Smartphones and teenagers, threat or opportunity

Smartphones and teenagers, threat or opportunity
Mariluz Guenaga, Iratxe Mentxaka, Andoni Eguíluz, Susana Romero, Javier García Zubía
DeustoTech Learning – Deusto Foundation – University of Deusto – Bilbao, Spain
{mlguenaga, iratxe.mentxaka, andoni.eguiluz, sromeroyesa, zubia}
Smartphones  Multimedia capabilities: camera, sound and video recorder, audiovisual
playing options, GPS, task manager, calendar, etc.
Threat or opportunity?
▪ Like to break the rules
▪ May feel isolated
▪ Need to belong to a group
▪ Need to be connected all the time  creates dependency
Technology causes…
▪ Speed of diffusion
▪ Exposition of the private life
▪ Make easier to lie and to cheat
▪ Can cause sexting or ciberbulling
Pedagogy needs…
▪ Time for the training of teachers
▪ An integrated planning of mobile learning within the
▪ Capabilities  camera, sound and video recorder,
audiovisual playing options, GPS, task manager, calendar,...
▪ Internet connection  World connection
▪ Students become prosumers (produces and consumers) of
their knowledge.
▪ Change in the role of students à autonomous
▪ Extend learning experiences a anytime, anywhere
We propose
Protection + Education + Trust:
 Protect young people from cheat and fraud
 Educate young people in the use of technology. Make
them difference between private and public data.
 Trust young people so they share what they do in the
virtual world or if they feel they are being cheated,
bullied or threatened.
1. Active students experimentation
2. Autonomous management of resources and technological
3. Social constructivism
Train technological skills of teachers according to available
Give constant feedback to students.
Start with simple tools that student already know and use.
Plan the activity considering the efforts involved in using
Equitable use should be promote  diversity and
Encourage flexible learning experience (learning rates,
interests and abilities of each student).
Use Examples:
 Video streaming
 Geo location on Google Maps
 Micro-blogging
 Text messaging notifications
 Reading QR codes
 Collaborative work with social networks
Key Factors
Experiment with technology as much as
Keep an open and proactive behavior
towards innovation and improvement in
Reflect on skills you want to develop
and in what way technology can
enhance the teaching/learning process.
Try to innovate with small steps.
Share knowledge and experiences with
colleagues and learn from them.
RELEVANT REFERENCES: [1] Ally, M. (2009). Mobile learning: Transforming the delivery of education and training. [2] Ash, Katie. (2010). Teachers Testing
Mobile Methods. [3]Davis, Michelle R. (2010). Solving Algebra On Smartphones. [4] Ford, M., & Leinonen (2009). T. MobilED-mobile tools and services
platform for formal and informal learning. [5] Traxler, J. (2009). Learning in a mobile age. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning. [6] Wexler,
S., Brown, J. , Metcalf, D., Rogers, D. & Wagner, E. (2008). The e-learning Guild Report Mobile Learning.