Volusia Literacy Test

Bell ringer #6
Write the following questions AND answers in
your notebook.
• What would you expect to see in an
information/explanatory essay? (Be specific)
• What should you NOT see in one?
Volusia Literacy Test
What is it? How will it affect me?
What is a VLT?
• Volusia Literacy Test
• To be given 3 out of 4 marking periods this
year. Marking period 2 will be the only
marking period where you will not have one.
• Will be approximately 90 minutes long, so
two class periods will be allowed.
• Will have a passage/text for you to read, some
multiple choice questions to answer, and a
written essay you will have to write.
What type of essay do I write?
Your essay will either be an:
• Explanatory/informative essay: You
inform/explain something to your audience
using details from the text
• Argumentation essay: Your answer to the
prompt requires you to argue something using
textual evidence.
The essay for MP 1 will be explanatory/informative.
Writing the essay
• Will be a multi-paragraph essay. Spend time
reading, planning, writing, revising, and editing.
• You should:
 read the prompt, so you know what you’ll be
expected to answer
 read the passage
 plan your response
 write your response
 revise and edit your response with any time
How will it be graded?
• Multiple choice questions and essay will be
graded separately.
• Both will be summative grades.
• Both scores will be recorded in Pinnacle, but
your essay response grade will be reported to the
school and district.
• If you don’t do well, you can revise for a higher
grade. That grade can be changed in Pinnacle,
but the original grade reported to the
school/district will stay the same.
Rubric for Essay
• The essay is graded using a rubric from the
state of Florida, not my rubric.
• Will be graded in 3 categories
• Purpose, Focus, and Organization (4 pts)
• Evidence and Elaboration (4 pts)
• Conventions of Standard English
(spelling grammar, etc.) (2 pts)
• Will be graded out of 10 full points. An 8
would equate to an 80%.