Kabinet van de decaan

Kabinet van de decaan
Uw kenmerk contactpersoon Benny Vlerick ons kenmerk datum 01 december 2014 e‐mail phd‐lawfaculty@ugent.be tel. en fax T +32 9 264 97 15 F +32 9 264 69 99 Geachte heer, Geachte mevrouw, De heer Guillaume Van der Loo verdedigt zijn doctoraat in de rechten op woensdag 17 december 2014 om 17u in de Aula (voldersstraat 9, 9000 Gent). U bent van harte welkom. Titel van het doctoraat: “The EU‐Ukraine Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area: A New Legal Instrument for EU Integration without Membership? ". De promotoren van het proefschrift zijn prof. dr. Peter Van Elsuwege en prof. dr. Jan Orbie. De heer Van der Loo licht zijn doctoraat als volgt toe: "The EU‐Ukraine Association Agreement is one of the most anticipated and controversial international agreements ever signed by the EU. This agreement sparked in November 2013 an unprecedented chain of events that had a major impact not only on the domestic scene in Ukraine but also on the security and peace in Europe. Moreover, from a legal point of view, it is considered to be “the most ambitious agreement the European Union has ever offered to a non‐Member State”. Of particular significance is the agreement’s “deep and comprehensive free trade area”, which aims to integrate Ukraine into the EU Internal Market on the basis of legislative approximation. This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive legal analysis of the fascinating but complex EU‐Ukraine Association Agreement by exploring how, and to what extent, it integrates Ukraine into the EU and is a new legal instrument for EU integration without membership." U verneemt meer op de openbare verdediging. Deze verloopt in het Engels. U wordt vriendelijk verzocht om uw deelname aan de receptie, die u nadien wordt aangeboden, te bevestigen via Guillaume.VanderLoo@UGent.be. Met vriendelijke groet, Benny Vlerick Decanaat faculteit rechtsgeleerdheid Voldersstraat 3, 9000 Gent +32 9 264 97 15 Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid – RE51 – Kabinet van de Decaan
Universiteitstraat 4, BE-9000 Gent