EØS-kulturutvekslingsprogrammet med Polen - Resultater

EØS-kulturutvekslingsprogrammet med Polen - Resultater etter første tildelingsrunde februar 2013
Norsk/islandsk partner
Polsk partner
Bergen Arkitekthøgskole
Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
1. Jødisk kulturfestival Trondheim
2. Jødisk Museum i Oslo
3. Senter for studier av Holocaust og
4. Franzisca Aarflot Produksjoner
1. Menningarmiðstöðin Gerðuberg
2. Minjasafn Reykjavíkur
3. Þjóðminjasafn Íslands
4. Nasjonalbiblioteket
5. Riksantikvaren
6. Kulturhistorisk museum,
Universitetet i Oslo
7. Fortidsminneforeningen
1. Det norske Shakespeareselskapet
2. Institutt for fremmedspråk Universitetet i Bergen
Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt
omregnet i NOK
Prosjekttittel (engelsk)
Oskar Hansen (1922 - 2005). Research-Exhibition
Project Devoted to Hansen’s Oeuvre and
Persistence of His Thought in Teaching
1 218 976
Architecture and Visual Arts in Poland and
Støttebeløp i
692 600
Bente Kahan Foundation
Yidish far ale or "Yiddish for all". Promoting
knowledge about Yiddish language and culture
in Poland andNorway
2 323 200
1 320 000
National Museum in Gdańsk
"Remnants of Prayers"
2 404 480
1 366 182
The Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre
Shakesploring Culture
1 225 534
696 326
Mościce Art Centre
International Dance Theaters Festival OPEN
1 364 496
775 282
Trondheim Symfoniorkester
Ludwig van Beethoven Association
Multiculturalism does not work. Artists against
2 449 920
1 392 000
1. Stiftelsen Jo Strømgren Kompani
2. Association of Independent
Theatres in Iceland
The Polish Dance Theatre – Poznan
Signs of Time – To Overcome Borders. Artistic
and educational activities in Poland,Norway and 3 729 180
2 118 852
Information Society Development
Library as a meeting place for many cultures
2 526 586
1 435 560
The Polish Book Institute
ORT: Poems from Iceland/Poems from Poland
1 253 986
712 492
The Fryderyk Chopin Institute
Between national identity and a community of
cultures: from Chopin and Tellefsen to XXI
5 766 182
3 276 240
Krakow Opera
Opera's divirtimento on the stages of Cracow
and Trondheim
1 481 229
841 607
1. Det flerspråklige bibliotek
2. Buskerud fylkesbibliotek
3. Hordaland Fylkesbibliotek
4. Oppland Fylkesbibliotek
5. Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek
6. Trondheim folkebibliotek
1. Bókmenntasjóður
2. Reykjavík Bókmenntaborgin
3. Norrðna húsið
4. Útflutningsskrifstofu íslenskrar
tónlistar (ÚTÓN)
1. Ringve Museum
2. Trondheim Symfoniorkester
3. Norsk senter for folkemusikk og
4. Den Polske Forening i Fredrikstad
Trondheim Symfoniorkester
Polish Maritime Museum in Gdansk
Polish and Norwegian maritime heritage. The
exchange of experiences and good practices.
The project preservation and promotion of
tangible and intangible cultural heritage
associated with the local boatbuilding
998 482
567 320
Imago Mundi Foundation
A Place Where We Could Go: sitespecific
cooperation of Icelandic, Norwegian and Polish
artists in the upper Silesian conurbation
955 380
542 830
Wroclaw-West Cultural Center
910 800
517 500
1. Notodden kommune
2. Notodden Blues Festival
City of Suwalki
Promotion of the artistic and cultural diversity of
North East Europe and Scandinavia within
871 200
Suwalki Blues Festival '2013'
495 000
1. Fortellerfestivalen
2. Norsk Fortellerforum
Wroclaw-West Cultural Center
PolishNorwegian Literary Feast
906 381
514 989
The Polish National Song and Dance
Ensemble Slask in memory of Hadyna
Polish-Norwegian folk dance inspirations
1 016 928
577 800
The Foundation of the Academy of
Music in Poznan
The European Flute Forum: culture for
integration. Poland Iceland Norway 2013-2014
684 145
388 719
1. Hardanger og Voss Museum
2. Riksantikvaren
1. Kynningarmistö íslenskrar
2. Kunsthall Grenland
3. Listasafn Reykjavikur
1. Bíó Paradís
2. Myndlistaskólann í Reykjavík
3. Gaflaraleikhúsi
1. Universitetet i Bergen Griegakademiet
2. Kunstakademiet på Island
3. Reykjavik College of Music
4. Universitetet i Agder
Trondheim Kunstmuseum
Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow
Heimili kvikmyndanna
Sputnik Photos
The Smell of Longing. Exibition of Rune Eraker's
545 875
Iceland in Residence
781 200
310 156
443 864
NOTAM. Norsk senter for teknologi og
musikk i kunst
Foundation 4.99
Eastern Waves: Warszaw-Oslo
533 808
303 300
Polish National Committee of the
International Council on Monuments
and Sites, ICOMOS
Elaboration of a Model Management Plan for
UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Properties
626 708
356 084
1. Sunnhordland Museum
2. Søre Skogen
The Serfenta Association
(…) Basket weavings as a living tradition in the
context of The UNESCO Convention for the
1 013 602
Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
575 910
Sjálfstæðu Leikhúsin
Miniatura City Theatre
Blue Planet
575 775
1 013 364