Effective Interviewing Skills (1373 Kb DOC)

Interviewing Strategies
Career Counseling and Support Services
1640 Neil Avenue, 2nd Floor
Younkin Success Center
(614) 688-3898
Career Counseling and Support Services
To learn proven strategies for the different types of
To have an understanding of what skills and
experiences employers are looking for in
To learn how to formulate answers to frequently
asked questions.
Career Counseling and Support Services
Step 1: Before the Interview
The importance of research!
Find out who will be interviewing
Review common interview questions
Generate and rehearse stories
Develop questions for them
Remember your references
Know where you are going
Dress professionally
Know your interviewers names
Plan ahead for contingencies!
Career Counseling and Support Services
Step 2: Positive First Impression
Show up on time and prepared
EVERYONE is interviewing you
Direct eye contact, warm smile, firm handshake
Mental connections lead to physical connections, you
will radiate a positive attitude if you believe so
Remember, small talk is big talk: avoid potentially
divisive topics
Career Counseling and Support Services
Step 2: What Employers are Looking For
Credentials (Skills and Accomplishments)
Motivation (Why them and clear career goals)
Fit (Potential for work environment and collegiality)
Salary and Benefits
Career Counseling and Support Services
What SKILLS do You Have?
Can You do the Job?
Tell me, how does your past experience relate to the
present job?
What are your major strengths?
What are your areas of professional growth?
Tell me a situation when you demonstrated ____ skills?
*Check handouts for sample questions
Career Counseling and Support Services
Demonstrating your Skills =
Answer Question + Back it up with story
+ Connect to employer/program needs
Back up skill with experience (story telling) + portfolio
How do you tell your story? SAR technique (Scenario + action + result)
You can expect to demonstrate the skill by performing (i.e. teaching a
Weakness question:
Answer with a similar skill and back it up with a story
Answer with SAR technique and go to the future
Clueless? Tell story when you learn something new in a job
Tone of the interview: What can you do for the employer?
Career Counseling and Support Services
Employers’ Expectations: Motivation
Would you do this Job?
What makes you think you would like to work in this
You’ve seen our mission statement. How would you see
yourself contributing to our mission?
What makes you think that you would be able to grow with
What do you know about our program?
What attracted you to this company?
Describe your goals and plans for professional development
Career Counseling and Support Services
Demonstrating Motivation
• Do your homework: research the company (mission,
products, services, annual reports)
• Have clear career goals, both short and long term
Career Counseling and Support Services
Employer’s Expectations: Personality
Would You Fit in with this Organization
• What’s your ideal work environment?
• What would frustrate me the most of working with
you in a team?
• What will be the positives of having you as a
• What will you do if you encounter a challenging
situation at work?
• How would your previous supervisor describe you?
Career Counseling and Support Services
Demonstrating Personality
• Ideal work environment
• Personal strengths and weaknesses (take your
strengths to the extreme)
• Ideal Colleagues
• Ideal Supervisors
• Conflict question
• Off the wall questions
Career Counseling and Support Services
Skills ~ Key words
Answer + Story + Connect with
Company’s needs
Learning story = weakness
To tell story use SAR technique
(Scenario + Action + Results)
(JFK ) = What you can offer
Research the company
Do your homework ~ Key words
Goals ~ Short and Long Term
Ideal Work Environment
Off the wall
Salary Negotiation
Career Counseling and Support Services
Interviewing Tips: Handling Illegal Questions
You can answer the questions; however, you are giving
information that is not related to the job.
You can refuse to answer the question; but you run the risk of
coming off as confrontational
May re-phrase, “What’s the relationship between by ___ and
the job requirements?
You can examine the question for its real intent and respond
with an answer as it might apply to the job
Career Counseling and Support Services
Interviewing Tips: Handling Illegal Questions
Inquiry Area: National Origin
- Illegal Question: Are you a U.S. Citizen?
- Legal Question: Are you authorized to work in the U.S.?
Inquiry Area: Marital/Partner/Family Status
- Illegal Question: Whom do you live with? How many kids do you have?
- Legal Question: Would you be willing to relocate if necessary?
Career Counseling and Support Services
Building Confident Interviewing
Preparation by researching
the organization and it’s
Formulation and practice of
your answers
Consider using these
The Parrot Technique
Repeat back the question
using your own words
Know Yourself and know
what you want
The Delay Technique
Reflect the question back
Educating the Employer
Cannot have lunch because
you are fasting, offer
Career Counseling and Support Services
Step 4: Closing with Finesse
• Briefly reiterate your interest and
• Ask about next steps (who, when, and how
are they going to follow up)
• Ask for a business card from all interviewers
Career Counseling and Support Services
Step 4: Interview Follow-Up
• Take notes immediately after
• ALWAYS send a thank you letter
• Anticipate a second interview
• Review the job carefully and prepare to
respond to an offer
• Call if you have not heard anything and the
deadline has passed
• Don’t burn bridges… EVER!
Career Counseling and Support Services