Nine out of ten colonists….

Nine out of ten colonists….
Lived on small family farms
Africans came to America as….
“taxation without
Phrase used to
oppose British taxes
The Boston Massacre was…..
A riot between colonist
and British troops.
George Washington
Was chosen to command
the Continental Army
The purpose of the Olive Branch
Petition was…..
Make peace with King
Why was the Declaration of
Independence written?
To explain why the colonies should
separate from Britain
The Declaration of Independence
We all have the right to life, liberty,
and pursuit of happiness.
The main American strength when the
American Revolution began was…
An able leader in George Washington
The victory at Trenton…
Showed that Americans could beat
the British
African Americans joined the
Continental Army to….
Fight for the end of slavery
Who joined the American cause
after the Battle of Saratoga?
The Treaty of Paris…
Ended the war and gave America all
land lying east of the Mississippi
The Virginia and New Jersey
Called for three branches of
Federalists were….
Supporters of the Constitution
The main job of the legislative
branch is to…
Make laws
A bill becomes a law after….
It’s approved by Congress and signed
by the president
The most important task of the
executive branch is to…
Enforce and carry out federal laws
The judicial branch is responsible
Resolving disputes under the law
Andrew Jackson’s election in
1828 depended on support from
The common people
Which group was most hurt by
Jackson’s removal policy?
Native Americans
What was Manifest destiny?
The belief that the US had the right
to expand across North America
What was the main effect of the
cotton gin?
Cotton became the south’s main crop
The Industrial Revolution began
A shift from handmade to machinemade goods
By 1850 the cheapest was to
move goods in the north was
By railroad
Most goods in the south moved
“invisible churches”
Brought joy and comfort to slaves
Missouri’s application for statehood
raised the issue of whether slavery
Should be allowed in the Louisiana
When the Civil War began the
south’s strength was…
It’s military leadership
Hopes of a quick Union victory
ended with
The Battle of Bull Run
Lincoln’s Emancipation
Proclamation declared
All slaves in the Confederate states to
be free
The Battle of Gettysburg was a
turning point in the war because
Lee lost so many troops
The Union gained control of the
Mississippi after
The fall of Vicksburg
The terms of surrender were
designed to
End the war without causing
suffering or hatred