Committeeman Power Point Presentation

The Only Peaceful Solution
New York Committeemen
Our Mission
• Build a coalition across the State of NY by uniting all the
grass roots Liberty groups in a common cause, to Take Back
the Republic through the Committeeman process.
• To Educate the people in the committeeman process, the
constitution, progressivism and how to access our courts
• To support grassroots candidates
We are Non Partisan
A partisan person is “one who is blindly or unreasonably devoted to party
positions.” Therefore a partisan cannot possibly serve the constitution.
George Washington warned us against political parties he said “they only
succeed in pitting one group against another”.
The cause of the grassroots movement is the awakening to our constitutional
crisis, for it to be engaged in partisan politics would further serve the demise of
our constitutional republic.
The genius of the progressive movement is their exploitation of partisan
politics, which they created, to subvert our constitution.
Grassroots groups are natural and spontaneous whose primary objective is
to reinstate the constitution, to be partisan would be counter productive.
Traditional power structures are orchestrated and designed to harness
grassroots movements “they must always be suspect” and will be proven
corrupt if they are partisan - divisive - take control of choosing candidates.
Grassroots are founded local, control is local and most events are local. To
collaborate with distant groups are necessary for unity but if events become
dictated by them you are no longer grassroots.
The Right
Then From
The Left
All that is necessary for the triumph of
evil is that good men do nothing."
(Edmund Burke)
Why Become A Committeeman?
● We have a Constitutional Crisis!
● Our monetary system is collapsing!
● Our Republic is being subverted!
● Letter writing may slow it down but it cannot stop it!
● Phone calls may slow it down but it cannot stop it!
● Town hall meetings may rally us and slow it down but it
cannot stop it!
● Marching on Washington may rally us and slow it down but it
cannot stop it!
● Through the committeeman process we can Take Back the
Republic by taking back control of our government
What do Committeemen Do?
● In a nut shell they
(1) fill vacancies
(2) preside over the NYS Convention
(3) preside over the elections.
We Interview & select our
● US Representatives
● State Representatives
● County Representatives
● Town Representatives
● Judges & Sheriffs
● We can count the votes
● We make the party rules
● We influence laws
● We choose the delegates
● We choose the party leaders [The elites conduit for corruption]
● We can stop corruption
● We can require term limits
● We can require only Constitutional Candidates
Elected Committeeman
● There is the elected committeeman and there is the town or city
committeeman who’s “POSITIONS” were appointed decades ago and these
vacancies are filled by “PARTY RULES”:
● One Committeeman per election districts, there are 16,400 ED’s
● Nominated by designating petition
● Elected by the people in your ED at the Primary Election
● Election is set at a two year cycle at the “National level” on even years as is
congress and cannot be changed, its purpose is to flush and reset leadership.
● Any committeeman vacancies are to be filled at the next primary election
● On or about January 3rd after the election all committeemen meet in the
county seat to choose their leaders, chairman, secretary, treasurer, etc.
● There are 62 county chairman, each chairman is a state committeeman and
meets in Albany after the reorganization to choose their leaders, chairman,
secretary, treasurer, etc.
● The rules of both houses of the U.S. Congress, as well as all state
legislatures forbid proxy voting, there is no difference with the elected
How do I become
A Committeeman?
● Be a resident of the county
● Be registered in the party you are running in
● Fill out a designating petition
● Collect signatures starting JUNE 7th equal to 5% of the
enrolled voters of your political party in the district
● File your petition between July 11th and July 14th 2011
● If you are challenged your name will be on the ballot at
the Primary Election on SEPTEMBER 13th 2011
You can run in any election
district within your assembly
district. There are 150
assembly districts
You can run in any election district
within your assembly district
New York State
Number of Committeemen per County
50 States - 3141 Counties - 35,000 Towns/cities - 300,000 Committeemen
16,300 Committeemen Statewide - one for each ED
That’s an average of 262 committeemen per county
Our Strategy
Educate people on the Committeeman process
Educate people on the Constitution
Educate people on Progressivism
Educate people on the Continental Congress
Educate people on State Rights
Educate people on America’s Last Hope “the County Sheriff”
Educate people on our Constitutional Crisis
Educate people on our Monetary Crisis
Educate people on Judicial Procedure
Unite people across the state/country to become committeemen
We have on line support, educational material and
classes. Plug in to us, you cannot trust the BOE!
Bulletin board Forum
NY Lawsuit
History of Progressivism
Presentation Calendar
Continental Congress 09
How to File a petition
Who is Ron Paul
Petition Walking Lists
America’s Last Hope
States Rights
Election District Maps
Constitution Class
And much much more
Liberty Links
100’s of Videos
Between these two sites we have
100’s of Documents
Up to date news
Extremely important Documents on our site
Election Law
Election Calendar
Articles of Freedom
Robert Rules of Order
History of the Committeeman
Our plan to save our republic
Founding documents
Washington's "Farewell Address"
Article 2 committeeman organization chart
Have we lost our way (a freeman's position on torture)
Proposed State Resolution
Meetings where and how
What we should and should not be doing
Proposed NYS party rules
Proposed outline for county rules
Legalese on the nomination of "Member of the County Committee"
Norman Dodd's Interview & Report to the Reese Committee
And Now For
The Only Peaceful Solution
In 1796 George Washington, in his farewell address, warned us
that “through the course of time cunning, ambitious, and
unprincipled men would subvert the power of the people and
seized for themselves the reins of government through private
Parties will destroy the very engines which have lifted them to
unjust dominion [the committeeman process]
Parties are destructive to the regular deliberation and action of
the constituted authorities
Parties open the door to foreign influence and corruption, thus the policy and the will
of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.
…serves to organize division …will ruin public liberty …stifles, control’s and represses
…foment occasional riots & insurrection …kindle animosity of one part against another
…puts in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party,
… agitates the community with ill founded jealousies & false alarms
…works to undermine the Constitution which could not be directly overthrown
…serves to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration.
…drives the spirit of revenge
…leads to despotism
Parties are truly your worst enemy
George Washington
THE GATE KEEPER - In 1909 election law §21 “No
organization or association of citizens for the election
of city officers shall be deemed a political party”
In 1911 §21 was struck & Article 2 was inserted and the (sub) committee was
created (Town Committeeman) entitled MEMBER OF THE COUNTY COMMITTEE
Some decades ago a minority of people in power at the BOE and both Associations
expunged the Committeeman and implemented the façade we see today as the
Democrat and Republican Party.
Election Law Article 2 provides power for the PRIVATE ASSOCIATIONS to legislate
by party rules, including rules like removing a member for disloyalty.
The Town Committeeman is a sub committee created by corrupt committeeman
decades ago there-fore serves at the pleasure of the committeeman
Designating Titles
And Election Law
“Member of the County Committee”
§6-118 the nomination of a candidate for
§6-108 … “members of the county
Empowered by the law and answers only to
the people
Empowered by party rules and answers to
party bosses
Votes for every candidate, meets in the
county seat, “no proxy votes”
Is an Advisory committee & meet in Towns
election to a party position to be elected
at a primary election shall be by
designating petition:
Can be removed from office by the people
for not doing the will of the people
We need to Jump start
the Law to Take Back
the Republic
committee” from a town …, shall be
nominated at a primary election …
Can be removed from seat by the party
bosses for not doing the will of the party
The great facade & conduit
of evil that train candidates
to be corrupt from the start
if they are not corruptible
they rarely get the party
The purpose of the Committeeman Is
To Guard Liberty
● By choosing candidates that are statesmen and not politicians
● By presiding over the elections
● By counting the vote
● By visiting our Legislators to demand constitutional obedience
The purpose of the legal but
un-Constitutional Article 2 Committeeman is:
To build a façade no different then that of the Federal Reserve
To seize control of our government
To create political parties to divide We the People
To provide for lobbying in order to disenfranchises We the People
To empower corrupt politicians
To promote political correctness to facilitate communism
To destroy our Republic
To destroy our Constitution
To look legal, but it isn’t
To look like it has authority, but it doesn’t
To look like the participants are elected, but they aren’t
To look like the people are ruling, but they aren’t
To facilitate the new world order
In 1911 exactly as President Washington warned “cunning, ambitious, and
unprincipled men” enabled by the perversion of election law through the
legislation of Election Law Article 2 subverted the power of the people and
usurped to themselves the reins of government and did destroyed the very
engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion”. These people dominate
both political parties and are known as Progressives.
Progressive legislators in collusion with other collaborators at the Board of
Election and both parties secretly orchestrated the creation of these political
private associations known to us today as the Republican and Democratic
This was a direct assault upon our Republic and set the stage for the
perversion of the office designed to be the closest to the will of the people, the
“Committeeman” and placed the entire direction and control of our country into
the hands of a few people whose intent is to destroy our Constitutional
In order to pull off their scheme they needed only to covertly do THREE
THINGS, empowered by Article 2, over a period of time:
(1) They changed the titles from “Committeeman” to “Members of the County
Committee”! And since the controlling powers prepare all the designating
petitions for their victims this was a simple exploit.
(2) They oscillated the power by changing half the NY counties to an odd year
election, this way the committeeman was always met by an existing top down
power structure, not unlike the communist party.
(3) They created the necessary party rules, over time, to control everyone.
The execution of these three things simply accomplished the expunging of the
elected committeeman, and today there is not one cognizant elected
committeeman to be found in NYS, and it also legally, but unconstitutionally,
placed total control of our election system into the hands of these criminals
while they wait for the election of committeemen that will never come because
they erased him from the memory of the people.
Because the language for the election of the long forgotten
“committeeman” continues in the present law [§ 6-118] and the
rights of the people are secured by natures God under common
law and both our NYS and US Constitutions, a resurrection of the
Committeeman is possible and is the only peaceful way to save
our Republic.
We need only to do THREE THINGS:
(1) Elect a few committeemen in each county across NYS and
after the election fill all the vacant committeemen seats by
appointing liberty minded people.
(2) Win declaratory judgments against the BOE and both parties.
(3) Because “Article 2 Committeemen”, by the same law, was
appointed by elected committeemen long gone and empowered
by rules alone we need only dismiss the Article 2 Committeemen
by court order.
The Only Peaceful solution
Once the truth is revealed it “cannot” survive the light of day
The Revolution has reached its tipping point and is teetering
We are in the midst of the perfect storm and depending upon which
way the wind blows will determine our destiny, a “new world order” or
the re-founding of our “Republic”
The grass roots are organizing in all 3141 counties across the 50
states and poised for a direction
The “ONLY SOLUTION” is to take back the “reins of power”
By becoming a Committeeman and exposing the truth
"Those Who Forget History Are Doomed to Repeat It"
● We must learn our Constitution and teach our children.
● We must require our schools to teach the committeeman process.
● We must require our schools to teach how to access our legal system.
● We must require our schools to teach true American history.
● We must nominate “Statesmen” and not politicians for political office.
"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become
corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
Benjamin Franklin
Phil 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things
are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if
there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
We need to stand up and Take Back the Republic!
“We in America do not have government by the
majority. We have government by the majority
that participate”
Thomas Jefferson
We need to understand the History of Progressivism!
“Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.”
Edmund Burke
We need to know the founders and our Constitution!
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what
never was and never will be.” [Thomas Jefferson]
We need Organization & Communicate
Is Now up to YOU!