Circle Justice - Trimble County Schools

Circle Justice
A brief overview of Circle Justice
The Circle Justice is a way of dealing with
the people in the community who broke
the law.
It was created to keep the community
balanced and to keep people safe.
A sentencing circle's aim is to
shift the process of sentencing from
punishment to rehabilitation and
Circle Justice
Goals of Circle Justice:
● Goals of Justice:
● Provide a sense of justice.
● Reduce crime.
● Reduce cost
Circle Justice
The Tlingit Indians and other Native
Americans use this form of justice to help
criminals live and lead better lives. They
have used circle justice since 1995.
 They use Circle Justice in Ben Mikaelsen's
story “Touching Spirit Bear” to try and
help a troubled teen by sending him to an
Why use Circle Justice
Everyone in the circle is equal. The only
person that can speak is whoever is
holding the feather.
 Circle Justice focuses on healing the
offender, victim, and community where,
retributive justice focuses on punishing
the offender.
 The meetings are opened and closed by
the Keeper.
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Examples of sentences include community
service, referral to special programs such
as anger management, peer counseling,
counseling for the offender and their
family, curfew rules
restitution/compensation (I.e. replacing a
 that they broke).
 Jail is a last resort.
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