
Paul Guile FCIPS,MA
CIPS Global Procurement Fraud Advisor
“Is procurement fraud a risk within the
Health Sector?”
Leading global excellence in procurement and supply
• Procurement is one of the highest risk activities. No
one company can operate without some form of
• Procurement fraud usually requires some form of
inside collaboration, therefore the fraudsters will
know and understand how your business works
• This exposes your company to other types of fraud
• Procurement fraud can have a long term loss
Leading global excellence in procurement
and supply
Have you installed your procurement fraud strategy?
Leading global excellence in procurement and supply
CIPS Global Procurement Fraud initiatives
• Initiated British Standard BS10501
• Delivered an e learning procurement fraud course to the
Government Procurement Service, UK Cabinet Office
• Just launched the first global on line procurement fraud training
• NHS UK and Scotland are currently reviewing this for national roll out
• Working with NHS Protect to have joint badged NHS/CIPS national
procurement fraud guidance
• Global SLA with top tier global oil and gas organisation
• Nov 2013 Procurement fraud tour of Australia
• 2014 Global masterclass tour covering Saud Arabia, Singapore, South
Africa, Hong Kong, Uganda, Kenya, Brazil and Dubai
• Working with Teesside University's Centre for Fraud and Financial
Crime to develop the first PGC in procurement fraud
Leading global excellence in procurement and supply
Transparency International: No. 17
Leading global excellence in procurement and supply
Indicator- June 2013
Leading global excellence in procurement and supply
Why does it occur? Global Themes
Leading global excellence in procurement
and supply
Why does Procurement Fraud occur
Systems override or a controls failure
Procurement fraud is often not recognized as a board risk
No Procurement fraud strategy is in place
No training regime. What do staff watch out for?
Traditional fraud controls do not cover procurement fraud
Segregation of duties: Procure to pay controls, 3 way
match. What about the contract?
Delegated Procurement Authority overridden
Procurement process bypassed
Orders sole sourced
Orders split to avoid tender process
Lack of Unauthorised master data file access
Leading global excellence in procurement
and supply
Procurement Fraud Typologies
Leading global excellence in procurement and supply
Case study “ How it can go wrong”
Leading global excellence in procurement and supply
Thank you, any questions?
Leading global excellence in procurement and supply