 Concept list 5 is due Thursday, March 10th.
 Forum post 5 (The Non-Violence Framework) is due Friday,
March 11th at 12pm.
 Quest 4 will be on concept list 5 and why Egypt matters.
 Current event reports on Thursday and Friday.
Daniel Rodriguez
Fidel Salinas
Jeremiah Mares
Gerardo Mares
• Explain
whether you
would or would
not take the
vows to march
with Gandhi.
Which vow
would struggle
to uphold?
 The belief that violence can bring about positive
change through violent or negative means .
 Example
The United States invaded Iraq and removed Sadahm
Hussein from power under the assumption that
violence must be used to bring democracy to the
people of Iraqi.
 The belief that positive change can only occur when positive
means are used.
 They are not pacifists. Pacifism Gandhi observed that "Passive
resistance, unlike nonviolence, has no power to change men' s
hearts." Pacifism taken to an extreme means not resisting evil.
 Non-violent resistance is something fundamentally different to
pacifism. Non-violent resistance is based in carrying out an all
out struggle against injustice without using violent means.
 Examples
 Nelson Mandela in South Africa, MLK in the Civil Rights, and
Gandhi in India.
Log the following clip in your video source graphic
History of Non-Violence Part 1
Unit: North African Revolutions
Theme: Non-Violence
Thread: Worldview
What Made Non-Violence Work?
 Concept list 5 is due tomorrow.
 Current events report
 Jeremiah Mares
 Jerry Mares
The following video can be used as a DBQ source and
must be logged using your video source graphic
Non-Violence Speech by Gandhi
Unit: North African Revolutions
Theme: Non-Violence
Thread: Worldview
What Made Non-Violence Work?
 Concept list 5 is due today. It can be turned into tomorrow
for half credit.
 Forum post 5 is due tomorrow by 12pm.
 (Non-violence Framework)
 Thursday and Friday will be used to analyze DBQ docs.
Monday will be dedicated to DBQ in-class essay.
Current Events Presentations
 Jeremiah Mares
 Jerry Mares
The following video can be used as a DBQ source and
must be logged using your video source graphic
First Nelson Mandela Interview
Unit: North African Revolutions
Theme: Non-Violence
Thread: Worldview
What Made Non-Violence Work?
 Homework: MWH Tweet 3 is due by Monday, March
14th by 12pm.
 Today is our last day to analyze DBQ docs.
 Monday will be dedicated to DBQ in-class essay.
Current Events Presentations
 Khalid Smith
 Daniel Rodriguez
 MWH Tweet 3 for homework due by tomorrow at
 Concept List 6 due on Thursday, March 17th.
 Forum Post 6, which "Egypt, MLK and Non-violence"
due by Friday, March 18th at 12pm.
 Read the background essay located on page 307.
 Take at least a half page of notes by pulling out the
most important information.
 Determine the non-violent leader you wish to study.
 Select 3 documents to analyze using AP PARTS for
each one. Make your write down the citation for essay.
 Gandhi documents: A, D, G, M, P
 King documents: B, E, H, K, N, Q
 Mandela documents: C. F, I, J, O, R
 All of your notes will be used for the writing
assignment on Friday.
 Remember:
 You are proving why the non-violence movement of your
choice worked.