – The Knowledge of Nature
Energy is the ability to bring about change or to do work.
Energy = Prana
Prakriti / Shakti / Maya
(Yoga) (Tantra) (Vedanta)
Change/Work =
• Energy can change from one form to another but it cannot be
created nor destroyed
• An object in motion will continue in motion, unless acted upon by
another force
Cause and Effect Cont.
Science : Energy = Heat / Magnetism / Electricity / Nuclear etc.
Veda : Energy = Emotion / Thought / Intuition / Consciousness
Science : Change/Work =
Veda : Karma =
Emotion / Thought / Intuition / can change from one form to
another but it cannot be created nor destroyed
An object in Karma will continue in Karma, unless acted upon by
Karma : Action
Reincarnation :
Universal Justice
Karma Phala :
The Fruit of Action
Adhiatmika – Inner Personal Causes
Adhibhautika – Causes Co-Generated
With Others
Adhidaivika – Causes Generated by
These 3 sources of Karma are said to be the
cause of all suffering
Karma: Intensities of Karma
• Drudh: Fixed Karma
• Drudh-Adrudh: Mixed Karma
• Adrudh: Not-Fixed
Dharma : Free Will
• Pure dharma is pure experience/experiential
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