54th Massachusetts Regiment

54th Massachusetts Regiment
By.Regine Reid
What is the 54th Massachusetts Regiment
One unit that insisted
on fighting without
The organized date
was in March 1863
In July 1863, earned
its greatest fame
The first African
Americans regiment
organized in the North
How African Americans have the rights to
fight in the war.
Lincoln made it possible for African
Americans to fight in the war
Lincoln freed the slaves
Lincoln thought that if he didn’t free the
slaves they wouldn’t have won the war
180 thousand African Americans we in the
About the African Americans
 Over 4 million African
Americans lived in the United
States in 1860
 Most of the African Americans
lived in the Southern States
where mostly slaves
 Nearly all of them served in the
union army
 Black soldiers often won the
grudging admiration and
respect of white soldiers, but
they still faced strong racial
hostility both on and off the
 Sergeant William H. Carney
was the first black soldier to
receive the medal of honor
The War !!
The war began in the 1861
Black Troops fought in almost 500 battles
in the war
About 400,000 African Americans died in
what became a war to end slavery an as
well to defend the union
135,000 of the men in the war and navy
were former slaves
Later on in the 54th Massachusetts
The survivors of the fifth-fourth went on
participate in the eventual capture of fort
wager several weeks later
The fifty fourth continued to serve throught
out the remainder of the war
They fought at Olustee , Florida; Honey
hill; South Carolina And finally at Boykins
mills, South Carolina