United States at War!!!


United States at War!!!

Mobilizing for Defense

Remember Pearl Harbor became a rally cry for the US

Tons of eager young Americans stormed recruiting offices

5 million volunteered for service however it would not be enough for a two front war

Mobilizing for Defense

Selective Service System which expanded draft would eventually provide another 10 million soldiers

8 weeks of basic training

Consisted of how to stand at attention, march, handle a rifle and follow orders

Expanding the Military

Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall pushed for a Woman's Auxiliary Army Corps

Women could serve in noncombat positions

Some in Congress opposed it however it became law on May 15,1942

Worked as nurses, ambulance drivers, radio operators etc (anything not involving combat)


African Americans, Native Americans,

Mexican Americans and Asian Americans all suffered

Racially segregated neighborhoods and denial of basic rights

 “Why fight for democracy somewhere else when you do not have it here”


300,000 Mexican Americans joined the armed forces

About 1 million African American soldiers though most would not see a lot of combat till end of war

13,000 Chinese volunteered or about 1 in every

5 adults

33,000 Japanese volunteered

25,000 Native Americans volunteered including

800 women… some said if all volunteered like the Indians we would not need draft

Production Time

Switch from consumer goods to war goods

Last car rolled off line in Feb 1942

Factories turned to all our war machines

War Production

1944 18 Million working in war factories more then three times in 1941

6 million of the new workers were women

African Americans still suffered discrimination and if hired were put in lower jobs

Philip Randolph

Called on march to Washington to end discrimination

President was shocked about number of people he would bring

Knew he could not feed them all

FDR issued a order to call on equaility
