here - Fred Momotenko

‘Hundred Silences’ sound sculpture
When we kept every year a respectale silence
of one minute for the victims of the Great War,
we now should be silent for more than an hour
and a half.
‘Honderd Stiltes’ geluidssculptuur
Als er ieder jaar één minuut stilte zou zijn
gehouden voor de slachtoffers van de Eerste
Wereldoorlog, zou er nu ruim anderhalf uur
stilte te horen zijn.
The scope of this radio play is audible and psychologically focused at one soldier-protagontist of WWI. The visitors follow his biography
through his own listening perspective, starting
from peace through the horrible war to the
eternal rest.
Sounds for the soundscape originate from authentic
weapons and machinery from WWI that are recorded
during the past century.
Ambient sounds are originally recorded in Meuse
Region (FR) and the Montmédy Citadel.
A special gratitude to: Valdart, Imperial War Museums, Stiftung
Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv, Das Bundesarchiv, Library of Congress,
VRT Media, EBU Media Department, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Algemeen Rijksarchief Vlaanderen, Sound & Vision Reference Service of
the British Library, Bibliotheek Dendermonde, The Old Rhinebeck
Aerodrome, National WWI Museum at Liberty Memorial, Canadian
War Museum, De Koninklijke Bibliotheek Nederland, Tank Museum
UK, Le musée des blindés, Le conseil de Montmédy Citadelle,, collegue Hans Timmermans (Tilburg, NL), Rainer &
Veronique Tappeser (DE/FR).
The concept, original music, sound design, photography
and visual design are carried out by Fred Momotenko.
copyright (c) 2014 by Fred Momotenko
Quand chaque année on aurait pris garde
d’une minute de silence pour les victimes de la
Grande Guerre, il faut être silencieux pendant
plus d’une heure et demi.
‘Einhundertmal Stille’ Klangskulptur
Wenn man in jedem Jahr eine Schweigeminute für die Opfer des Ersten Weltkriegs
verbracht hätte, wäre man heute bei mehr als
eineinhalb Stunden Stille.
‘Cent Silences’ sculpture sonore (2014)