Japan Returns to Isolation

Japan Returns to Isolation
World History
May 2013
New Feudalism Under Strong Leaders
Civil War shattered Feudal
system (1467)
Centralized rule ended
Local lords began to rule and a
violent era of disorder followed
“Warring States” Period
Powerful samurai that took
control of old feudal estates
Offered peasants protection in return for loyalty
Built castles, established armies
Often fought each other for territory
Tokugawa Shogunate Unites Japan
Shogun: a hereditary military dictator of Japan, from
Defeated his rivals at the BATTLE OF SEKIGAHARA
Impressive victory… daimyo across Japan now
respected him
Moved capital to Edo
All daimyo had to live there every other year… if
they wanted to leave they had to keep their family
in Edo as hostages! (Alternate Attendance Policy)
Rule of Law
overcame Rule
of the Sword
Life in Tokugawa
Very structured
Ruler = shogun, military commander
Peasants = 4/5 population
Spiritual Influences
Confucian values influenced society
EXCEPT… according to Confucius the
ideal society depends on agriculture and
farmers should be respected…
NOT SO in Tokugawa (farmers
pay heavy taxes and have a
harder life)
Rural  Urban society
Edo (capital) grows a population over
1 million
More employment opportunities for
However, most women still lived
sheltered & restricted lives, caring
for children and obeying her
 Traditional entertainment continued (ceremonial noh
dramas)– see an example of this here:
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o--VbWf6M0c
 Haiku: 5-7-5-syllable, 3-verse poetry
 Example:
On a journey, ailing–
My dreams roam about
Over a withered moor.
 Matsuo Basho
Pop Quiz
How would the “alternate
attendance policy” restrict the
How is Matsuo Basho’s haiku
a poem about death?