Campaign Finance Disclosure for City Clerks

Campaign Finance
Reporting for City Clerks
2013 Election Workshop
The Idaho Sunshine Law:
Understanding the Basics
Idaho Code Title 67, Chapter 66
1974: Law enacted by state initiative—requires campaign
finance reporting by candidates for state elected office.
1982: Legislature extends the law to cover candidates for
mayor and council in cities over 16,000 population.
1991: All county elected officials brought under Sunshine Law.
2004: Legislature drops city threshold for campaign finance
reporting to 5,000 population and mandates reporting for
city ballot measures.
Campaign finance reporting is required for cities
with 5,000 or more population, including:
Boise, Nampa, Meridian, Pocatello, Idaho Falls,
Coeur d’Alene, Twin Falls, Caldwell, Lewiston,
Rexburg, Post Falls, Moscow, Eagle, Ammon,
Kuna, Hayden, Mountain Home, Garden City,
Chubbuck, Blackfoot, Burley, Jerome, Sandpoint,
Hailey, Payette, Rathdrum, Emmett, Middleton,
Weiser, and Rupert.
Why Does Idaho Require
Campaign Finance Reporting?
Improves transparency and accountability by
candidates, committees, and other persons and
groups involved in financing campaigns.
Enhances the ability of voters to make informed
Assists the media in reporting on candidates and
monitoring campaigns.
Who is Required to File Campaign
Disclosure Statements?
Political Committees.
Nonbusiness Entities.
Independent Expenditures.
Electioneering Communication.
When Does Someone Become a Candidate?
A person becomes a candidate when he/she:
 receives contributions or makes expenditures
or reserves space or facilities with intent to
promote his/her candidacy for office; or
 announces publicly or files for city office
(Idaho Code 67-6602(a)).
What is a Political Committee?
Any organization or group that:
 is specifically designated to support or
oppose any candidate or measure; or
 receives contributions and makes expen-
ditures exceeding $500 in any calendar year
for the purpose of supporting or opposing
one or more candidates or measures (Idaho
Code 67-6602(p)).
What is a Nonbusiness Entity?
Any organization or group that:
 does not have as its principal purpose the
conduct of business activities for profit; and
 received during the preceding calendar year
contributions, gifts or membership fees, which
in the aggregate exceeded 10 percent of its total
receipts for the year (Idaho Code 67-6602(n)).
Defining Independent Expenditures
Any expenditure by an individual/entity:
 for a communication expressly advocating
the election, passage or defeat of a clearly
identified candidate or measure, and
 that is not made in cooperation or
consultation with a candidate or political
committee (Idaho Code 67-6602(i)).
What is Electioneering Communication?
Any communication by television, radio, newspaper, billboard,
mailing, direct delivery, telephone, or otherwise distributed that:
– Unambiguously refers to any candidate; and
– Is made within 60 days before a general city election; and
– Is made available to an audience including voters for public office.
Does not include: media articles, editorials, letters to the editor,
editorial endorsements, or any communication which constitutes an
expenditure by a candidate/committee or independent expenditure
(Idaho Code 67-6602(f)).
Certifying the Treasurer
All candidates for mayor or council and
all political committees must certify a
treasurer before they start to campaign.
The candidate/committee cannot raise or
spend money until a treasurer is certified
(Idaho Code 67-6603(c)).
Who can serve as treasurer for a candidate/
 Any individual registered to vote in Idaho.
 A candidate may serve as his/her own
 A person may serve as treasurer for more
than one candidate/committee.
The treasurer is certified by the candidate or
political committee chairman on the C-1 Form,
available from the City Clerk.
When treasurer resigns, is removed or dies, the
candidate/committee chairman must certify a new
treasurer immediately.
No contributions may be received or
expenditures made until a new treasurer is
certified (Idaho Code 67-6603).
Duties of the Treasurer
Keep detailed, up-to-date accounts of
contributions and expenditures.
File the required reports in a timely manner,
reporting all required information.
Keep records for at least 1 year after the
election or filing of the last Campaign Finance
Disclosure Report, whichever is later.
Duties of the Treasurer, continued
Report the full name and address of any
individual/ entity contributing a total of more
than $50 during the calendar year.
Transmit anonymous contributions in excess of
$50 to the State Controller for deposit in the
public school fund.
Obtain a receipt or canceled check or an accurate
copy thereof for expenditures of $25 or more.
Duties of the Treasurer, continued
Notify City Clerk of any contribution of $1,000 or more
received from October 21, 2013 to November 2, 2013
on Form C-5 within 48 hours after receipt of the
Reporting by Candidates & Committees
Reports are filed on Form C-2, Campaign Financial
Disclosure Report, which includes:
– Summary Page
– Detailed Summary Page
– Schedule A: Itemized Contributions
– Schedule B: Itemized Expenditures
– Schedule C: In-Kind Contributions & Expenditures
– Schedule D: Loans
– Schedule E: Credit Cards & Debt
– Schedule E-1: Credit Card & Debt Itemization
– Schedule F: Pledged Contributions
48-hour Notice reports of contributions of $1,000 or
more are filed on Form C-5.
Reporting Contributions by
Candidates & Committees
 Itemized Contributions: Contributions must be listed
individually on Schedule A for every person/entity
contributing a total of more than $50 in the calendar year.
The report lists the date the contribution was received,
the name and address of the contributor, the amount of
the contribution and the contributor’s calendar year-todate total.
 Unitemized Contributions: Reported on Detailed Summary
Page with the number and total amount of all
contributions less than $50.
What is a Contribution?
 Monetary Contributions—cash or check.
 Loans—considered contributions even though the
candidate/committee intends to repay.
 Personal Funds/Property of the Candidate or their family
contributed to the campaign.
 In-Kind Contributions—goods/services provided to the
candidate/committee for less than fair market value.
 Promised Contributions—whether or not legally enforceable
(Idaho Code 67-6602(c)).
Reporting Expenditures by
Candidates & Committees
 Itemized Expenditures: Expenditures of $25 or more are
listed individually on Schedule B. The report lists the
date of the transaction, the name and address of the
recipient, the purpose of the transaction and the
 Unitemized Expenditures: The total number and amount
of expenditures of less than $25 is reported on the
Detailed Summary Page.
Reporting In-Kind
Contributions & Expenditures by
Candidates & Committees
The treasurer must report:
– Name and address of the person/entity making
an in-kind contribution, the amount, the
purpose, and calendar year-to-date total for
the contributor.
– Name and address of the recipient of the
Contribution Limits
Contribution limits apply on a per-election basis.
Contributions from the candidate are not limited, but must
be reported.
The candidate’s spouse and other family members ARE
subject to contribution limits.
Loans count toward the contribution limit, and
repayments reduce the amount of the contribution.
Loans may not exceed the contribution limit.
Contribution Limits for Candidates for City Elected Office
(Idaho Code 67-6610A)
Aggregate Monetary and
In-Kind Contributions From
To Municipal Candidate or
Committee Organized on
Candidate’s Behalf
(*other than candidate)
Per General City Election
Corporation, PAC, or
other Recognized Legal Entity
Per General City Election
* Candidate contributions unlimited to own campaign.
2013 Reporting Dates for
Candidates & Committees
General Election: Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Type of Report
Oct. 10 Pre-General
Period Report Covers
Date Report is Due
Cert. of Treas.- Sept. 30
Oct. 10, 2013
7-Day Pre-General
Oct. 1 – Oct. 20
Oct. 29, 2013
48 Hour Notice
Oct. 21 – Nov. 2
30-Day Post-General
Oct. 21 – Nov. 15
Dec. 5, 2013
Annual (2013)
Nov. 16 – Dec. 31
Jan. 31, 2014
Within 48 hours after
receipt of $1,000
or more contribution
Inspection of Reports by the City
The City Clerk must:
 inspect each report within 2 days after filing.
 notify an individual who fails to file a report or files a report
that does not conform to law.
 notify an individual when a written complaint is filed with the
City Clerk alleging that a report does not conform to law or
has not been filed.
 examine all reports within 3 months after the election to
determine that they conform to law (Idaho Code 67-6615; 676616).
Penalties for Late Reports
$50.00 per day until the report is filed with the City
The City Clerk need not fine the person or entity if it
is determined the late filing was not willful and
enforce-ment of the fine will not further the purposes
of the act.
The fine must be enforced if a report is not filed
within 5 days after receiving written notice from the
City Clerk (Idaho Code 67-6625A).
Citizen Complaints
Any registered voter may file a complaint with
the City Clerk if he/she has reason to believe
that a person has violated the Sunshine Law.
Complaints must be filed on Form L-5.
The City Clerk will thoroughly investigate all
complaints (Idaho Code 67-6615; 67-6623).
Campaign Attribution on Advertising
The candidate or political committee must clearly indicate
on all signs, brochures and radio, TV and newspaper ads
who is responsible for the advertisement.
 Example: “Paid for by John Smith for City Council—
Joe Greene, Treasurer” (Idaho Code 67-6614A).
 Exceptions: campaign buttons, bumper strips, pins,
pens, & other small items upon which a disclaimer
cannot be conveniently printed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Can a treasurer accept corporate or
union contributions?
Answer: Yes. The Sunshine Law in no way
restricts the ability of a corporation, union, or
any other organization or entity to give a
candidate or political committee money, goods
or services—Idaho Code 67-6602(o).
Question: Is there a limit on how much money a
candidate or political committee can receive
other than personal funds of a candidate?
Answer: Yes. Contributions from individuals,
corporations, PACs and other entities to
candidates for city office cannot exceed $1,000
per election—Idaho Code 67-6610A.
Question: Is there a limit on the amount
of personal funds a candidate may
contribute to their own campaign?
Answer: No. The limits set forth in Idaho
Code 67-6610A are not applicable to a
candidate’s personal funds.
Question: Are limits applicable to
contributions from a spouse or other
family members?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Are “in-kind” contributions subject to
the contribution limits?
Answer: Yes. In-kind contributions of goods/
services are reported at fair market value. The
total of in-kind contributions, monetary
contributions and loans from a single
contributor may not exceed the contribution
limit (Idaho Code 67-6610A).
Question: Must funds expended by a candidate
in support of their own election be reported?
Answer: Yes. All personal funds expended by a
candidate in support of their own election must
be reported (except payment of candidate filing
fee)—Idaho Code 67-6602(c) and 67-6612.
Question: If a PAC pays printing costs for a candidate, how is
this be reported?
Answer: On Schedule B of the C-2 form, the PAC lists the
printing business as the recipient of the expenditure, as well as
the purpose of the expenditure, the date and amount.
The candidate reports the in-kind contribution on Schedule C of
the C-2 form, listing the PAC as the contributor, the printing
business as the recipient of the expenditure, the purpose and
the amount of the expenditure.
Question: If the candidate purchases meals with his/her own
funds, may he/she be reimbursed from campaign funds?
Answer: Yes. The transaction should be shown as follows:
(1) On Schedule C of the C-2 form, the candidate is listed as
the contributor, the restaurant as the recipient of the
expenditure, with date of the transaction, the amount and
purpose of the expenditure.
(2) When the campaign reimburses the candidate, list the
candidate on Schedule B of the C-2 form, with the date of the
reimbursement, the amount and the purpose.
Question: Must a Campaign Financial Disclosure
Report be filed if there have been no contributions
or expenditures in the reporting period?
Answer: Yes. In that case, the treasurer must only
complete the first page of the C-2 form (Summary
Page). The treasurer would check the box in Section
III of the Summary Page that no contributions or
expenditures have occurred during the reporting
Question: Does the 48-Hour Notice requirement
pertain to contributions of a candidate’s personal
funds and in-kind contributions?
Answer: Yes. This requirement applies to all types
of contributions, including contributions from the
candidate’s personal funds, in-kind contributions
and loans.
Question: What date of receipt should be entered for a
contribution, the date on the check or the date the
treasurer received the contribution?
Answer: The date the treasurer received the contribution.
Contributions should be received by the treasurer rather
than the candidate. If the contribution is received by the
candidate, the date entered on the report should be the
date the candidate received the check.
Question: Can reports be faxed to the City
Answer: Yes. The treasurer is responsible for
ensuring the reports arrive at the City Clerk’s
office by the deadline. It is a good idea for the
treasurer to call the clerk’s office to confirm the
fax was received—Idaho Code 67-6607(e).
Question: Can a candidate/committee transfer
assets in order to earn interest?
Answer: Yes.
For example, if money is transferred
into a certificate of deposit, that transaction is not
shown on the campaign report since the money is
still considered part of the candidate’s assets.
Interest earned would be reported as a contribution
from the investment and any service charge as an
Question: Are there any restrictions on use of campaign
Answer: Yes. It is illegal for campaign funds to be
converted to personal use—namely any expense that would
exist independent of the campaign or a successful
candidate’s status as an officeholder.
Idaho law expressly prohibits use of campaign funds for
mortgage payments, country club memberships, vacations,
college tuition, tickets to sporting events and concerts, and
gym memberships.
Candidates may dispose of excess campaign funds by
donating to nonprofit charitable organizations—Idaho Code
Question: May the City Clerk grant extensions
for filing of reports?
Answer: No. The law does not grant the City
Clerk the authority to give extensions.
If the treasurer is unable to file the report, it
is recommended that the candidate or
political committee chairman file the report
on behalf of the treasurer.
Question: When can reporting be terminated?
Answer: Candidates/committees may discontinue
reporting only when a zero cash balance is reported (on
Line 6 of the Summary Page) and no further contributions
or expenditures are anticipated.
However, no candidate/committee may terminate
reporting prior to an election in which it is involved.
Termination is done by checking “Yes” under “Is this a
Termination Report?” on the Summary Page of the C-2.
Excess campaign funds may be transferred to
any nonprofit charitable, civic, religious,
fraternal, patriotic or veterans organization;
volunteer fire department; rescue squad;
school booster group; or parent-teacher
Any Questions?