Unit 2 Thinkers U.S. History

Unit 2 Thinkers U.S. History
1. Homesteader: Farmer
Muckraker: Journalist
2. How did the 17th Amendment give more
political power to the individual voter? Direct
Election of Senators
3. What was the most important effect of the
progressive era?
Reforms of initiatives, referendums and recall.
• 4. What is the theory behind the Sherman
Antitrust Act?
• 5. Fill in the Blank
– Social Darwinism: __________________
– Nativism: Birth to the KKK
– Red Scare: Deportation of Communists
• 6. The issue of unemployment and declining
wages on the West Coast led to what foreign
Unit 2 Thinkers U.S. History
• 7. All of the following are true about the Federal
Reserve Act of 1913
– created the central banking system in the U.S.
– granted legal authority to issue legal tender
– created a system that still regulates U.S. monetary policy
• 8. John Muir : ____________ :
• Upton Sinclair : ____________
– National Parks Service
– Pure Food and Drug Act
• 9. How did the writing of W.E.B. DuBois affect
American society?
– It pushed Americans to think differently and act differently
towards African Americans.
Unit 2 Thinkers U.S. History
• 10. The activism of Susan B. Anthony impacted American
government because it led to the passage of the—
• 11. Which of the following amendments would Alexander
Hamilton, a strong federal government advocate, MOST
have supported?
– 16th, 17th, 18th, or 19th
• 12. What was the first large scale effort of the U.S.
government to regulate business for the public good?
• Answers:
• 10. 19th Amendment- Women’s Suffrage (Right to Vote)
• 11. 16th Amendment- Income Tax
• 12. Interstate Commerce Commision
Unit 2 Thinkers U.S. History
• 13. What could account for a change in rural
and urban populations during a time period?
• 14. Put the following President’s in
Chronological Order:
– Theodore Roosevelt
– Woodrow Wilson
– Howard Taft
• 15. Urban Social Reform in the 1800’s most
associated with what person?
Unit 2 Thinkers U.S. History
• 16. Many progressives hoped to make
American government better able to serve the
people’s needs by making government
operations and services more efficient and
• 17. What might have been an unintended
consequence of progressive’s attempts to
streamline the government?
• 18. Industrialism.
Unit 2 Thinkers U.S. History
• Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress assembled, That all noncitizen Indians born
within the territorial limits of the United States be, and they are hereby,
declared to be citizens of the United States: Provided, That the granting
of such citizenship shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the
right of any Indian to tribal or other property.
– American Indian Citizenship Act, 1924
• 19. Why would the above act have made some American Indians question
its motives?
• 20. What Political party is described below?
Established in 1890s
Members were mostly southern and western farmers
Mainly opposed banks, railroads, and upper classes
Efforts resulted in hurting AfricanAmerican suffrage
• 21. The Progressive Era being identified as a ____________ in U.S. history
because it had all of the following:
– The distinctive feature of reform that is present throughout the time period
– a set of prominent historical events that changed society
– economic activity that is significant in the time sequence
Unit 2 Thinkers U.S. History
• 22. What methods were used to gain voting
rights for women?
• That was the Last Unit 2 Thinker. We will test
on Tuesday next week.