Rutherford B.Hayes

Kaleb Gunter
Mr. McCaskil
Rutherford B. Hayes
Born in Delaware, Ohio on October 4,
 Parents were Sophia and Rutherford
 Father died before he was born
Brother, Lorenzo, and sister, Fanny
 Lorenzo died at age of 9
Was nicknamed “Rud”
Attended Norwalk Boarding School
 At 14 decided he was ready for college
 Mother didn’t allow him to go
 He continued his studies at home
In 1837 he left home to attend Isaac
Webb’s Preparatory School
Excelled at Webb’s School
 Wanted to attend Yale
 Mother said he should attend Kenyon
 Rud went to Kenyon College at age of
Was a leader in college
 Elected president of the Philomathesian
○ Literary and Debate Society
Obtained law degree from Kenyon
As a Lawyer
Formed law partnership with Ralph
 Moved to Cincinnati for better cases
Hayes loved to travel for cases
 Moved to Texas in 1848
“Great Step of Life”
Met Lucy Ware
Webb, age 16
Married December
30, 1852
Moved in with Lucy’s
Lucy gave birth to
first child in
November 1853
As a Union Soldier
Hayes signed up for service for North
 Joined 23rd Ohio Regiment
 Soon became an officer
 Military life suited Hayes
On September 10th, 1861 Hayes saw
battle for first time
 Led 4 companies to fight Confederates
on hills of Carnifax Ferry
As a Union Soldier
Forced the Confederates across Gauley
 After the fight he was ordered to serve
as a judge advocate (a military lawyer)
Governor Hayes
Friends in Ohio urged Hayes to run for
Governor in 1867
 Nominated as a Republican
 He was sure he would lose
 Won the election by narrow margin
Governor Hayes
Sworn in as governor on January 13,
 Did not carry much power as governor
 Limited Hayes’ ability to shape policies
 He appointed judges and members of
boards of directors for colleges
 Active in national politics
Governor Hayes
Ran for Republican nominee in
presidential election in 1868
 Lost to Ulysses S. Grant
As governor he was up for re-election
 Served a 2nd term as Ohio Governor
Retired as Governor on January 8, 1872
Election of 1876
On June 14, 1876, delegates got
together to see who was to be next
Republican candidate
 After 5 ballots Hayes became nominee
for Republican party, William Wheeler
was the Vice President candidate
 His opponent, Samuel Tilden, was tough
for Hayes to defeat
 It was a heated campaign
Election of
called for reform of civil
•Called for protection of rights for
African Americans
•Said he would only serve one term if
• This meant that no one could
accuse him of handing out
jobs or political favors, this
was the background for his
Election Dispute
Election day was
November 7, 1876
Hayes really didn’t
care if he won or not
When the
Republicans counted
the votes Hayes won,
when the Democrats
counted Tilden won
In January of 1877,
Congress set up a
special Electoral
 Had 15 members
Election Dispute
Hayes was declared president on March
2nd, 1877
 Hayes wrote in his journal saying, “…we
were wakened to hear the news…that I
was declared elected!”
 Hayes became the 19th President of the
United States of America
President Hayes
In inaugural address,
Hayes said that the
“time has come” for
southern states to
govern themselves
without military
In April of 1877 he
ordered all federal
troops out of the
Reconstruction was
finally over
President Hayes
Hayes had strong views of the economy
 Believed the gold standard was key to
strong government
○ Thought government should only have as
much paper money as it had gold in its vaultsthe Gold Standard
○ He believed this policy led to paper money
that was worth less than stated value
 This made people lose confidence in
nation’s money supply
President Hayes
He struggled with every little thing with
the Democratic Congress
 Congress wanted to get rid of Civil warera laws
 Hayes was against the bills
 Hayes kept his promise and left after the
his first term
 Returned to Ohio to spend time with the
Lucy and his children
In June of 1889 Lucy Hayes died
 On January 17, 1893, Rutherford B.
Hayes died at age of 70
Works Cited
Grey, Ronald. “Hayes of Wisdom.” StudioPress. N.p.,
2011. Web. 24 Feb. 2011.
Hayes/Wheeler Campaign. N.d. Main. Web. 20 Mar. 2011.
Levy, Debbie. Rutherford B. Hayes. Minneapolis: TwentyFirst Century Books, 2007. Print.
“Political cartoon showing Hayes prevailing in disputed
Election.” Cartoon. Presidential Center. N.Y. Daily
Graphic, 1877. Web. 20 Mar. 2011.
“Rutherford B. Hayes.” N.p., 2011. Web. 20
Mar. 2011. <>.